Monday, December 31, 2007

Calling All Couples

In the name of The Most Benevolent & The Most Kind. He had set each and everyone of us with certain talents and skills. There are those who are good at playing skateboard and they are those who suck at it. Whatever skills you have, use it and don't let it come to waste.

The one talent which The All-Knowing had given to us is the ability to differentiate what is good and what is bad. In fact, He had given this special ability since we were around 7. All of us knew that stealing is bad. We can just tell if the food is edible or not. An average 7 year old kid would know playing with fire will cause harm or injury. As a kid, we were already equipped with the 'basic' skills that we need live. This in fact, helps us improve, develop and tame the basic instinct for the years to come to prepare us for challenges in the future.

The development of a child, if not, given proper monitoring and the appropriate input will often lead to an unwanted output for a family, a society, a country and the world at large. From an Islamic viewpoint, if a man was to marry, the first thing he needs to do before engaging into a marriage is to find a muslimah lady. A lady who has taqwa. Because our beloved Prophet Muhammad said that, "A man marries a woman because of 4 things, her wealth, her background, her beauty & her piety (iman), marry a woman who has piety, then you'll be safe".

What is happening in our society now is that people obviously have not yet improved, developed & tamed their skills as they obviously cannot differentiate what is good (halal) and what is good (haram). There are things which Islam allows and disallows. One of the things which Allah allows is marriage and He forbids 'coupling' (boyfriend and girlfriend). It is seen weird and bogus for a girl not to have a boyfriend or is seen seemingly strange for a boy not to have a girlfriend during his or her youth.

People in the West namely the US and European countries see having illegal relationship as something trendy coz 'if you're not in it then you're just not with it'. As slaves / servants of The All-Mighty Allah, we need to consider every aspect of every act. Do you think if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, Allah is glad? Do you think you feel that you have been 'blessed'? You may be happy with your current relationship now but do you think that you will be happy for the rest of your life? Think of this way...


The common belief is that Islam is only about praying 5 times a day, you perform sawm during month of ramadhan and so on. The five stilts of islam. A genuwine (genuine) practitioner of Islam should apply what's in the holy Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad in his / her daily activities. Such as, he would ask his friend not to waste time and hang out with non-muhrims or waste time talking about popstars, soccer heroes and the whatever? Another example would be to ask your friends and family to pray on time or attend speeches / lectures given by muslim scholars. This point here is, not only you want yourself to be good but you also want people around you to be good FOR ALLAH.

Obviously, not all of us have the ability to interpret what is good and what is bad. Alas, the rise of immoral acts in our family, in our society and in this world at large.

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Peringatan Kepada Orang Islam (2008 new year celebration)

Tahun 2004 telah menyaksikan sebuah kejadian yang sangat mengerikan dimana sebuah ombak yang berketinggian kira2 30 meter telah menghancurkan beberapa buah kawasan terutama sekali dikawasan Indonesia dan India. Banyak nyawa yang terkorban dan harta benda juga musnah disebabkan kejadian tersebut. Maha Suci Allah, Tuhan yang berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.

Banyak persoalan dan anjuran yang dibuat mengenai punca yang menyebabkan kejadian tersebut. Banyak ahli pakar mengatakan bahawa 90% daripada ombak tinggi tersebut berpunca daripada gegaran yang kuat (gempa bumi). Walauapa pun puncanya, kita sebagai orang islam yang sentiasa taat kepada perintah Allah hendaklah menyedari bahawa kejadian alam tersebut adalah disebabkan kemungkaran yang dilakukan oleh tangan manusia sendiri dan Tuhan ingin memberi 'sedikit' kesedaran kepada mereka yang masih hidup agar kembali kepada Allah. Kita boleh perhatikan bagaimana kaum2 terdahulu daripada telah dihancurkan oleh kejadian yang sama. Salah satunya ialah Kaum Nabi Nuh yang ditumpahi dengan banjir yang barangkali serupa dengan tsunami. Allah lebih mengetahui segala sesuatu.

Ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan menganiaya hamba2Nya melainkan merekalah yang menganiaya diri mereka sendiri. Di dalam kitab suci Al Qur'an terdapat beberapa petunjuk yang wajib kita renungkan [78: 6-7]. Dari surah tersebut, adalah difahami bahawa jika sekiranya gunung-gunung dan bukit bukau diratakan sama seperti kedudukan bumi, maka terimalah padahnya wahai orang yang membuat kerosakan!

Salah satu perkara yang kita perlu ambil perhatian ialah, secara kebiasaannya, kejadian-kejadian seperti gempa bumi, hujan ribut taufan dan sebagainya akan berlaku dimusim perayaan. Di waktu itulah kebanyakan daripada kita akan lalai daripada mengingat Allah kerana banyak daripada kita akan ikut sama2 lalai dengan 'pesta dunia'. Mati akan datang secara tiba2 dan tiada siapa yang tahu bila mereka akan kembali kepada Ilahi.

Disebabkan oleh kematian yang mengejut tadi, matilah kebanyakan mereka dengan keadaan yang tidak bererti seperti mati katak dan mati seekor nyamuk. Fikirkanlah wahai orang-orang yang mempunyai akal...

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santa is NOT real

Kids (non-Moslems)! Santa is not real. He is just like superman, spiderman and the rest of the clan. They are make believe characters created by your parents, medias, animators, non-muslims and your ancestors to fool you. The only difference is that his pants are not as tight (baggy pants) and have really long beards.

Grow up and get back to your real roots (Islam). The true and only superhero there is and will ever be is Prophet Muhammad who saved us from being our ignorance towards believing that there is only ONE God and that is ALLAH and Muhammad is His Messenger.

Even non-muslim parents are having a hard time explaining to their kids about santa. Click here about what parents say to their children. May Allah direct us all to the right path.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Such Waste

In the 'eyes' (view) of Allah, we are all similar but the one thing that differentiates us all is our 'taqwa' to Allah. Taqwa at its simplest can be defined as adhering to what Allah had instructed us to do and staying away from what has been forbade. Sounds like an easy job but most of us even have a hard time keeping up with their daily dosage of spiritual exercise, let alone keeping self away from talking about senseless things and keeping eyes, ear and hands away from sinful loathed acts. Allah said in the Qur'an:

Verily, (the ends) ye strive for are diverse. So he who gives (in charity) and fears (Allah), And (in all sincerity) testifies to the Best, We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Bliss. But he who is a greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient, And gives the lie to the Best, We will indeed make smooth for him the Path to Misery [92: 4-10]

Humans often see worldly materials and possessions as something that we used to judge others by. It can be seen, touched & used. Just like money. Everyone wants it because it has value, it can get us to places, it has a purchasing power and it is also to show how well-off a person is in a community.

The point of this is how our mind is led to believe that worldly materials are everything. Seeing is believing. That is how this world is shaping into. The unfortunate thing about this is, not only it has infected the minds of non-muslims but it has impacted the minds of muslims as well. Its like a contagious disease that will continue to spread until someone makes a stand.

As muslims, there are countless things that we can learn from the Qur’an and from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. In the Qur’an, it tells us to act in moderation, not to be selfish, greedy and not to be bewildered with the rapid development of non-muslim nations. Allah tells us that even though they seemed successful, but know that they will be flattened and will enjoy the greatest of pain. We only trust the words of Allah…

Are humans really stupid enough to be played by satan and his weak men? History has shown that people were in fact stupid enough to fall for lucrative instant bounty. If they only waited and kept their trousers on (patience), perhaps Allah might have guided them into the right (correct) path and helped them. It is mentioned in the Qur’an that humans are naturally hasty. Having this kind of attitude will only lead humans into undesirable end.

Only few seemed to care about what’s in the next life. These few believe in life after death, believing in good and doing sinful acts will be equally punished. So, there are two kinds during hereafter, those who will burn in hell and those blessed ones who will be enjoying themselves in paradise. It was mentioned in the Qur’an that majority of people will only show remorse after they see the depths of hell and the fiery of hell when its already too late. Such waste.

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Everyone..??

The ever changing trend of fashion, music and level of eagerness towards being 'accepted' in a group, society and the world at large has become so profound that it resulted in an adverse affect in the nation we live in. In a community, you are either a leader or a follower and when you are the leader, you will have a bigger role to play. The follower would normally follow instructions..

There will always be that someone who will be "in charge" of something. You could be a member of a tribe, triad or just a hype. Whatever it is, this leader will be responsible for its member's actions whether it be good or bad. The more subordinates you have, the popular but riskier you will be. In Islam, we follow our beloved Prophet Muhammad's steps as much as we can as he is our leader that will lead us to jannah. But for those who does not see Islam as a systematic and a properly assembled vehicle of life, even though these people are muslims, will most likely search for other venues to satisfy their greed, needs and heeds.

These venues are religions besides Islam, i.e. christianity, buddhism, jew and so on. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala had reminded His followers countless times NOT to follow things which are not prescribed within the teachings / laws of Islam because if you do, you will be doomed. In the Qur'an:

O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. [5: 51]

In another verse Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala mentioned in the Qur'an:

Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah, that is the (only) Guidance," wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor Helper against Allah. [2: 120]

Our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam stated in one of his hadeeth about how muslims should act towards the things which are "celebrated" by christians, jews and so on.

The one who imitates people other than us (i.e., in faith) is not from us. Do not imitate the Jews or the Christians” (Tirmithi). He who imitates a people will be from among them (on the Day of Judgement).” (Abu Daawood)

Clearly, muslims are being pulled into believing that there is other religion besides Islam but very slowly and sneaky. Otherwise, we won't see any "trees" being planted here and there, we won't see fake rain dears and fake snows. And we won't see any muslim kids /family so eager to be taken to "snowland" and so on and so forth. [To reflect what was said in the beginning of this article]. Everyone is trying their 'best' to fit in and get into the 'thrills and frills'.

The irony about this is that we don't see any decoration for any Aidil Adha celebration. None. The day when prophet Ibrahim a.s showed his willingness and obedience towards Allah Ta'ala to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail a.s just did not seem to make any muslims impress or even show any sympathy, except for some.

Perhaps, not many muslims realize the well-thought out strategy being deviced by non-muslims. And they (non-muslims) will not be happy until they have us all deviated from Islam. They all seemed to be enjoying their moments looking at muslims falling into their traps. Being paranoid, no! This is the harsh truth outside your window pane.

The words used should be fairly understood by a normal human and it does not take a scientist or a theorist to discover the hidden meaning of what it is being conveyed here. Its not that we need to adhere to what Allah and The Apostle had reminded us but we HAVE to follow them. Allah knows best!!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bridge Crossing

All Greatness, Beauty, Perfection and Supremacy are only for Allah who has created the heavens and the earth in six days. He has created men and jinns for one purpose only that is to serve Him and not to betray His orders. Our sincerest appreciations to Allah for His blessings and for His remembrance towards all of us, for giving us piety, insha Allah and Islam as our religion, the religion He only accepts and the ONLY “ticket” that will get us to paradise.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam once said:

"Verily the creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother's belly for forty days in the form of seed, then he is a clot of blood for a like period, then a morsel of flesh for a like period, then there is sent to him the angel who blows the breath of life into him and who is commanded about four matters: to write down his means of livelihood, his life span, his actions, and whether happy or unhappy. By Allah, other than Whom there is no god, verily one of you behaves like the people of Paradise until there is but an arm's length between him and it, and that which has been written over takes him and so he behaves like the people of Hell-fire and thus he enters it; and one of you behaves like the people of Hell-fire until there is but an arm's length between him and it, and that which has been written over takes him and so he behaves like the people of Paradise and thus he enters it." [narrated by Bukhari & Muslim]

During Day of Judgement, after all our “performances” have been weighed and all questions have been asked by THE Al-Mighty. Each and every one of us must cross The “bridge” which is known as “Sirat”. It is mentioned that this bridge is thinner than A hair and sharper than a knife. The difficulty level of crossing this bridge will wholly based on the person's piousness towards Allah. It was also mentioned that the thinness of the bridge is as thin as one (1) hair being divided into 7 layers. This bridge will be crossed over by all including The Apostle. There will be those who will cross the bridge as fast as a lightning, there will be those will barely make it across, some would fall down but suddenly saved and so on. It will in definite vary. Its up to us now to decide how we want us to cross it

Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished. But We shall save those who guarded against evil, and We shall leave the wrong-doers therein, (humbled) to their knees. [19: 71-72]

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

The funny thing is...

Imagine this happening to you.
One day during Jummah salah, a 1,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying sub-machine guns. One of the men proclaimed,
"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Allah remain where you are."
Immediately, the congregation fled, and out of the 1,000 there only remained around 20.
The man who had spoken took off his hood, looked at the Imaam and said "Okay Maulana, I got rid of all the hypocrites. Now you may begin your sermon, and the two men turned and walked out. Too deep not to pass on...
Funny how simple it is for people to trash Allah, and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe
what the newspapers say,
but question what
the Quran says.
Funny how everyone
wants to go to heaven
provided they do not have to believe,
think, say, or do anything the Quran says.
Funny or is it scary?
Funny how someone can say
I believe in Allah" but still follow Shaitaan (who,by the way, also"believes"in Allah).
Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire,
but when you start
sending messages regarding Allah, people think twice
about sharing.
Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely
through cyberspace, but the public discussion of
Allah is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can be so fired up for Allah on Friday but be an invisible Muslim the rest of the week.
Are you laughing?
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what Allah thinks of me.
Are you thinking?
Will you share this with people you care about?

Read On......

Letter to a Muslim Student (must read)

Sayyed Hassan Al Banna

[Hassan al Banna was born in 1906 in Egypt into a family of scholars. In 1928, he formed Ikhwan al Muslimeen (the Muslim Brotherhood organization). This movement for the revival of Islam soon spread across Egypt and the region. In December 1948, the Muslim Brotherhood organization was suppressed and thousands of its members arrested. Hassan al Banna was spared arrest only to be assassinated in February 1949.

Letter to a Muslim Student is the English translation of a letter that Hassan al Banna wrote to one of his students that was studying in the West.

The sincere advice contained in this letter is drawn from the perennial values and ethos of Islam. It reminds the addressee and indeed all Muslims that the first and foremost goal in a Muslims life is to please God and live in accordance to His sacred law. Also, it brings home that studying ought not to be an end in itself or for seeking material gain. A Muslim ought to excel in his or her study in order to work for Islam and benefit humanity.]

My brother in Islam (who may Allah guard and protect). I praise Allah for there is no god but Him. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad, who was sent as a mercy to all of humanity, upon his family, companions and on all those who hold fast to the Shariah until the Day of Judgement.

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you when you travel with a proper intention and a noble purpose, and when you return with a sound endeavor and to a dedicated cause.
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you as you serve Islam with the finest fruits of science and the best of knowledge.

Dearest brother, you will be amongst people you have not known before and characters you are not accustomed to. In you they will see the example of a Muslim. So make sure they see in you the best example and the finest image, in order for them to understand that the word 'Muslim' embodies virtue and nobility.

With you is a precious trust, that is your righteous wife, appreciate this. Towards her be a trustworthy companion. Provide her with comfort and happiness. Share with her felicity, without being careless in acquiring your rights and negligent in performing your duties.

Read these few words that are borne out of my love and sincerity for you, as an elder brother expressing for his brother and sister the best wishes and the happiest life.

1. O my brother, excel in your observance of Allah (swt) in all your dealings. Understand that He (swt) keeps watch over you, sees you and encompasses all that is of concern to you - wherever you are. He knows the treachery of your eyes and all that your heart conceals. Strive not to let Allah (swt) see you, except that He is pleased with you.

Do not be unmindful in your observance of the One (glorified and exalted is He), otherwise Satan will infiltrate you and you will be overcome by the whispers of your whims and desires. Believe, my dearest brother, that whenever a heart is conscious of Allah's observance, it will never be approached by Satan. However, once it departs from Allah's awareness, evil will be attracted to it and it will be inhabited by whims and desires. So, consolidate your heart with the observance of Allah and in vigil seek refuge from your surroundings and do not be among the unmindful.

2. Perform the obligatory duties which Allah has enjoined upon you, at their appointed times. Do not neglect them by relying on performing them at a later time, because you are busy with work or resorting to other excuses for justification. This is a deception of your own self and of your own whims:
And follow not desire that it beguile you from the way of Allah (Sad 38: 26).

Understand also my dearest brother that no one draws nearer to Allah with anything more beloved to Him than performing the obligatory duties as stated in the hadith of al-Bukhari. So be aware not to neglect your obligatory duties or feel lazy in performing them; they are Allah's right over you. Be steadfast in prayer and perfect your fast.

If you are in a state of complete inability to fast, then according to the saying of Allah (swt) you have a remission: ... For those who are capable of fasting (but still do not fast) there is a redemption: feeding a needy man for each day missed. Whoever, voluntarily, does more good than is required, will find it is better for him; and that you should fast is better for you, if you only know (al-Baqara 2: 184). But be aware not to take this verse as an excuse for falling short.
Fasting with hardship in the homeland of the West will earn you a valuable reward and be an asset to your account; it is pleasing to your Lord and righteous to yourself. So do not attempt to break the fast, unless you are unable to complete it. I need not advise you, any further, towards your obligatory duties, after all they are your capital. Can you imagine one who has wasted his capital, what will his state be amongst tomorrow's profit makers?

3. Spend whatever time you can in performing supererogatory works as duties of obedience. Perform the sunna prayers. Increase your appeal for forgiveness and the praising of your Glorified Lord. Remember, that ones supplication, during travel or in expatriation, will be answered; hence, increase your supplication in secret and in humility. Continue your remembrance of Allah (swt).

The Prophet (saw) advised Ali (ra) to continuously dampen his tongue in the remembrance of Allah. Do not abandon that path which leads you to nothing but duties and obedience, they are like an investment that multiply rewards. The remembrance of Allah amongst the unmindful nations is like a shining light. So make use of this time, for it is a season to harvest the rewards of the Hereafter, only for those who wish to seize the opportunities and benefit from such seasons.

4. Increase your recitation of the Glorious Quran with understanding and deliberation. It is a healing for the soul and a comfort to the heart. Designate from it a portion to read at the beginning of the day and a portion to read at the end of it, hence the best beginning and the best end.

5. In the delights of life and pleasures of the world, you will see that which inclines the heart, impresses the mind, attracts the eye and bewilders those whose spirits are weak. Do not let these seduce you away from virtue and cause you to forget the Hereafter:

Do not turn your eyes covetously towards the embellishments of worldly life that We have bestowed upon various kinds of people to test them. But the clean provision bestowed upon you by your Lord is better and more enduring. Enjoin Prayer on your household, and do keep observing it. We do not ask you for any worldly provision; rather, it is We Who provide you. The ultimate end is for piety (Ta Ha 20: 131-2).

Be aware my dearest brother that in the sight of Allah (swt) all these pleasures weigh not even the wing of a gnat and lead neither to honor nor virtue. They are nothing but the manifestations of whims and pitfalls of seduction. So be careful not to let Satan deceive you, otherwise you will plunge into the abyss of sin and corruption.

Always remember the words of Allah (swt): Men are naturally tempted by the lure of women, children, treasures of gold and silver, horses of mark, cattle and plantations. These are the enjoyments in the life of this world; but with Allah lies a goodly abode to return to (Al Imran 3:14). The Book of Allah recites these facts day and night. So do not be amongst those who favor the worldly life over the Hereafter, or amongst those deceived by the outward appearance of things without considering their essence.

All pleasures brought by contemporary civilization will result in nothing other than pain. A pain that will overwhelm their enticement and remove their sweetness. So avoid the worldly aspects of these people; do not let it take over your command and deceive you, if you are to be among the successors.

6. Dearest brother, what Allah has made Haram (unlawful) for us, those people consider it as Halal (lawful) for them. Hence, when they commit a Haram (unlawful) act, they will neither feel ashamed nor will they refrain from perpetrating it. You should neither agree with their whims nor mix with them in their sins. Otherwise, you will not be relieved from having to answer before Allah (swt) and it will not hold as an excuse on the Day of Judgment.

7. Do not take their girls for company, and do not let there develop between you and them, any special friendship or any emotional relationship. If this kind of socializing is a sin for those other than you, then it is a sin twice as great for you and you know well the meaning of this. Although you are known to us to be one that is trustworthy and decent, I have mentioned this to you, to caution you against the downfalls of sins so that your feet may never slip. And in your chastity let there be content and in your dignity let there be adequacy.

8. As for alcohol, do not approach it and do not use the climate as an excuse, because when Allah made it Haram (unlawful), He had full knowledge about all types of climate but did not exclude one country from another or one nation from another from this prohibition. Allah (swt) made it forbidden with neither doubt nor exception. So be aware not to let it occupy a part of your abdomen, otherwise it will remain as a black spot on its pure skin.

Be determined as much as possible before the first drink. Because once your mind is concealed by it, you will follow it by the second and third drink, whereby you will have fallen into a pit, difficult to escape from and will have incriminated yourself and others. then, even if you expiated this sin with repentance, you would still not match your original purity and superb credibility.

9. Do not taste anything in those restaurants which serve Haram (unlawful) food, like pork and dead meat. In that which is Halal (lawful) you have a substitute and enough for contentment. So do not taste the Haram (unlawful) and do not let your flesh grow on it, otherwise fire is what it deserves. Allah (swt) has prohibited that which is impure: . . .

He enjoins upon them what is good and forbids them what is evil... (al-Araf 7: 157). So leave that which is bad for that which is good.

10. As for casinos, night-clubs, and other such places of vanity, your time is far too precious to be wasted in them. I have looked into the saying, time is made of gold, and I do not approve of it. Time is far more precious than gold, for time is life. Is it not true that your life is nothing but a few hours and you never know when they will end? Dearest brother, be stringent with your time and do not spend it except in that which is significant, and acquire pleasure in that which is lawful.

In the heavens there is calmness and on the earth there is beauty. In the gardens there is freshness and in you there is a sign. In the sea there is might and in the air there is nourishment. Take from all this comfort for your soul and recovery for your mind. And do not waste your time by being unmindful, this will shield you from good and lead you to evil.

11. Be critical, with insight, and be just and well acquainted with people. Do not let your goodness draw you to forget their bad, and their bad hurt you to forget their goodness. Rather study them as would a researcher and an examiner. Encompass with knowledge all of their affairs, and then with an eye of insight, scrutinize it all. Present back the good that you find to your people and nation, and return with it victorious and supported. Other than that, throw it back on them and do not come back until you have dusted off your hands and emptied your mind of it all.

You will find there a group of people dishonoring your Prophet (saw), faulting your Quran and disgracing your people. Do not sit with such people, until they turn to a different theme, even if it is necessary for you to enter into a dialogue with them. Argue with them in the best manner. Explain to them the good that you know and avoid controversies that lead to hatred and sedition (fitnah).

Lo! You (O Mohammed) guide not whom you love, but Allah guides whom he will. And He is best aware of those who walk aright (al-Qasas 28: 56).

Dearest brother, be aware that calling the people through practical example is far better than calling them through speech. It is far more fruitful and beneficial to use your commendable character, the perfection of yourself and your straight manner to defend and call them to your religion and nation. Whenever an opportunity arises for you to deliver a speech or a lecture at one of their meeting places or societies, prepare yourself for it. Choose that which will not stir disorder and that which will not offend integrity. Do not be apprehended by their stance, because Allah's aid is with those who are sincere. Be positive and do not insult other people's beliefs instead, elucidate to them their innate goodness and reveal to them our beliefs. By doing so, you will have adequately promoted awareness and incentive.

Finally, and there is still so much for me to say and I would have loved to continue this advice with you, yet my concern is that if I prolong this discourse any more, you may forget most of what I have said; for over speaking does distract one from what is being said. For both of you then, may Allah raise you to be the best of the successors and may His safety accompany you.

May He protect both of you and return you in goodness, as is wishes by those who are sincere. I entrust to Allah your religion, your obligations and the outcome of your actions. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. Ameen


Read On......

Monday, December 17, 2007

Life is useless without vodka?

All praises are due to Allah who created the heavens and the earth. Without a doubt, there is no God but Him and our hopes, dreams and wishes are directed only to Him. He created stars so that humans can appreciate the beauty of it and to show directions to those who are lost at sea. Our mind, eyes and ears are made so that we can think about the things we lay our eyes upon and hear the serenity of the down pour and the subtle movement of the sky above. We hope not to deviate like those who had created god besides Allah and those who have / had allied Him. It is an easy task for Him to just crush us all but because of His Great Kindness, He has held His wrath so that those who have lost their can revive their path and those who have been blind can restore their sight and those who have been deaf can listen with their heart. He is such an awesome being that there is nothing on this earth that is comparable to Him. Allah, The Most Powerful created things tinier than atom and bigger than anything the mind can think of. He owns everything that is to see, to touch and to hear.

Prophet Muhammad is His loved one. He is the final messenger of Allah to bring back humans from a state of ignorance to a state of believing that "There is no God but Allah!!". We pray that Allah give His utmost blessings to Prophet Muhammad for the trial and triumphs he had to go through delivering Islam to the human race. We hope to see our beloved Prophet one day, if not in our dreams, insya Allah, during hereafter. We hope to sit with his circle of best friends. We hope that he will be there to grant us "syafa'at" when we needed one, insya Allah. We hope that his teachings and his prophecy will live on forever until the day this world crumbles into tiny bits of pieces. Just like crumbs.

We have seen many instances in the past where humans died due to their ignorance. Quranic verses had came to them but they just never listened and they kept doing what their great great ancestors have been doing. They kept thinking that what their ancestors were doing were good and that if they just keep it up, they thought this would bring luck and harmony. Instead, the only thing that came was a black cloud surrouding their area. Humans now cannot just live that way anymore, its just not sensible. We do pity those who are still blinded with the entertainments being brought from the West such as punks, airheads, and whatnots.

The pattern now is getting more apparent than ever. Everyone wants to be cool and be known by wearing trendy / skinny outfits that is almost similar to what musicians are wearing. Piercings here and there and miniskirts are countlessly noticable. Perhaps, we all have taken our religion, Islam, all too lightly. There is a huge difference between 'I'slam and 'i'slam. If someone was to ask you, "Which do you think is correct...Islam with a BIG i or Islam with a small i? The answer will probably blow your mind away.

Before anwsering the question, we think that it would be a swell idea to just get to know a bit about English grammar. Just like in any other word or sentence, you would use a capital letter at a beginning of a sentence and the rest would all be small letters. BUT, there are some cases where you would insert a capital letter in a middle of a sentence such as:

  1. He is a muslim.
  2. He is a Muslim.

Look closely and you will notice that the capital M has been bolded. This is to show the difference between the two. Now, in the second sentence, you will see that this sentence is to SHOW that the person's religion is Islam. However, for the first sentence, this is to show that not only this person's religion is islam but he is also doing how a muslim should. So the latter sentence is showing an ACT. Hence, an action of being a muslim. But for the 2nd sentence, the word islam will only appear when filling an application. Confused?

Generally, muslims nowadays are Muslims. Only on identity cards or passports but NOT in behavioral aspects. This intention here is not to condemned others but to show what is really going outside our house. We feel as if, we are going back to the days of ignorance. We know that the resources of islam is there but only few is trying to fully utilize it. What will the future hold for our children and grandchildren if we don't have that awareness and consciousness now? We fear that we all be in a great turmoil.

To sum up, while we were driving, we saw a diagonal sign cube stating that "life is useless without vodka". Mixed feelings went down our guts. Angry, sad & sorry. Angry because how can one produce such indecency. Sad because how daft the driver was or may be. And sorry that we had to see it to believe it. May Allah save us all from Day of Judgement and make us true / sincere muslims..

Read On......

Friday, December 14, 2007

Owned by zionist (Jews)

Don't be a sucker!

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2008???

Kuliah Maghrib yang disampaikan oleh saudara Zulkifli Nordin. Dibawah ini adalah intipati kuliah beliau yang sempat disalin.

Diantara lain, beliau mengupas ayat 120, surah Al Baqarah, mafhumnya:-

Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut ugama mereka yang telah terpesong itu). Katakanlah (kepada mereka): "Sesungguhnya petunjuk Allah ugama Islam itulah petunjuk yang benar". Dan demi sesungguhnya jika engkau menurut kehendak hawa nafsu mereka sesudah datangnya (wahyu yg memberi)pengetahuan kepadamu (tentang kebenaran), maka tiadalah engkau akan peroleh dari Allah (sesuatupun) yang dapat mengawal dan memberi pertolongan kepada mu.

Beliau juga menyebut hadith Rasulullah SAW yang berbunyi, lebih kurang :

UmatKu dilalaikan tanpa disedari seperti semut hitam diatas batu hitam dimalam yang gelap. Siang ia Islam, malam ia kufur; dan siang ia kufur, malam ia Islam. Yahudi & Nasarah yang tidak redha akan Islam kita akan menggunakan apa saja cara untuk menyesatkan kita. Sekarang mereka menggunakan cara yang begitu halus sampai kita sendiri tidak sedar yang kita telah mengikuti mereka. Tengok saja disekeliling kita ...

Contohnya,haribulan . Berapa ramai yang tahu bahawa cara tarikh Masehi ini ada kaitannya dengan tuhan mereka 21hb Ogos 2002 AD. Apa maksud AD dibelakang? Makna AD ialah "AnnoDomini" bahasa Latin yang bermaksud "Anno" ialah aku/saya dan"Domini" ialah tuhan dilahirkan. Jadi 21hb Ogos 2002 boleh diertikan sebagai"... beberapa hari setelah tuhan aku dilahirkan. Nauzubillah...Insaflah kita kerana secara halus kita mungkin termasuk dalam kategori umat Nabi Muhammad SAW seperti diatas. Sebab tulah kita dianjurkan supaya beristighfar selalu.

Bila sampai 31 Disember, berapa ramaikah umat Islam yang meraikan tahun baru?Tetapi sedarkah mereka bahawa telah difatwakan oleh Sheikh-ul-Azhar, Sheikh Tantawi, Sheikh Yusof Al-Qardhawi dan Ulama2 contemporary bahawa menyambut 31Dis. bererti menyambut ulangtahun hari jadi tuhan Yahudi & Nasarah? Bagi mereka yang tidak tahu, hukumnya fasik, tetapi bagi mereka yang tahu (kita sekarang sudah tahu) hukumnya ialah MURTAD. Nauzubillah.

Sesungguhnya yang baik itu adalah dari Allah S.W.T dan yang kurang sertasalah dan silap adalah dari kelemahan saya sendiri. Wallahualam. Dapatlah kiranya disebarkan, Insyallah kita semua akan diberikan hidayah'

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

This is permanent

In the name of Allah, The Most High, The Most Kind. There is nothing on this earth that can match Him, let alone fight Him. Our countless appreciations to Allah for the life He has given so far and for His Mercy. We repent on our past sins and we try as much we can to avoid all the factors which make us look grim during Judgment Day. We beg for Allah forgiveness every night and day and we try to be the most obedient slave on this temporary place as we can. There is nothing more special than being loved by Allah.

May Allah bestow upon Prophet Muhammad safety, dignity and health and place him in the ever highest position that has been promised to him. Similarly, for his ever-loving family for their supportive roles and for his loyal companions for their braveness and sacrifices. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad once said that the smartest amongst you are those who has the best attitude and the most useful amongst you are those who is the most beneficial to others. Let us pray to Allah that He will categorize us into this bunch.

Living life on earth will not only require basic instincts such as eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're sleepy and tickle if you're feeling fancy, but as muslims, we must equip ourselves with useful knowledge such as how to face temptations during performing sawm, when you sleep and when you are having a ball. There are countless things that Islam had taught its followers, in fact, those latter mentioned are too general for individual muslims to possess.

Every individuals are tied into a contract with Allah. You don't see Allah but Allah is definitely watching us. A contract is a legally binding exchange of promises or agreement between parties that the law will enforce. So, a mentally healthy normal human being can conclude that you have to follow what is in the terms and conditions and not break the agreement. Unfortunately, majority of us all over the world have somewhat forgotten the sacred promise made to Allah, even before birth. What happened...?

Maybe its the food we consumed, maybe its the friends we have or maybe we are just not being muslim ENOUGH. There could be many underlying factors that might have contributed to our sad dismay. In contrast, there are some muslims who are still trying to get the best of Islam. Meaning? They try to be the best amongst the best, not to be proud but to be appreciative towards Allah and to help as much as they can in helping to make this world a better place for all; humans, plant & trees, animals and the unseen. These people gives charity to the poor, those who are in need and those who battles (not necessarily war) in the name of Allah.

People in general, especially non-muslims have the perception that Islam is all about going to wars, muslims even. When our beloved Prophet Muhammad got back one of the BIG wars of Islam, one of his companion churned out a sigh of relief by stating that the war was finally over. Then, Allah's apostle said that the war that they just had was a small war and the greatest battle of all was against nafs (nafsu). Why is that? To elaborate, when a man is in a combat, there will always be a winner and a loser but a battle within yourself is a totally different kind of war.

A war against evil nafs (supported by satan) is an ongoing war that will continue until your last breath and this is difficult for those who are already in hot water (trouble). Islam is the solution to everything single problem that you are facing right now. This may sound like an overstatement for some but for the least, this is very true. Humans are in need of God and there is only one God and that is Allah.

In the Qur'an, Allah has mentioned that humans will naturally ask for help from Allah. For instance, an incident where a person was in desperate need of help. This happened somewhere in this world. What happened was this person jumped off a plane and tried to open his parachute but unfortunately after couple of tries, it still won't open, he finally decided to ask help from god. So, he basically asked every god there is (Allah is the only God) and his parachute still won't open. When he finally asked help from Allah, he parachute finally opened. Masya Allah. That how humans generally are but this is not to say that everyone is the same. Allah is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

The point of this incident is to only ask help from Allah as in Surah Al-fatihah. He controls every thing that moves, everything that walks, everything that flies and every action will have its consequence. Once who dies believing that there is another god besides Allah will be condemned in hell for eternity. That is why it is important to safeguard ourselves and our family from the depths of hellfire because it is the worse home anyone could ever have and its the most eeriest place to return to. The one thing for muslims need to remember is never lose hope on Allah because if you do, then, you act as if Allah does not exist.

You may think that you are in the most difficult situation and you may feel like everyone is against you and this world was crashing over you. Allah has mentioned in the Qur'an that each person is only 'tested' according to their capabilities. If we took this into another light, we will see that, unless he's a genius, it would not be appropriate if a 7 year old boy was to take an 'A' level exam because its not his level yet. Perhaps, the same thing can be applied to all life consequence. Remember, Allah knows what is best for us.

Thinking of killing yourself? If you are a muslim than you better think again because, not only you would die without a meaning on earth, you will be tortured in the most severest way during hereafter. If you are not a muslim, then, perhaps, you might as well but I do recommend you to think carefully before you jump off that cliff. Why? There is nothing for me on this earth you say? Well, remember that Allah is with you and if you try to learn and get to know Him more than perhaps, you will learn that life has a purpose. Sidetracking...

If a person was suddenly tested by Allah by taking away his loved ones or death in the family or suddenly his business isn't going well as planned or the stock price fell 200%, this person may decide to kill himself or inject himself with a lethal drug or just stand in the middle of the road and hoped that someone would run over him. This attitude is for those who has no piety (iman) inside), this goes for non-muslims as well as muslims. Even muslims? Yes, this is probably due to their lack of devotion to Allah, reliance besides Allah. If you just try to become attached to Allah, He will definitely help you when you are in need.

The conundrum now is, you only ask help from Allah when you are in need but not when you think you have everything you could ever wished for. If one asks for Allah's help during hard times and good, He will definitely be there for you. Think of this way, when you are healthy, you would pray to Allah that he would keep us healthy so that we can devote to Him better and when you are sick, you would still perform your duty as a muslim and you would pray to Allah that he would make us healthy. So, in both situations, we are in need of Allah. Simple innit? Allah is GREAT!!

In conclusion, as muslims, we try to renew our contract with Allah and try to follow what has been enacted in the initial agreement. By doing so, we can grasp the true meaning of living on earth and become more sensitive of our actions towards Allah, our family and the society as a whole. That way we will leave earth in good terms and will make us satisfied with the life during hereafter.

"Humans, they are made up of soil and will return to their natural form"

Read On......

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cinta SMS

Kisah ini datang dari lubuk hati saya sendiri, apa yang saya rasadan apa yang saya alami sendiri. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mengeluhapatah lagi mengingkari apa yang telah Allah s.w.t tetapkan kepada saya dan kita semua orang yang beriman dengan-Nya. Kisah ini saya khabarkan agar apa yang saya lalui tidak berlalu begitu saja tanpa saya kongsi dan tanpa saya rekodkan sebagai panduan bagi diri sayasendiri untuk hari-hari kemudian.

Saya sama seperti orang lain, punya keinginan untuk menyayangi dan disayangi. Walau bagaimanapun, tidak mudah bagi saya untuk jatuhhati pada seorang wanita. Saya tidak mencari seorang wanita untukdijadikan kekasih, tetapi saya mencari seorang teman pendampinghidup saya hingga ke akhir hayat saya. Seorang yang boleh mengingatkan saya kiranya saya terlupa, dan yang paling pentingwanita yang amat saya percayai untuk mendidik anak-anak saya kelakdan generasi yang akan lahir daripada keluarga kami nanti. Untukitu, sejak di bangku sekolah lagi saya telah letakkan beberapa syarat bagi seorang wanita untuk hadir dalam hidup saya, dan dialahorangnya.Dalam masa beberapa bulan saya belajar di sebuah pusat pengajiantinggi di Petaling Jaya, banyak perkara yang telah saya pelajari. Yang paling penting buat saya ialah, bagaimana saya mula mengenaliwanita-wanita dalam hidup saya kerana saya sejak dari sekolah rendahbelum pernah bergaul secara langsung dengan seorang wanita pun dansaya amat peka terhadap larangan pergaulan antara lelaki dan wanita kerana saya bersekolah di sebuah sekolah menengah agama lelakiberasrama penuh. Lantaran itu, saya tidak pernah punya hati untukmemberi cinta atau menerima cinta walaupun peluang itu hadirbeberapa kali.Saya mula mengenali si dia apabila kami sama-sama terpilih untukmengendalikan sebuah organisasi penting di tempat kami belajar.Ditakdirkan Allah s.w.t, dia menjadi pembantu saya. Dari situlahperkenalan kami bermula. Dia seperti yang telah saya ceritakan, bertudung labuh dan sentiasamengambil berat tentang auratnya terutama stokin kaki dan tangannya.Itulah perkara pertama yang membuatkan saya tertarik padanya. Dia amat berhati-hati dalam mengatur butir bicaranya, bersopan-santun dalam mengatur langkahnya, wajah yang sentiasa berseri dengan imandan senyuman, dan tidak pernah ke mana-mana tanpa berteman. Suaranyaamat sukar kedengaran dalam mesyuarat kerana dia hanya bersuaraketika suaranya diperlukan dan tidak sebelum itu. Saya melihat dia sebagai seorang mukminah solehah yang amat menjaga peribadinya danmaruah dirinya. Saya tidak pernah bercakap-cakap dengannya kecualidia punya teman di sisi dan atas urusan rasmi tanpa dipanjangkan-panjangkan. Saya seorang yang amat kuat bersembang dan sentiasa punya modal untuk berbual-bual seperti kata teman saya, tetapidengan dia saya menjadi amat pemalu dan amat menjaga. Bagi saya,itulah wajah sebenar seorang wanita solehah. Dia mampu mengingatkanorang lain dengan hanya menjadi dirinya, tanpa perlu berkata-kata walau sepatah.Pada hari terakhir saya di sana, saya punya tugas terakhir yangperlu saya selesaikan sebelum saya melepaskan posisi saya dan semuaitu melibatkan dia. Sebaik sahaja semua kerja yang terbengkalai itu siap, saya mengambil peluang untuk berbual-bual dengan dia. Sayabertanya perihal keluarga dan apa yang dia rasa bertugas di sampingsaya untuk waktu yang amat sekejap itu. Alhamdulillah dia memberikanrespon yang baik dan dari situlah saya mula mengenali dengan lebih dalam siapa sebenarnya pembantu saya ini. Namun, apa yang memangboleh saya nampak dengan jelas, dia amat pemalu dan dia amat kekoksemasa bercakap dengan saya. Selepas itu barulah saya tahu, sayalahlelaki pertama yang pernah berbual-bual dengan dia bukan atas urusan rasmi sebegitu. Di situlah saya mula menyimpan perasaan, tapi tidakpernah saya zahirkan sehinggalah saya berada jauh beribu batudaripadanya.

Semasa saya berada di Jordan, saya menghubunginya kembali dan menyatakan hasrat saya secara halus agar dia tidak terkejut.Alhamdulillah, dia menerima dengan baik dan hubungan kami berjalanlancar selama empat bulan sebelum saya balik bercuti ke Malaysia.Kadang-kadang saya terlalai dalam menjaga hubungan kami dan dialah yang mengingatkan. Dialah yang meminta agar kami mengehadkan mesej-mesej kami agar tidak terlalu kerap. Semua itu menguatkan hubungankami dan bagi saya dialah teman hidup yang sempurna buat saya.Walau bagaimanapun, sewaktu saya pulang ke Malaysia bulan lepas, ummi dapat menghidu perhubungan kami. Saya tahu ummi tidak berapasuka anak-anaknya bercinta tetapi saya tidak pernah menjangka ummiakan menghalangnya. Tetapi perhitungan saya silap, amat silap.Buat pertama kali, adik perempuan saya memberitahu ummi sudah tahu perihal saya dan ummi tidak suka. Saya tidak pernah menganggapnyasesuatu yang serius sehinggalah ummi bercakap secara peribadi dengansaya pada satu hari. Saya masih ingat lagi kata-kata ummi yang buatsaya tak mampu membalas walau sepatah. "I haven't found any entry in Islam that permit what you are doingright now. I haven't heard from anyone that love before marriage ispermitted. But I know there's no relationship between male and female except for what is very important and official between them.So, may I know what kind of relationship you are having now and Iwant to hear it from your mouth that it is legal in what you havebeen learning until now." "Not a single phrase, nor a word.""My sweetheart, if you want to build a family, a faithful one, youcan never build it on what Allah has stated as wrong and provenfalse by the way Rasulullah p.b.u.h has taught us. A happy andblessed family come from Allah, and you don't even have anything todefend it as blessed if the first step you make is by stepping intowhat He has prohibited. You can't have a happy family if Allah doesn't help you so, and you must know in every family that standsuntil their dying day, they have Allah on their side. You can'texpect Him to help you if you did the wrong step from the verybeginning." Saya tiada kata untuk membalas kerana semuanya benar. Saya tahukebenaran itu sudah lama dulu, tetapi saya tak mampu untuk melawankehendak nafsu saya sendiri. Saya akui, saya tertipu dengan apa yangdipanggil fitrah, dan apa yang dipanggil sebagai keperluan manusia. Cinta tak pernah membawa kita ke mana, andai cinta itu bukan dalamlingkungan yang Allah redha. Tiada cinta yang Allah benarkan kecualiselepas tali perkahwinan mengikatnya. Itulah apa yang telah sayapelajari lama dahulu dan dari semua kitab Fiqh yang saya baca, tiada satu pun yang menghalalkannya. Saya tahu kebenaran ini sudah lamadahulu, tetapi saya tidak kuat untuk menegakkannya. Saya tidak mampuuntuk menundukkan kemahuan hati saya. Dan kata-kata ummi memberikansaya kekuatan untuk bangkit kembali dari kesilapan saya selama ini. Ummi berkata:"It's not me who want you to make a decision like this, but Allah tells you so."Saya percaya, itulah yang terbaik buat saya dan dia. Dengan kekuatanitulah saya terangkan kepadanya, dan alhamdulillah dia faham. Amat faham. Walaupun air matanya seakan air sungai yang tidak berhentimengalir, tetapi dia tahu itulah yang terbaik buat kami. Dia memintamaaf kepada ummi kerana menjalinkan hubungan yang tidak sah dengansaya, tetapi ummi memberi isyarat, janganlah bimbang. Andai ada jodoh kamu berdua, insya-Allah, Dia akan temukan kamu dalam keadaanyang jauh lebih baik dari sekarang.Hidup saya sekarang lebih tenang kerana tiada apa yang menggusarkanhati saya lagi. Hidup saya lebih suci dan saya boleh bercakap kembali tentang agama saya dengan lebih bebas tanpa dihantui olehperasaan berdosa. Bagi saya, dan dia, inilah saat untuk kamimuhasabah kembali diri kami dan kami betulkan kembali segalakesilapan yang telah kami buat. Inilah saat untuk kami kejar kembali cita-cita kami dan sediakan diri untuk menjadi seorang ibu dan ayahyang berakhlak mulia dan berperibadi tinggi. Inilah masanya kamiinsafi kembali keterlanjuran kami dahulu dan memohon moga-moga Allahsudi maafkan kami. Sesungguhnya Ya Allah, aku insan yang sangat lemah. Aku tidak mampumelawan godaan syaitan yang tidak pernah jemu, juga hambatan nafsuyang tidak pernah lesu. Ampunkanlah aku.Walau bagaimanapun, perpisahan ini hanya untuk sementara. Saya telah berjanji dengan diri saya sendiri, dialah yang akan jadi teman hidupsaya nanti. Sesungguhnya pencarian saya untuk seorang calon isteritelah berakhir. Insan seperti dia hanya satu dalam seribu. Manamungkin saya melepaskan apa yang amat berharga yang pernah hadir dalam hidup saya. Insya-Allah, sekiranya Allah s.w.t panjangkanumur, sebaik sahaja saya tamatkan pengajian saya di sini, saya akankembali ke Malaysia dan melamarnya untuk menjadi permaisuri di hatisaya. Insya-Allah, saya akan setia menunggu saat itu, dan saya akan berusaha sedaya-upaya saya untuk mengekalkan kesetiaan saya."Sekiranya kita telah bertemu dengan seorang insan yang amat muliasebagai teman dalam hidup kita, janganlah lepaskannya kerana kitatidak tahu bilakah pula kita akan bertemu dengan insan yang seumpamanya."Siapakah lagi dalam dunia ini yang menjaga adab berjalan antaralelaki dan perempuan sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi Musa a.sdan puteri Nabi Syuaib a.s beribu-ribu tahun dahulu? Mafraq, Jordan. [petikan dari]

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Cermin Diri

Segala puji bagi Tuhan yang telah memberikan kepada kita semua ni'mat yang tidak terhitung dengan jari dan tidak dapat tergambar di dalam hati. Allah, Dialah Tuhan yang menguasai kerajaan langit dan bumi dan apa yang ada di antara keduanya. Kepada-Nya kita semua mengadu/menyembah dan kepada-Nya kita semua akan dikembalikan. Dialah Tuhan yang nyawa kita ada ditangan-Nya dan Dialah yang berkuasa ke atas setiap kejadian yang berlaku di atas bumi ciptaan-Nya. Tiada Tuhan selain Dia dan Nabi Muhammad adalah pesuruh-Nya dan penutop segala Nabi.

Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi yang kita rindui dan yang kita sangat ingin melihat wajah Baginda yang daripadanya, kita akan dapat menitiskan air mata, dan daripadanya juga kita akan dapat ketenangan yang abadi. Semoga Allah menyampaikan salam, berkah dan rahmat-Nya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. dan menempatkan Baginda di tempat yang paling tinggi disisi-Nya. Kita juga mendoakan agar keluarga, sahabat-sahabat Baginda dan mereka yang berjuang untuk meninggikan kalimah Allah, dibalas dengan pahala yang banyak, yang akan membuatkan mereka merasa puas di atas pemberian Tuhan kepada mereka di akhirat kelak.

Setiap insan di muka bumi Allah perlu meningkatkan daya usaha mereka untuk mendekatkan diri mereka kepada yang Maha Pencipta kerana hidup kita akan berasa seperti terombang-ambing seperti perahu yang tiada mempunyai arah tuju. Kita sebagai manusia yang sentiasa lalai hendaklah mempunyai kesedaran pada setiap masa yang berlalu kerana walaupun kita mempunyai duit yang berjuta, kita tidak akan mampu masa yang terlepas walaupun sesaat. Secara fitrahnya, setiap diri kita mempunyai banyak kelemahan dan kekurangan dan dari kelemahan dan kekurangan inilah, musuh2 Islam akan coba untuk menipu dan memperdayakan setiap diri orang muslim.

Orang muslim, tidak semestinya orang yang mukmin. Orang yang mukmin mempunyai taraf yang tinggi daripada orang muslim, fikirkanlah!

Seperti iblis laknatullah, dia akan coba menyesatkan setiap diri anak adam dengan berbagai cara yang tiada hentinya. Di dalam Surah Al-Balad, ada menyebutkan tentang manusia lebih suka menempuh jalan yang salah daripada jalan yang betul. Mereka yang lebih 'reda' menempuh' jalan kejahatan inilah orang-orang yang kufur kepada ni'mat Allah sedangkan Allah sudah menganugerahkan kepada diri kita mata dan telinga untuk memerhatikan betapa besar dan agungnya ciptaan Tuhan. Janji taat setia yang dibuat oleh makhluk yang terlaknat (iblis) kepada pencipta-Nya (Allah SWT) adalah janji yang tidak akan putus kerana jika kita perhatikan sekililing kita, iblis dan tenteranya berhasil untuk memesongkan akidah (tingkah-laku, perbuatan dan pemikiran) orang-orang Islam seluruh dunia.

Kita akan lihat betapa ramainya umat Islam yang masih memakan benda-benda yang syubahah (tidak ada kepastian samaada halal atau haram), banyak umat Islam yang menyokong perbuatan yang bukan Islam seperti, merokok dan sebagainya dan masih ramai di antara kalangan umat Islam yang LEBIH prihatin dengan hal ehwal keadaan pada pelakon-pelakon barat+timur, penyanyi-penyanyi dan sebagainya dan BUKAN menumpukan perhatian mereka kepada keadaan umat Islam yang berada dalam keadaan yang tidak sepatutnya. Mereka ini dibunuh tanpa belas kasihan, mereka dicerca dan diherdik, mereka dihalau dari kampung halaman mereka dan tempat kediaman mereka dihancurkan oleh musuh2 Islam. Kehidupan mereka adalah seperti orang yang berpuasa selama 12 bulan atau lebih kerana makanan dan setetes air yang bersih sangat susah diperolehi sehinggakan mereka mati dalam keadaan yang menyayat hati dan sehinggakan mayat mereka bergelimpangan di atas jalan raya.

Perkara yang lucu ialah hidup kita jauh berbeza dengan kehidupan orang-orang yang berada dalam keadaan susah dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa. Makanan-makanan yang berdzat sangat mudah diperolehi dan minuman yang dijamin kebersihannya juga boleh didapati dimana-mana. Yang lucunya ialah kita masih mampu ketawa dan memyumpah makanan yang kita masukkan ke dalam mulut kita walaupun makanan itu berasa sedikit masin dan sebagainya. Nabi kesayangan kita pada suatu ketika pernah berada dalam keadaan yang sangat lapar sehinggakan Baginda sehinggakan malaikat Jibril a.s datang kepada Baginda lalu menanyakan apa yang Baginga mahu. Baginga lalu berdoa agar umatnya (kita semua) agar diselamatkan dari api neraka. Barangkali, jika kita diberi peluang untuk meminta apa saja yang hendak, kita mungkin akan meminta duit yang banyak atau makanan yang tidak putus2 TAPI Rasulullah meminta agar Allah menyelamatkan kita dari api neraka walaupun Baginda berada dalam keadaan yang lapar...

Rasulullah, Dialah sebaik-baik contoh dan tauladan

Betul, kita bukanlah manusia yang sempurna, akan tetapi, alasan ini hanya akan membuat seorang Islam itu jatuh lebih dalam lagi ke lembah yang sangat hina. Kita di dunia ini adalah sebagai perantau ataupun orang asing. Kita akan sentiasa mempersiapkan diri kita apabila tiba masanya untuk balik ke tempat asal kita kelak, iaitu dunia akhirat. Sekian seadanya. Wallahu'alam

Read On......

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Not too heavy..something light please

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Beneficent. He controls all things; everything that breaths, everything that walks and everything that speaks. We will all be judged and we will all be rewarded accordingly. Nobody can escape Resurrection Day. Allah will be the The True Judge and everyone will summoned. Every witness will be present and every aching heart state will be known. How our heart leave earth is how it will be presented during hereafter.

"Allah! There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory)." [Al-Baqarah: 255]

Insya Allah, we are still alive and well because of many reasons. May be Allah is giving us the chance to return to Him or it could be that He wants us to take the time to think about our past sins and repent. Some of us may be having a hard time to reflect at our condition. True, our friends and family would ask us how we are feeling on any given day and we would normally say "ok", fine and alhamdulillah. But are we really feeling "ok"? Sometimes, we may seemed "ok" from the eyes of those who watch but the fact that matter is only ALLAH knows how we truly feel. Pictures speak of a thousand words and often, we are judged by the image people see and by the things they hear. Feeling is something that can't be smelt and can't be touch. Just like when a person says he is hungry or angry. Its a floating element and one can only know when they feel it themselves.

If only hate, love, lust, greed, sincerity and all the common emotional feeling that we get can be put into a box and be hidden. Allah had created those things so that we learn to live properly. Not like animals, they are far different from humans. They cannot control their urges, all they do is mate, eat and sleep BUT that is what the "they-think-they-know-eveything" channel would protray. Allah had mentioned in the Qur'an that even the animals he created remembers Him in the way that only He knows. Those who remembers Allah when he's alone in a mass crowd will be remembered by Allah during the Judgement Day. As fighters of Allah, we all must remember Him when we stand, when we sit and when we lay. This is to strengthen our position on earth and especially when hells breaks loose.

It was mentioned many times that our beloved Prophet Muhammad never acts on his nafs. Meaning he was NEVER a selfish person. He never ate more than what he could bear. He never slept more than he should. He never leaves his men at bay. Normal humans in the other hand have the tendency to act upon their foul intentions such as greed. As the "clan" of Prophet Muhmmad SAW, we need to be aware of our attitude and ensure that our hands, mouth, feet and so on are taken care of. We copycat what he did. Yes, you think by getting your nail-polished or by getting a manicure or pedicure that you are at your highest hygienic point, well you're wrong. The latter mentioned are all exterior clealiness. One of the many great thing about Islam is, it teaches its people to be clean in and out. One may have clean underpants but you don't know what's beneath. That is when ablution kicks in.

Did you know that people in Europe did not bath before Islam came? even in other parts of non-muslims countries. Europeans and other major parts of the non-muslim nations only knew how to bath and take showers after Islam came. Most muslims all over the world have the idea that its the westerns who had the idea of cleaning themselves first. Pity. Can you see how gullible and blurry we are? As muslims, we have to be on the move and to know the LIFE OF THE PROPHET. Because, if not, we will all be fooled by the non-muslim thinkers. Will you let them?

The most important thing now is for each and everyone of us to wake up and "smell" the reality of our fellow brothers and sisters all over the world. We also need to put into our thick mind that life after death, being waken up after a short sleep and being judged in front of Allah is TRUE! If only one can listen to the torment of those who are buried six feet under, all will be crying and all be really prepare themselves for the end..

Read On......

Friday, October 12, 2007

Lari Lari Lari

Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang patut disembah melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad adalah pesuruhNya dan juga kekasihNya. Dialah Tuhan yang berkuasa menghidupkan dan mematikan segala sesuatu dan kepadaNya lah kita semua akan dikembalikan. Al Qur’an yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah melalui malaikat Jibril a.s. kepada Nabi Muhammad adalah petunjuk dan ubat bagi mereka yang memanfaatkannya.

Setiap dugaan, setiap derita dan setiap duka yang kita hadapi ada kebaikannya. Begitu juga dengan penyakit, setiap penyakit yang dikenakan kepada manusia ada penyembuhnya. Kita hanya menunggu ubat itu tiba. Tapi perlu diingat bahawa satu2nya penyakit yang tidak dapat diobati ialah mati kerana mati itu adalah sesuatu yang hak, sesuatu yang pasti akan datang dengan segala apa cara pun. Tiada siapa yang akan dapat lari daripada mati apalagi menangguhkannya. Seseorang tidak akan dapat lari dari Malaikat maut.

Pada suatu masa dahulu, terdapat sebuah kisah yang berkisar mengenai orang yang coba untuk lari daripada mati lalu orang tersebut telah membina sebuah kubu. Kubu yang tahan lasak yang dapat menghalangi angina taufan, rebut banjir dan bahang api. Setelah kubu itu siap dibina, orang itu pun masuk ke dalam kubu itu dengan berbekalkan makanan dan minuman yang mencukupkan. Beberapa hari sudah berlalu dan orang tersebut merasa selamat daripada maut. Tanpa disangka-sangka, orang tersebut merasa sesak di dada. Dia merasa keadaan sekelilingnya seakan-akan berputar dan pudar. Tidak lama kemudian dia pun mati di tempat kejadian. Di mati di dalam kubu yang kukuh. Kita sebagai manusia yang sentiasa lupa perlu ingat bahawa mati akan datang dalam bentuk bermacam-macam. Manusia boleh mati dari jatuh atau terjun dari bangunan yang tinggi, mati digigit nyamuk, mati dilanggar lori atau mati termakan biji durian (mati tercekik). Walau apapun keadaan yang kita berada ataupun di mana jua kita berada, malaikat Izrail pasti akan datang menjemput kita pulang ke pangkuan yang Maha Kuasa.

Berdasarkan dari cerita di atas, banyak pelajaran yang dapat kita ambil. Salah satu daripadanya ialah untuk mempersiap diri kita sebelum maut tiba dan memperbanyakkan amal ibadat kita kepada Allah agar kita yang berjumpa dengan Dia dalam keadaan yang amat gembira dan Dia redha kepada kita dan sebaliknya. Bukan mempersiapakan diri kita untuk lari daripada mati. Lari daripada mati bagaimana? Berlagak seperti mati itu adalah sesuatu yang tidak akan berlaku, kalau tidak pun belum lagi. Barangkali orang kebanyakan akan merasa diri mereka masih lagi MUDA dan tidak mungkin mereka yang mati dalam usia yang muda. Jika kita perhatikan, diakhir-akhir ini, banyak kemalangan yang menyebabkan kematian yang berlaku ke atas orang “muda”. Kita hendaklah berwaspada di atas tanda yang Allah ingin perlihatkan kepada kita. Kita mungkin ada mata yang sehat, yang dapat melihat alam sekitar, perkara2 yang batil & mungkar tetapi kita tidak mungkin bias melihat perkara2 yang mengerakkan MATA HATI kita. Mati hati apa? Mata hati ialah satu anugerah yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada hamba-hambaNya yang ingin membersihkan diri mereka daripada perkara2 maksiat dan dosa. Perlu diingat bahawa mata hati yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah tidak diberikan kepada semua dan orang2 yang seperti adalah mereka yang telah diberikan hidayah oleh Allah, insya Allah. Dialah Tuhan yang HANYA dapat memberikan seseorang itu taufik dan hidayah.

Sesiapa yang ingin berjumpa dengan Allah hendaklah sentiasa memikirkan samaada adakah kita sudah sedia untuk menghadapNya. Jika jawapannya YA, alhamdulillah, jika tidak, maka, kita hendaklah berusaha dengan kuat dan gigih lagi untuk mencapai nikmat kesempurnaan iman yang sebenar, iaitu melakukan amal kebajikan hanya kerana Allah yang Maha Pengasih. Nabi kesayangan kita, Nabi Muhammad saw walaupun telah dijamin oleh Allah untuk mentp di syurga, Baginda masih lagi beribadat mengalahkan umatNya. Beliau pernah diriwayatkan beribadat sehingga kaki Baginda bengkak-bengkak dan Baginda akan menjada setiap tutur dan gerak geri agar Baginda tidak dibenci oleh Penciptanya.

Kita sebagai umat Nabi Muhammad saw patut berasa sentiasa dalam keadaan yang serba kekurangan kerana tiada siapa yang bias mengikut apa yang dibuat oleh Rasulullah TAPI itu tidak bermaksud kita berputus asa dengan keadaan demikian, akan tetapi, kita hendaklah mengerakkan sendi dan hati kita untuk intiqomah dalam beribadat. Allah paling suka orang yang beribadat sedikit tapi berterusan (tidak bermusim). Jika kita perhatikan, orang kafir akan sentiasa membuat kita lalai daripada mengingat mati. Mereka akan penuhi kaca TV dengan adengan2 yang membuat kita lalai dari menyebut nama Allah sehinggakan ada yang sanggup mempercepatkan solat mereka hanya untuk sebuah cerita tamil yang lebih kurang sama jalan ceritanya. Paling teruk lagi, ada yang solat dihadapan kaca TV yang tidak ditutop suaranya.

Umat Islam sekarang diambang dilemma yang menghancurkan umat Islam sendiri kerana kebanyakan dari umat Islam sudah terlalu cenderung dengan nikmat kehidupan yang sementara sahaja. Mereka lebih suka berfikir tentang habuan dunia lebih lagi daripada habuan akhirat. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh kejahilan dan sikap tidak ambil endah dan tidak ingin mendalami Islam secara lebih mendalam lagi. Mereka lebih suka mengetahui perkara2 yang dibuat oleh artis-artis yang popular, siapa yang bertunang, siapa yang bercerai dan artis mana yang sudah menjadi lagenda ataupun yang telah berjasa kepada industri filem. Sebenarnya banyak lagi perkara2 yang tidak kita sedari yang telah dicipta oleh orang yang bukan beragama Islam. Lagu2 cinta barat yang disajung oleh orang Islam, filem orang barat yang disabar ditunggu oleh orang Islam dan makanan promosi (walaupun halal) yang ditunggu oleh kanak2 dan remaja dalam masyarakat kita.

Setiap diri kita mempunyai tanggungjawab, iaitu tanggungjawab untuk menyedarkan orang yang berada di bawah tanggungan kita dan orang yang berada di sekiling kita agar mereka ini sentiasa terjaga dari faktor2 yang akan menyebabkan keruntuhan akhlak umat Islam seterusnya akan menyebabkan kebangkitan orang bukan Islam di muka bumi Allah yang Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Perkasa. Hindarilah sebelum yang terburuk berlaku. Wallahu'alam.

Read On......

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

WHO can help!


  • L'Oreal
    Giorgio Armani, Redken 5th Avenue, Lancome Paris, Vichy, Cacharel, La Roche-Posay, Garnier, Biotherm, Helena Rubinstein, Maybelline, Ralph Lauren, Carson

  • Marks & Spencer
    M&S, St.Michaels

  • McDonald's
  • Motorola

  • Nestle
    Nescafé, Perrier, Vittel, Pure Life, Carnation, Libby's, Milkmaid, Nesquik, Maggi, Buitoni, Cross & Blackwell, KitKat, Milkybar, Quality Street, Smarties, After Eight, Aero, Polo, Lion, Felix cat food, L'Oréal

  • News Corporation
    TV: Fox, Sky, Star, Phoenix, Granada, CNBC. UK newspapers: Standard Newspaper, News of the World, The Sun, The Times. Australian Newspapers: The Telegraph , Gold Coast Bulletin, Herald Sun, Independent, Sunday Mail. US newspapers: New York Post. Publishers: Harper Collins Ragan, Zondervan, National Geographical. Nursery World, Rawkus, NDS, Mushroom Records,, Festival Records

  • Nokia
  • Revlon
    New World Entertainment, Forbes
  • Sara Lee
    Hanes, Playtex, Champion, Leggs, Douwe Egberts, Bryan, DIM, Ambi Pur, Bali, Superior Coffee, Just My Size, Kiwi, Maison Cafe, Nur die, Pilao, Lovable, Outer Banks, Wonderbra, Sanex, Pickwick, Gossard, Body Mist, Brylcreem, Aqua Velva, Radox

  • Siemens

  • Selfridges

  • Starbucks
    Seattle Coffee, Pasqua, Hear Music, Tazo

  • Timberland


ps: if you like buying/eating/watching these products/shows etc... STOP! because otherwise, you are just the same (you are against Islam)

Read On......

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Segala Puji bagi Mu Ya Allah

Segala perbendaharaan langit dan bumi adalah kepunyaan Allah, Yang Maha Kuasa. Dialah yang menghidupkan kita dan mematikan semua manusia. Dialah yang Kuasa yang Paling Tinggi & tiada suatu kuasa pun yang bisa menandingiNya. Kita mengadukan nasib kita, kekurangan kita dan juga kejahilan kita hanya kepadaNya kerana Dialah Tuhan yang Maha Mendengar. Kita ucapkan puji dan syukur kita kepada Allah SWT atas ni'mat yang dilimpahkannya kepada kita, baik kecil mahupun besar, sedikit ataupun banyak. Dialah Pemberi rezeki kepada manusia dan tiadalah susah untukNya untuk berbuat sedemikian.

Masya Allah, umat Islam pada masa sekarang berada di dalam bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan, kebaikan, keampunan, & rahmat. Bulan ramadhan ialah bulan yang ditunggu oleh orang Islam yang berakal sempurna. Bagi mereka, inilah peluang keemasaan, peluang untuk kembali kepada Tuhan yang Esa. Tuhan yang sentiasa diingatan kita, Tuhan yang sentiasa memerhatikan gerak geri kita, Tuhan yang sentiasa mengambil tahu tentang diri manusia semua. Apabila bulan ramadhan tiba, semua pintu syurga dibuka dan pintu2 neraka ditutop rapat. Inilah peluang setiap individu untuk melihat kembali apakah yang sudah dibuatnya untuk mendekat dirinya kepada PenciptaNya.

Perkara yang barangkali yang selalu kita lupa ialah tentang perilaku manusia yang sentiasa dihastu oleh syaitan yang terkutuk, yang pada suatu ketika dulu pernah berjanji dihadapan Allah bahawa dia akan membuatkan manusia tergelincir dilembah kehinaan yang amat sangat. Bulan Ramadhan ialah bulan yang istimewa kerana hanya pada bulan inilah penghasut (iblis dan syaitan) dirantai. Dengan kata lain, mereka tidak akan dapat membisikkan perkara2 yang menyuruh kepada kejahatan. Perlu kita sedari bahawa, walaupun syaitan dan iblis dirantai pada bulan ramadhan, ini tidak bermaksud, manusia akan tidak terdorong kepada perkara2 yang batil kerana kebanyakan daripada manusia LUPA tentang nafsu!!!

Nafsu yang jahat yang sudah dilatih oleh syaitan untuk "mengganti" tempat syaitan pada bulan Ramadhan ini. Nafsu jika tidak diasuh akan membawa padah dunia dan akhirat kerana nafsu yang jahat yang mendorong manusia kepada perkara2 yang akan membuat Tuhan murka kepada kita. Jika kita fikiran betul2, sesiapa yang melakukan perkara maksiat semasa bulan RAMADHAN adalah


Kerana apa? Kerana berdasarkan dari kenyataan di atas, di bulan Ramadhan syaitan yang menghasut manusia tidak ada dan yang hanya tinggal ialah nafsu. Sebenarnya, nafsu manusia boleh dididik. Kita boleh menggunakan bermacam kaedah untuk melawan nafsu dan salah satu diantaranya ialah dengan berpuasa. Berpuasa dengan rasa khusyuk dan tawadu'. Bukan puasa seperti orang awam. Yang hanya mampu untuk menahan diri daripada makan dan minum dan daripada melakukan hubungan kepada isteri ataupun suami. Puasa mengikut Imam Al-Ghazali boleh terbahagi kepada 3 golongan, iaitu:

1) Puasa orang awam
2) Puasa orang yang istimewa
3) Puasa orang yang SANGAT ISTIMEWA.

Barangkali banyak orang yang hairan kenapa banyak orang yang berpuasa tetapi masih kagi melakukan maksiat seperti mengumpat, berkata keji, cakap kosong, tidak menutop aurat, mencuri dan sebagainya. Inilah akhlak yang sebenarnya seseorang itu. Kenapa saya balik2 menyebut perkara ini ialah kerana saya ingin memberitahu kepada mereka yang ingin mengetahui sikap seseorang. Caranya ialah dengan melihat kelakuannya pada bulan Ramadhan.

Jika kita lihat, banyak manusia yang sangat cinta dan sangat sayang kepada perut mereka sehinggakan mereka sudah menjadi hamba kepada nafsu makan mereka BUKAN KEPADA ALLAH!!! Mereka yang menjadikan nafsu sebagai Tuhan adalah orang yang akan mendapat berita yang sangat gembira diakhirat kelah, iaitu siksaan yang amat pedih yang tidak dapat digambar melalui pancaindera kita yang sekarang. Sehinggakan, ada yang sanggup untuk pergi bersesak-sesak untuk membeli makanan dan menghabiskan wang dengan begitu sahaja. Salah satu sifat yang dibenci oleh Allah ialah orang yang boros, iaitu mereka yang melampau bila berbelanja. Semasa bulan Ramadhan, kita boleh perhatikan betapa ramai orang Islam yang berpusu-pusu untuk pergi ke gerai2 ....bersambung,

bi zinillah

Read On......

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Saat Kehancuran

Sebelum melakukan sesuatu, kita hendaklah memanjatkan puji dan syukur kepada Allah Subahanahu Wata'ala di atas nikmat dan rahmat yang telah dianugerahkanNya kepada hamba-hambaNya baik yang bertakwa ataupun sebaliknya. Sebagai hamba Allah yang hina dan bertahap sangat rendah, kita sepatutnya mencurahkan lebih tenaga kita untuk mengerjakan lebih banyak amal ibadat, tenaga dan wang ringgit kita BUKAN untuk mencari keredhaan manusia tapi untuk mencari keredhaan Allah yang murni.

Manusia telah menempatkan manusia di dalam satu kelompok yang besar dan semakin hari, kelompok yang besar ini akan menjadi lebih besar ataupun pecah. Banyak perisitiwa yang telah disebutkan di dalam Al Qur'an di mana kehancuran manusia adalah disebabkan kebodohan, kesombongan dan keingkaran manusia terhadap Rabbnya. Antara sebab-sebab kenapa manusia berpecah belah ialah kerana hati yang busuk/kotor dan niat yang bengkok. Rasulullah saw pernah bersabda yang kira-kira berbunyi, Islam itu berdiri di atas garisan yang lurus maka ikutlah garisan itu dan janganlah kamu mengikuti jalan yang bengkok (kiri atau kanan). Hadis ini, insya Allah menegaskan kepada umat Islam untuk sentiasa berdiri di atas jalan Allah kerana jika tidak, kita besar kemungkinan akan menyimpang ke jalan yang tidak diredhai Allah SWT.

Akhir zaman ini akan muncul berbagai macam kelompok yang akan cuba memporak perandakan akidah orang-orang Islam yang masih lagi "setengah-setengah" dalam beragama. Allah telah menyebutkan di dalam Al Qur'an bahawa, Dia tidak menerima setengah-setengah, jika kamu beragama Islam, maka, ambillah ia sepenuhnya dan jika tidak mampu, maka, tinggalkanlah. Sebagai hamba Allah yang dhaif lagi zalim, kita hendaklah coba untuk memperbaiki hubungan kita dengan Allah kerana Dialah segalanya dan tanpa Dia, kita semua akan hancur dan akan menghadapNya dengan keadaan hina dina.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, umat Islam pada masa ini sangat asyik dengan kehidupan dunia di mana kebanyakan di antara kita yang akan sebok dengan mencari harta, mencari nama, meraih pangkat dan sebagainya. Perkara ini adalah di antara tanda-tanda dunia sudah tua (menjelang kiamat). Kenapakah ia berlaku? Barangkali salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kebanyakan daripada kita menjadi begini ialah disebabkan oleh kurangnya ilmu agama di dalam dada. Ilmu ialah penyuluh bagi orang yang berada di dalam gelap dan petunjuk untuk jalan keluar. Tanpa ilmu, orang akan dengan mudah terjerumus ke dalam lembah yang dikutuk oleh Allah.

Ilmu adalah sesuatu yang sangat berharga jika dibandingkan dengan wang ringgit kerana duit yang dibelanjakan secara membabi buta akan hilang begitu sahaja dan wang yang digunakan dengan akal fikiran akan insya Allah menambah duit yang ada. Para-para sahabat nabi kesayang kita Nabi Muhammad saw adalah manusia yang sangat istimewa kerana meraka tidak suka kepada benda-benda dunia apatah pangkat dan kedudukan. Mereka lebih suka kepada kehidupan akhirat, kehidupan yang kekal untuk selama-lamanya..Wallahu'alam

bersambung insya Allah

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Thursday, August 16, 2007


In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Benevolent. He has the power to destroy anything and everything with His Overpowering Might. His Blessings are far way greater than His anger. We all will be returned. We all will be questioned and not one can escape from His court. Each and every individual are advised to beg for His forgiveness and His mercy during daylight and especially when everyone else sleeps at night. He sees everything that humans don’t see, He knows what creeps behind us and He knows what we will be colliding with. He knows what we had done in the past and in the future. He has knowledge of everything. Even to the tiniest drop of a morning dew.

There is nothing in this world that can match His Supremacy. He had given humans countless chances to return to the right path so that humans can save themselves from hellfire. There is nothing more eerie than being thrown into the depths of hell. Laugh while you can. We try as much as we can to avoid from having more bad than good when we 'leave'. No matter how much we pray, no matter how much we beg and no matter how times we cry, there just never seemed enough to level what Allah had given to us. Let alone, to repay back what our parents had given. But does not mean we just loose hope? No. All we can do is to try as much as we can, to do the best as we can and to give the best as we can to Allah. We do everything just for Him, not for a man nor a woman, not a status nor for the fame and not for money nor for the land. Allah is our main objective and He is our main Target. If we are to aim for something other than Him, then, every tears, efforts and pains will deemed to be useless. Allah only accepts what is pure (sincere).

We should question out intentions to everything. For example, why do we work? Why to we study? Why do we get married? Why do we cook? Why do we pray? And most importantly, why we are here? It was mentioned in the Qur’an that humans and jinns are created only to prostate to Allah. From here we can understand and the underlying basis of life is actually to obey what is the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and make it practical. Actions do speak louder than words. Because there are many things that we want but difficult to get. Some of us may want big houses, big cars, attractive partners and a successful life, but the truth that matters is that, things we want are often tested by Allah. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad 's quest to spread Islam had many hardships. He had to deal with so many problems before Islam was known all over the globe.

We all have to fall if we were to gain and we have to stay strong if we want to obtain. So, is persistence the key? Its all dependent to what it is one is trying to achieve. The companions of Prophet Muhammad and himself sacrificed wealth, time & money just so they can get closer to Allah. They starved, they spend for Allah's cause, they had countless sleepless nights and so on. They physically exhaust themselves to get Allah's blessings. They loved Allah more than they loved themselves and they loved others as if they were their own. They were strict in every attitude and every action. They were harshly wise to those who are disobedient but very kind to those who obeyed Allah. Its a very rare scenery this days, to see someone who would actually give up their worldly possessions for Allah. Its mostly all about the money now. All about getting the piece of the action and all about being known. Some even had the guts to say that what has been brought down to Prophet Muhammad (Qur'an) was not even practical especially the rules of Allah. To get attention? Maybe..

Allah, He knows best for humans. Humans!? What do we know? We know how to eat, sleep and watch football matches early in the morning. Undeniably true. The majority of humans will never represent the minority. It was mentioned in the Qur'an that majority of humans are ungrateful. Now, which category do we feel we fall into? Perhaps, the minority mentioned in the Qur'an are those who stay true to themselves no matter what happens. They are those who prays with a broken knee and bows when everything was falling apart. They are those who spend most of their time remembering Allah and avoid unnecessary conversations. These people will do what they can do please Allah, they would leave what is haram. They would dislike matters which are disliked by Allah and the Prophet. May Allah protect those who tried/tries to protect His religion and may Allah reward them with the best gifts here and after.

Patience is perhaps the key to all of this both on earth and hereafter. Just like an eagle eyeing its prey well above the ground, waiting patiently for its prey to slip-up. That is when the eagle strikes with its deadly claws. It may take hours, days or even weeks when it can finally take a bite. Humans need to conquer its lust because if its not trained and fed properly, it might the primary cause of our sad demise. Patience and lusts are two things which we can be friends with or which can also be our enemy. Because if you were the kind who snaps uncontrollably over a tiny matter, then, most probably, you have no control over your own body, mind and soul. Let alone lusts. Satan will take charge of those who has a raging temper. When one of the companions of The Apostle asked for an advice, he then said to the companion NOT to get angry 3 times. From here, we can insya Allah conclude that, being angry at something other than to uphold the values of Islam should be avoided.

Every muslim should have the attitude of being angry when Islam is being scorned or somebody is making fun of our beloved Muhammad or anything related to that matter and NOt being angry at something like jumped the queue or somebody stole our food we left in the fridge and so on. Again, these things aren't easy to achieve as it will take time to patch up the past mistakes and clear the air that has been polluted. Avoid food which are shubahah (not sure if its halal or haram), avoid things which are forbidden to WATCH, HEAR & TOUCH because every action will always have its consequence. Its only a matter of time until we know the real truth of every thing.

With time, with tiny baby steps and minor positive changes, insya Allah, each and everyone of us will be able to control our anger, control our emotions and control our words and desires so our thoughts and actions are always directed to please Allah, always.

For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession. Before and behind him: they guard him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect. [Ar-Ra'd: 11]

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


[Warning: This article is especially for people who thinks LIFE ON EARTH IS EVERYTHING. This is the general overview of how everything is at the moment and inspired from sights and sounds of Asian countries. It is never intended to attack anyone personally. It is just to awaken those who are dead (inside) and those never cared less about Islam]

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Benevolent. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His final messenger. Humans and jinns are created by Allah only to serve The All-Mighty and every single inhabitant will return to Him one day. Each will be asked what he did on earth and one will either enter paradise or suffer the long torment for eternity. Those who are patience will be rewarded and those who are hasty and earned Allah's anger will shed bloody tears for the rest of his life not on earth but after his good and bad had been weighed.

Allah is The Reign Supremacy and one should only fear Him. He holds the key to our fate and He will never do humans injustice but humans, they caused the unjust. He is The Most Fairest and All His promises are more real than death. If it wasn't for the predetermined time for our demise, He would already have ruined this earth, just like those people who had lived in the past. They asked the believers that if Allah was true, bring on the disaster to them and so, Allah did. So foolish what they have asked for and so useless what they have become. True believers learn valuable lesson through the contents of the Qur'an and they saying of beloved Prophet Muhammad and they are far from doubt of its contents. They offer Salat with all solemnity and full submissiveness; they are those who pay the Zakat and they are those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts).

Allah does not like transgressors. Those who spends more than what they can afford. Purchase things which are unnecessary and spend lavishly without giving to the poor, those who are needy, those who are disable and especially those who who spare their life in the name of Allah. Muslims are to treat their fellow brothers and sisters with love & respect and treat those who are against Allah with harshness. Nevertheless, Allah likes those who are fair irrespective of religion, race, status & background because Islam is all about treating giving each individuals the rights they deserve. We are not to ask for things which are beyond our skill and control. We are recommended by Prophet Muhammad to pursue knowledge regardless of age and status.

Those who performs good deeds WITH KNOWLEDGE is much MUCH better than those who performs good deeds WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE. Humans would generally follow and unfortunately majority of humans do not know what is the point of praying five times a day, why we are encouraged to do alms giving, why we are asked to perform hajj and umrah and why we are asked to go the friday prayer once a week (for men). There are plenty of things which muslims often take granted for and they are those who preferred to be labeled as the herd and not the shepherd. In fact, humans are like sitting ducks. They will wait until someone takes an aim at them.

Those who have admitted that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his servant and His final messenger has a role to play. We are to tell those who are around us to do good and avoid/stop what is wrong. If we just let things be, Islam will be ruined. Nau'dzubillah. Ask yourself this question? Are you a follower? Or are you the mover/shaker? It is very important for each muslims to know what their roles and responsibilities are as a muslim. Being a muslim is not just about praying 5 times a day but it goes way beyond that circle. Besides doing what is fardhu (wajib), one needs to do do what our The Prophet had done during his time and NOT doing what the non-believers had done!

Subhanallah. The world is getting older as we speak. More and more muslims are turning against their own religion. Say what? There is a crystal clear method to differentiate who is WITH Allah and those who are against Him. Those who are with Allah will do what He asked us and avoid what is haram (foridden). Obviously, those who are against Allah will not follow the rules & regulations of Islam. These so-called muslims would rather follow the ways of non-believers; jews and christians. How so? Examples are breathless. One would rather fill up the cinema instead of the Houses of Allah. Most muslims would rather purchase songs sung by non-muslims pop singers. To mention their names would be plain useless. Why not as muslims, we try to support the nasyeed industry from all over the continent. Songs which are created and sang to remember Allah, songs which are written to make us aware of the efforts of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, songs which are directed to make our heart shaken by the glory of ALLAH!!

Not only that, everything that we wear, everything that we use & everything that we consume, if it is not made by and cooked by muslims, then you are just the same. Think about it. In Islam, you are categorized into two; whether you support Islam or you don't. There are perhaps three types of people in this world and they are as listed below:

1) Muslims by name/action
2) Muslims by name ONLY
3) Non-muslims

A muslim who falls into zone one would be those who knows how to give a clear cut between what is halal (allowed) and what is haram (forbidden). And he would avoid what is shubahah i.e. things which falls into the grey area. This type of muslim would try as much as he can to follow the guidelines of Islam. They are those who are kind to their mothers, fathers, siblings and so on. They give charity to the poor, they are kind to animals, they don't consume alcoholic drink, they give salam to fellow muslims when applicable and they don't cause harm to themselves (smoking, consuming haram food or drinks, etc) and to others. Insya Allah.

Muslims which are "trapped" into the 2nd category would be those who sometimes "feel like" being muslims and sometimes don't. Like how? The month of Ramadhan is just around the corner and when the month comes, he would go the mosques, sawm (fast), read the Qur'an and so on and so forth. But when Ramadhan ends. He goes back to his old habits. This people can also be called "seasonal muslims". Just like the time of summer, spring, winter & autumn. These type of people would take easy on things. These are muslims with the least functional mind that would happily go to a non-muslim restaurant with a label "HALAL" on the front entrance door. These are those people who would love to spend their time on saturday nights by watching a movie with the "love" one and having a candle lit dinner. Spend birthday bashes at McDonalds and such.

Perhaps, the last zone would be self-explanatory and we all know who are non-believers. They are all out to wipe Islam on the face of this earth and they are befriends of satan which we all know is muslims biggest enemy. It was mentioned either from the Qur'an or sayings of the Prophet that a muslim who acts like a non-believer are more worse than an authentic non-believer (kafeer). The behaviors or actions of non-believers are obvious and they are free to do what they like because they do not believe that Allah is the only God and because the Qur'an and hadeeth are meant for muslims, each and every muslim needs to study and based their actions from both sources. Simple really. You read, learn and make it practical.

The picture of Islam is now scattered and it looks as if the future of Islam is going bleak. We need muslims who are pioneers in every field there is to grasp. We need to start thinking far ahead. Muslims need to think about how to improve themselves and how to be the best amongst the best. We need cars invented by muslims, we need bogus technologies developed by muslims and we need great thinkers to intensify the movements of muslims all over the world. Muslims should be supporting each and not fight against each other. Muslims are to support the products and services offered by muslims and NOT!! by non-muslims. Why are supporting the growth of non-muslims when we muslims ourselves are barely hanging on to what we have.

Majority of muslims would rather spend their money on non-muslim's goods and services and THAT'S A FACT! Count how many products do we all have which are made from countries which ISLAM is not their official religion. In Islam, the term for muslims who assists directly or indirectly the economy of a non-muslim nation is called shubahah. These muslims will be thrown in the dungeons of hell without no mercy from Allah. It is important that we stay away or at least try find something that is made from muslim nations. Even to the person who cooks our order at a restaurant. This is extremely important because if a muslim eats something which is cooked by a non-muslim, he is practically eating haram food and if the son of adam grows from a source which is haram, hellfire is more deserving for him. This was mentioned by The Prophet Muhammad saw..

Some would argue by saying that we can just tawakkal. Meaning, depending on Allah. We need to understand this concept because if it is used loosely, Allah's wrath will come down to us like the pouring rain except, instead on water, there will be stones. Before we go and do something or decide for something, we need to investigate whether the chickens cooked are halal or the chef is a muslim or not or does the place serve alcoholic beverages? This is just an example. Are muslims actually dumb enough to actually believe that if the signboard "halal" is hanged outside a window or stamped on a food wrapper, it would mean that "all-systems-go"?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw said that those who follow the ways/lifestyle/steps of non-believers (jews and christians) are not amongst us (muslims). We can see muslims following the steps of non-muslims everywhere. Just name it and they will be there in a jiffy! Prom nights! Birthday Parties! AF=American Idol! To mention the lists AGAIN would be useless as many of us would have already know these things. Disbelievers will be tormented in the most unimaginably degrading torment. List continues, Hi! Wearing rings on your THUMB/middle finger/pointy finger! Are Prada Bags made by muslims? I'm a fan or Arsenal! Valentine's Day! Cakes for birthdays! Hopefully, by now, readers get the gist of this article. May Allah better and improve the ways of muslims all over the world. Wallahu'alam.

"At-Tirmidhi narrated that Ibn Abbas (ra) reported that the Prophet (saw) said: "He is not one of us who imitates other than us. Do not imitate the jews or the christians." At-Tabarani and Abu Dawood narrated that Ibn Umar and Hudthayfah (ra) reported that the Prophet (saw) said: "Whoever imitates a people, he is one of them."

*The term "he" applies both for men and women

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