Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is Israel A Reality?

Naim Naqvi of India says, in the opinion columns of Indian Express that, after all, Israel is a reality Iran should not waste its efforts.

By: Naim Naqvi | 22-Apr-2009 Reply | Forward

That Israel is a new political and geographical reality, whether the Islamic world like it or not. This nation took birth at the crack of history. Iran and the Arab world have no choice today but to accept this fact. By dint of the backing of the West and the yeoman's efforts of Jews this nation has emerged as a world power.

Accepting Israel is not bad like enjoying the rape when it is inevitable. Muslims and Jews, both the county cousins should learn to live together in peace and harmony. They should do a SWOT analysis of themselves and try to make the best of the situation.

Too much blood has already been shed and for no avail. Iran's rhetoric is not taking it anywhere and Arabs are no more that enthusiastic to fight for Palestinians cause if did ever exist. Iran is a country of oldest civilization, rich culture and great history. Discretion on its part should be the better part of valor. Iran is a world power to reckon with and it should not waste its time in dying for lobster sauce. What Arab can't do Iran can't do any better.

Naim Naqvi wrote another piece on the same expressing his sympathy towards the Palestinians as follows:

I feel sorry for Palestinians

By: Naim Naqvi | 23-Apr-2009 Reply | Forward

I have been in the middle east for the major part of life. I know the strengths, weaknesses, predilections, prejudices and and idiosyncrasies of Arabs. Being a resident of Bombay I have had many Jewish friends who migrated to Israel.

I know many Iranians very closely. During my stay in West I had very considerate and
affectionate teachers who helped me in my life. My statement was based on hard facts, ground realities and study of history. I know Palestinians didn't deserve what they got. But, but what can they do now? Violence had brought nothing but miseries and retributions.

Our Muslim brothers in Arab world did nothing for them except some lip service and Khayrat. The Palestinian community didn't rise like Phoenix, like Jews or like any living nation. They were contended in their cocoons and accepted the role of helpless victims. Except few stray doctors and engineers there was no out-put from them. So, beggars can't be choosers. Life is like that ! It is too harsh and
snide but it is a fact of our life.

Pamameen gave him a reply to Naim Naqvi as follows in three separate

No National liberation Movement will be defeated

By: pamameen | 23-Apr-2009 Reply | Forward
Reply to Naim naqvi: part 2.Mr Naqvi,

your entire analysis and assertion is based on the acknowledgement of the concept of might is right. It is a pathetically defeatist attitude from someone like you, who are culturally, at least, partially associated with the struggle of Palestinian people.

Oslo accord was the proof of what you say: the Palestinians acknowledge the legality, legitimacy reality and existence of Israel as a nation and accepting two-nation solution based on borders existing before the 1967 war.

But the Palestinian borders have shrunk from 49.2% given by the UNO in 1948 to less than 10%.

How would people like you explain Israel incapacitating even the agreed two-state solution?

You say the cousins( the Arabs and Jews: I fully agree) And, so why not the cousins annihilate the idea of Jewish supremacy and go for a one state fully democratic nation where all will have equal rights. Please read “PEACE NOW” of Israel which a few weeks ago reported that the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing, is planning to construct 73,300 housing Units in the West bank thus doubling the
colonizer-settler population. So would you say that Israel is after all a world power and the Palestinians yield to them, accept construction of more settlements, do not resist, stop your liberation struggle, and after all history has far too many episodes of conquests of superior nations on weaker nations.?

The Palestinians may not succeed in liberating their nation during the life time of Naqvi or the present writer, but Wallahi, they will succeed one day.

A Palestinian couplet says that more forcefully “ LET NONE BE WITH US PROUD AND OVERBEARING FOR, WE CAN BE AS BRAVE AS STUPID”

I agree, we can forget about Arabs coming to the help of Palestinians, but the non-Arab Muslim world is forcefully reawakening and be reckoned with fear by Israel.

Did Richard the lion and the Crusaders succeed in holding on to their conquest of Jerusalem? No after all, the Palestinians waited for 140 years for a Sallahuddin Ayubi be born to liberate their lands from the European hordes.

Try to kill your defeatist attitude Mr Naqvi and stop marketing your pro-Israeli stand and in the process weakening the enthusiasm and spirit of Muslims in general and Indian Muslims in particular.

Brother Naqvi, you may if you happen to live then, may write the same words, after Israel has achieved its secret goal of occupying all the land according to their Biblical Prophesy( a huge lie and a myth repeated out of political expediency) between Nile and Euphrates and after Israel has up rooted the entire 10 million people of Palestine in order to create a Zionist Racist Empire meant for the
world Jewry ( the total population is around 12 million) and eventually enslave the entire Middle East.

Who denies Jihad as mentioned in the Quran under these circumstances?

Who denies the fact that “Fight against them as they fight against

Who denies the fact that.“Persecution is worse than killing; chase them out from the places from where they chased you out”.

Who denies the fact that, this world is transitory and the hereafter is eternal.

Who denies the fact that we should not call a martyr as dead, the martyr lives and is looked after?

Do not yield to bullies Mr. Naqvi. Non-violence is an excellent principle, no doubt, but it can never be an acceptable article of faith under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, if that is so, one will allow his tolerance to reach the level of cowardice-ness. It is better to die for a righteous cause rather than dying as a coward.

Pam Ameen.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Enslaved To.

As we progress towards achieving our main goals in life such as getting a good degree whilst finding a could-be-husband/wife material, getting a stable job, living in a comfortable home with a complete set of entertainment system, and of course buying a luxury sports car even though you know two years down the year you will soon realize how a terrible mistake it was and so forth, the majority of us tend to think what the society wants us to think and not how our minds think.

Ever so often, our mind has been shaped into thinking that positive outcomes can be generated when complying to what the society is doing. In contrast however, what the minorities are doing often create somewhat a threat by certain interested parties when in fact, what the minorities are doing is actually helping these individuals, which makes up the whole community moving towards a healthier society.

The inability of people to think outside the normal norm has caused the majority of individuals to be left untouched and unaware of the bigger issues that is causing havoc in the community. Drug lords, junkies, night prowlers, red light hunters, bandits, burglars, rapists, law breakers, devil worshippers and so on add onto the fall of the morale and islamic values of people in the community.

The latter speaks for itself as other methods to fool individuals in the particular nation is uninterrupted. Each and everyone of us is left with a huge, if not, little impact of these more obvious tools. Some cannot even see that they are on the verge of being beheaded by these mind-blowing-eye-watching-profile/data-tracking-mind-manipulating muck that tells us what follow, tells us what to say and tells us how to think.

In all aspects of life, this evil beast, even though unfortunately loved by many, has been able to destroy families, corrupt the young and old, eradicate love and nurture hate, interfere with our daily decision makings, create commotion within the household and so on until it becomes the primary discussion of all ages and groups. And yet lawyers, scholars, family counselors, therapists and other problem solving analyst are unable to pinpoint the cause of problems, issues and dilemmas being hoisted.

We have seen outrage, dissatisfaction, misery, anger, obscenity, immorality, smart-ass attitude, dumbness, uncivilized uneducated characters being imitated continuously in households, workplace, public places, religious ceremonies, sports arena, graveyards, telephone conversation where presence of just one person physically or via image or audio is enough for this "stunt double" to exhibit or mimic what he or she has seen or heard.

What is this evil beast that has the persuasive power to change how we think, what we should wear, who should we go out with, what we should eat and so on? Its none other than, television that sits in every home of every man in this universe. Not only it can cause our minds to be poisoned and being instilled with manipulated facts on certain issues especially on the worldwide agenda and especially on news with regards to islamic issues but it also keeps us busy 24 hours.

Television is able to satisfy and fulfill each and every need of different age groups, classes, race, status and so on. There is no group that is being left out, even for muslims, their eyes will be fixated on islamic documentaries or talks by scholars on DVDs, nasyeed video clips, miracles of Allah clips and so on. The list goes on and on until we become enslaved to this mean machine.

Not to disregard of its importance such as education via television (sesame street? really?), important information IS available on television such as time of solat, time to break sawm and so on but the fact that it brings harm more than good is obvious. Its harm will continue to over weigh its benefits. How? You may have an islamic channel on but whats challenging is avoiding whats in between the show you are watching. Ads?

Usually, it does not go over the duration of 120 seconds but the impact that it makes on our mind can last for years and even until our demise. We might say that we won't be influenced easily by these eenie weenie images such as the upper part of a female torso or a muscular guy showing his abs or a little glimpse of a couple smooching and some crazy guy screaming and so on but did you know that if we let our eyes gaze upon this "mystical images", we will further indulge ourselves into something big (bigger sin?), unknowingly.

In relation, surely we all have heard about the Prophet's hadeeth regarding the heart where it all starts with lil' spots but sooner or later the small spots will form into ONE BIG SPOT. That's when we feel that its ok to watch as long as not touch (or do it). Can we really avoid something that has become a habit? Like picking your nose when no one is around?

These negativities that comes from within television will prove to be true when a person realizes that he or she is wearing what the people in television is wearing, they will think like them, talk like them, behave like them and try to imitate them as much as they can. Heck, we now live in a society based on what has been portrayed in television (media). Indirectly, television is telling us what to do and because of this, most of us just never think anymore.

Therefore because of this annoying and threatening pattern, each and one of us must comprehend that we must not allow this disease to spill over onto the next generation because it will be difficult to shape a generation that will uphold the principles of islam if we are also still enslaved with poisonous external factors. We must try to instill and educate the next generation with the ability to think, the independent to make critical decisions, to read and to develop the necessary skills to avoid social ills and worldly frills.

In conclusion, television will always cause problems and the only way societal problems can be eradicated and the society can upgraded is by removing the habits of having breakfast, lunch and dinner in front television or getting rid of television altogether replacing it with non-celebrity related discussions or maybe issues which revolves around the islamic world at large and how we can do to help change the negative perceptions that has resulted from television.


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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Produk: Islam

Segala puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kepada Allah Azza Wa Jalla kerana di atas kasih sayang dan rahmatNya jua, kita masih berada dalam keadaan yang sehat dan masih lagi mampu mengerakkan jari jemari, mata, telinga, mulut dan terutama sekali akal kita demi untuk memikirkan keagungan ciptaan Allah yang tiada tandingan dengan ciptaan manusia.

Kita ucapkan salam kesejahteraan kepada nabi yang kita sering rindui dan kita kasihi, nabi Muhammad, keluarga serta sahabat2 baginda dan mereka yang sentiasa berusaha untuk menegakkan kalimah Allah di muka bumi ini.

Manusia dan jin telah diciptakan oleh Allah hanyalah untuk patuh, tunduk dan akur dengan perintah Allah. Untuk mematuhi apa yang disuruh oleh Allah dan bukan saja menjauhi tetapi membersihkan diri kita daripada perkara2 ataupun amalan2 yang bertentangan dengan kehendak Ilahi.

Kita perlu sentiasa bersyukur kerana kita masih mengakui bahawa tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah dan nabi Muhammad adalah hamba dan pesuruh Allah. Kita mungkin tidak perasaan bahawa satu nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita ialah nikmat menjadi seorang manusia yang menganut agama islam, satu-satunya agama yang diredhai oleh.

Jika kita perhatikan, masih banyak lagi manusia yang terombang ambing dengan maksiat dan banyak di antara mereka yang masih menyangka bahawa kehidupan di dunia ini adalah kehidupan yang hakiki dan tidak percaya kepada kehidupan akhirat. Orang2 yang tidak suka kepada ajaran yang di bawa oleh nabi Muhammad akan coba untuk merosakkan lagi manusia yang masih lagi tidak sedar ini dan mereka juga akan sedaya upaya untuk merosakkan aqidah dan akhlak orang islam sendiri.

Orang islam sendiri kadang2 tertipu dan termakan dengan tipu helah yang direka oleh musuh2 Allah. Mereka akan mencipta sesuatu benda yang akan membuat kita kadang2 lalai daripada mengingat Allah dengan apa jua cara. Kita lihat berapa ramai manusia yang dilalaikan oleh drama2, filem2, novel2, permainan komputer, membeli barang2 yang tidak perlu dan sebagainya. Tanpa kita sedari, banyak daripada adik2, abang2, ibu dan ayah kita terpersona dengan benda2 yang diciptakan oleh manusia sendiri.

Yang menyedihkan, mereka tidak pula terpersona dan menghabiskan masa mereka memikirkan apa yang diturunkan oleh Allah dan apa yang telah diciptakanNya. Kita dapat menyalahkan siapa2 kerana setiap perkara yang kita lakukan adalah di atas kehendak kita sendiri dan jika bukan kerana paksaan dan lupa, maka Allah akan menuntut kelalaian kita suatu masa nanti.

Sebagai seorang muslim, kita perlu sedar bawah tugas untuk menyedarkan orang yang masih leka, lalai dan tidur adalah satu kerja yang berat dan ianya perlu kepada displin diri yang tinggi, semangat yang tidak utuh, keyakinan yang tidak akan pudar dan keperibadian yang sempurna baik dari akhlak, kefahaman dan aqeedah.

Bagaimana kita akan dapat memastikan orang yang kita ajak akan mendengar cakap kita? Jika kita lihat dalam seerah nabi kesayangan kita, sebelum wahyu yang pertama diturunkan, orang2 di Mekah tahu bahawa nabi Muhammad adalah seorang manusia yang dipercayai, tidak pernah berdusta, amanah, peramah, suka menolong orang yang susah, tidak pernah mengikut sesuatu amalan tanpa usul periksa dan banyak lagi.

Oleh sebab itu, walaupun penyebaran islam semasa diperiod Mekah hanya terdiri daripada beberapa orang terdekat seperti isteri, sepupu dan sahabat2 nabi yang terdekat, tapi sesudah nabi berhijrah ke Madinah, ramai manusia yang berlomba-lomba ingin masuk agama islam kerana keadilan, keaslian, kesatuan, keharmonian dan lain2 faedah yang dapat diraih daripada menganut agama islam.

Perlu diketahui bahawa nabi dan para pengikut-pengikutnya bukan hanya menyebarkan islam dengan berceramah dikhalayak ramai, akan tetapi, mereka melakukannya dengan cara memberi contoh yang sepatutnya. Mereka akan mengamalkan apa yang disuruh oleh Allah dan rasulNya. Mereka akan berbuat baik kepada jiran mereka, menolong orang yang ditindas dan dicerca, mereka akan bersikap lembut kepada orang miskin, anak yatim dan yang fakir dan sebagainya.

Nabi dan para sahabat tahu bahawa untuk mengajak manusia kepada Allah, mereka hendaklah terlebih dahulu membeli islam itu sendiri. Mereka bukan masuk kerana terpaksa tapi mereka masuk islam kerana mereka tahu bahawa hanya dengan islamlah mereka akan selamat di dunia dan di akhirat.

Cuba kita lihat keadaan seorang yang mempunyai idea untuk membuka sebuah bisnes. Walaubagaimana pun, orang tersebut tidak mempunyai modal untuk memulakan bisnes tersebut. Jadi, orang tersebut terpaksa menyediakan berapa yang diperlukan, kos2 permulaan, pulangan yang akan didapati hasil daripada perniagaan setiap bulan dan sebagainya.

Selepas selesai, sebuah proposal yang lengkap akan dihadapkan kepada bank akan yang memberikan modal kepada orang tadi. JIKA sekiranya pegawai bank tersebut yakin bahawa idea yang hadapkan untuk meyakinkan, maka, insya Allah, orang tersebut sekarang sudah mempunyai wang untuk mula bergerak.

Begitu juga dengan islam, bagaimana kita akan mampu menjual sesuatu barang jika sekiranya kita sendiri tidak membelinya? Islam adalah satu cara hidup yang lengkap yang sepatutnya menjadi panduan dalam hidup kita. Siapa lagi yang sepatutnya menjadi modal kita, selain daripada Nabi Muhammad yang telah mampu "menjual" islam kepada seluruh umat manusia.

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