Saturday, June 30, 2007


Allah is The Greatest, He is One and nothing can be (or will ever) compared to Him. He is The Most Forgiving, and He does not have/need alliance nor assistance. Everything is in His Hands (Power) and His promises are indisputable. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad is His final messenger and sent to humans to bring prosperity and countless reminders of the day when every action will be questioned and judged by Allah, The Judge during Resurrection Day. Those who believe that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His messenger will be awarded with paradise, Allah's willing and those who does not will suffer the torment in hell for eternity, nau'dzubillahi mindzalik.

Masya Allah, God had created so many things for us to take the most of. Not to take advantage but to appreciate what he had given. Sometimes, we hear in a production plant that if a machine or an equipment is not used to its fullest capacity, then, that would vitally mean, the equipment or machinery is not being used to its optimum level (under utilized). Loss of money and loss of revenue. The same ideology can be applied to our daily life really. Take water for instance, natural and cannot be produced by humans. You would probably strike me with a question, "how on earth am I going to use water in its optimum level?". Simple, you use the amount that is necessary, not more not less, just sufficient.

Another example would be, we use it, we don't see it and without it we would deprived. Electricity. Yes, there are those who can afford to leave their warmer/heater or air conditioner around-the-clock but is that really necessary. Wastage is one of the character of satan and Allah dislikes those who wastes.

The need to find the right balance is important in Islam. One of the secrets to pure happiness here and after is a Balanced life. If you drive too fast, you might just crashed your car and kill yourself or if you drive too slow, you might get honked by the person who is tailing you behind and there is also high possibility of you getting a "glare". Just like a person who is trying to be in a tip-top condition. A dietitian or a doctor would normally advice a high blood pressured person to keep away from food that contains excessive fat and they are advised to exercise twice a week (if possible). But the problem is that, prevention is ALWAYS better than cure, as in Islam.

Islam advices its followers to do everything in moderation, no too rich not too poor; enough money not to beg (borrow). Another reason why Allah is The Most Kind. Through His messenger, my beloved Prophet Muhammad, taught us to be normal in everything that we do but it will be a different scenario when one wants to achieve that inner bliss (loved by Allah). You got to keep a watchful eye in everything that you endure. Such as, a person who wants to be get Allah's passion would certainly be avoiding what is detestable, even more so for forbidden things. Allah does not like those who bathe without a stitch of clothing. Allah does not like those who smoke (as this can harm to body system). He knows best! I have come up with this idea that Allah will dislike those who does harm to the body and the environment & satan (the condemned) will love those "love" those who does the things disliked by Allah.

Similar to the earlier example I had given, water. Allah dislikes those who wastes and satan likes those who wastes. So, if you think about is, we need to be careful in the little things most of us take for granted. Talking (or writing) can either be a good deed or can ALSO be a sin. Why? If we talk other people, gossiping, talking about "over 18" things and that is related are sinful. But a person talking about things which will make people do good and avoid sinful acts will be rewarded by Allah here or during the after life.

Now that I mentioned "over 18". I will now hopefully explain to readers this concept. Allah is Great and will not show guidance to those who are deaf and blind even though their eyes and ears are perfectly working fine. Remember when movies had no ratings, where everything was "viewable" by everyone. Later on, the ratings PG, G, 12, 15, 18, 18PL and 18 SX were created by the Hollywood movie industries and Asian countries are also "catching up". Perhaps, the Censorship department for each country are more likely to be responsible for these "tags". So, each movie would have these tags on them and those who cannot produce an identity card showing that there are 18 years young cannot purchase movies which are labeled "18". Remember, this guide would apply in countries where Islam is NOT the official religion.

Islam forbids a person looking at parts of the body that should not be seen by others whether its in magazines, videos, pictures, and so on. For a male, the aurat (parts that is covered) is between the belly button and kneecap. For women, the whole body except the face and palm of her hands. Its a real shame to see a LOT of women who wears hijab (scarf) but still wears an outfit which shows the body she has; tight pants and tight clothes (t-shirt, blouse and such).

There are those (non-muslims and so called muslims) who will try to make muslims make them "feel good" about themselves by selling clothes which are more revealing than ever. Notice the ever changing trend asian countries experiencing now. We see more and more "fashion" are being sold in shop corners. Trendy (in it!) and affordable (Cheap). Only about male? Well, males are also addicted to this fashion statement. Yes, its nice to people exercising every now and then: jogging, playing soccer, swimming?, hunting?, cycling. Wouldn't it be much better if these men would cover the areas that should be covered? By doing so, they would get two things; Allah's blessings, insya Allah and you will have pride. There are many verses in the Qur'an which condemns those who does not follow what Allah had set for us. We are only allowed to show our "belongings" to our spouse (wife or husband). The voice of a female (especially) is also part of aurat. Allah mentioned in the Qur'an:

".....if ye do fear (Allah), be not too complaisant of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just." [Al-Ahzab: 32]

So, the concept of putting tags on a movie cannot be applied in muslim countries especially movies which depict sexy raunchy corrupted misguided non-muslim scenes because Islam does not allow it. Looking at other people's aurat is forbidden (sinful). Again, I have mentioned this in the earlier articles regarding the nobleness of having knowledge which many are still seemed to be mesmerized with the fanatic life of NON-believers. Believe it or not, those who watched the above mentioned type of movies are one way or another supporting them.

The find the right level may seemed to be out of reach but it CAN be done by practicing. We train ourselves to be in the right momentum in everything that we do. For example in eating, in exercising, in sleeping, in studying, in driving, in walking, in achieving dreams and so on. So, find the midpoint of the situation you are in and before deciding take the time to ask yourself the following questions;

1) Will this make Allah angry? or
2) Will this make satan angry?

So, if you answered yes for question number 1, then perhaps its best if you don't carry on and vice versa. Because if one is hated by Allah, you will NEVER live happy and you can only pretend to be happy. The opposite also holds true. However, if you answered yes for the second question, then, go for it! Remember Allah will forgive those who are sincere. Something to ponder:

"Those who believe, then reject Faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject Faith, and go on increasing in unbelief, Allah will not forgive them nor guide them on the way." [An-Nisaa - 4]

May Allah shows us the true path..

Read On......

Friday, June 29, 2007

Kekurangan dan Kelebihan (Kebolehan)

Segala puji bagi Tuhan yang telah memberikan kita ni'mat yang tidak terkira banyaknya. Dialah yang terAgung, yang Terunggul, yang Esa dan yang Maha Kuasa. Kepadanya kita semua akan dikembalikan dan hanya kepada Allah tertumpu segala maksud dan harapan. Kita berdoakan agar Allah SWT melimpahi rahmat dan keberkatan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw di atas usaha, kesabaran & keutuhan Baginda bagi memperjuangkan agama Islam yang murni lagi suci ini.

Manusia ialah sebaik-baik ciptaan Allah SWT dan kita seharusnya bersyukur dengan apa yang telah diberiNya kepada kita. Sifat-sifat manusia banyak disebutkan oleh Allah di dalam Al Qur'an. Di antaranya ialah manusia dijadikan bersifat; lemah, kikir, tergesa-gesa, tamak, jahil dan sebagainya. Kebanyakan sifat tersebut ada di dalam diri kita samaada kita ketahui atau tidak. Besar kemungkinan, ada juga di antara kita yang coba untuk menyangkal (deny) tentang sifat-sifat tersebut kerana kita tidak merasa sifat-sifat itu ada di dalam diri kita. Ini kerana, jika kita dapat melihat diri kita, orang lain mungkin dapat melihat. Ini sebenarnya salah satu cara untuk mengetahui keaiban sendiri.

Terdapat tiga cara untuk mengetahui kekurangan atau kelebihan yang ada pada diri kita. Ianya adalah seperti berikut:

1) Bertanya kepada orang;
2) Dengan mencermin diri kita (muhasabah) &
3) Dari keterangan orang.

Tidak boleh disangkalkan lagi bahawa bertanya adalah sesuatu yang sangat digalakkan di dalam Islam kerana di zaman Rasulullah, jika ada salah seorang sahabat tidak mengetahui sesuatu, mereka akan bertanya. Tapi perlu diingat bahawa perkara yang ditanya hendaklah sesuatu yang boleh dijawab oleh orang yang ahlinya kerana jika kita bertanya kepada orang yang bukan ahlinya, besar kemungkinan, jawapan yang kita terima akan menjadi tidak betul atau sesat. Benarlah apa yang diperkatakan oleh orang, "Malu bertanya sesat jalan". Jika kita berada pergi melawat sesebuah negara yang kita tidak pernah kunjungi, kita mungkin akan menyediakan beberapa persiapan seperti membeli peta, kompas dan sebagainya. Tapi kadang-kadang, walaupun kita sudah mempunyai barang kelengkapan tersebut, kita mungkin boleh tersesat juga.

Perkara yang ingin disampaikan disini ialah kita sebagai manusia hendaklah mengetahui keaiban terutama sekali kelemahan kita kerana dengan cara ini kita boleh memperbaiki diri kita untuk mencapai mercu kejayaan. Bertanya sebenarnya mudah. Kita boleh bertanya kepada orang yang terdekat kita seperti keluarga, adik beradik, ayah & ibu, kawan-kawan rapat dan sebagainya kerana barangkali mereka sudah "masak" dengan sikap kita sehari-hari sehingga kita tidak sedar apa yang kita buat. Akan tetapi, bertanya bukan semestinya kepada orang yang terdekat, kita mungkin boleh bertanya kepada orang yang kita baru kenali kerana menurut kajian, orang yang baru kita kenali mungkin dapat mengatakan jenis manusia apakah kita ini. Samaada kita seorang yang baik, jahat, kikir, mesra dan seterusnya. Padangan Pertama (First Impression) adalah sangat penting.

Cara yang kedua pula ialah dengan melihat keadaan kita sendiri tanpa pertolongan siapa-siapa. Cara ini mungkin berkesan dan mungkin tidak kerana ada kadang-kadang ada di antara kita yang tidak begitu prihatin dengan diri kita. Ada yang mempunyai kebolehan untuk mengetahui kebolehan dan kekurangan kita dengan pertolongan Allah jua. Kerana Allah adalah sebaik-baik Penolong. Tidak kurangannya juga manusia yang hanya bersikap sambil lewa dan tidak ambil berat tentang dirinya. Menanamkan rasa kesedaran untuk mengetahui kelemahan kita adalah sangat penting kerana dengan cara ini, kita akan menjadi orang yang kuat dari segi budi perkerti, percakapan kita akan teratur dan perbuatan kita akan menjadi penyumbang bagi pembangungan diri kita dunia dan akhirat.

Tanpa kita ketahui, ada juga manusia yang suka berterus terang tentang keadaan kita yang sebenar dan ini mungkin akan mencetuskan api kemarahan dan mungkin akan membuahkan benih kebaikan. Allah SWT telah menciptakan manusia dengan bebagai bangsa, warna dan sebagainya. Ada yang berani dan ada yang penakut, ada yang berkulit kuning langsat dan ada pula yang berwarna coklat. Walau apapun, jika ada di antara keluarga, kawan atau pun siapa sahaja mengatakan kepada kita sesuatu kelemahan dalam diri kita, kita hendaklah merasa bersyukur dan bersabar kerana ini adalah pentunjuk dari Allah (hanya Allah lebih mengetahui) agar kita mengubah sikap kita tersebut. Salah satu sifat yang menjahannamkan manusia ialah bersifat bakhil dan sikap ini terdapat kepada Qarun kerana dia merasa dirinya sudah cukup dan tidak mahu sujud (sembahyang) kepada Alalh. Mereka yang bakhil akan dikumpulkan bersama orang ini di akhirat kelak.

Memang, manusia tidak akan lepas daripada sikap-sikap syaitan yang terkutuk. Akan tetapi ini tidak bermaksud kita membiarkannya begitu sahaja seperti kereta-api yang lalu. Kita hendaklah bergerak lebih pantas dengan maksud, mengikis kelemahan-kelemahan yang ada pada diri kita agar kita bisa menjadi orang yang baik di dunia dan di akhirat. Mengetahui kekurangan dalam sembahyang kita sehendaknya menjadi kepentingan yang TERpenting dari hal-hal yang lain. Ingatlah bahawa setiap kelemahan boleh dibaiki dan setiap kebolehan boleh digandakan dan diperbaiki. Semoga Tuhan menempatkan kita dibawah naungannya ketika hari berbangkit kelak.

Read On......

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cara sembahyang bagi perempuan (gambar)

Sebelum mengangkat takbir, kita hendaklah berdiri tegak (jika berkuasa) menghadap qiblat. Pastikan kita berada dalam keadaan yang tenang dan tidak dalam keadaan tidak tergopoh-gapah. (Jika tidak ada perkara yang memudaratkan) . Selepas itu niat bagi sembahyang akan hendak dilakukan.

Lalu mengangkat kedua belah tangan (sunat hai'at) serta membaca "ALLAHU AKBAR".

Selepas mengangkat takbiratul ihram kedua belah tangan disedakapkan sedikit dari atas pusat dari menghala sedikit kekiri. (Perempuan hendaklah memastikan keletiak (armpit) ditutop dengan rapat) [sunat hai'at]

(Tangan bagi perempuan hendaklah disembunyikan)
*Gambar tangan di atas hanyalah sebagai panduan

Baca do'a iftitah sehabis takbiratul ihram
(Sunat Hai'at)
Selepas itu membaca ta'awwudz (auudzu billaahi minays syaithannirrajiim) sebelum membaca Surah Al-Fatihah. Membaca amin selepas membaca Surah Al-Fatihah (sunat hai'at)
Membaca surah Al-Qur'an pada dua raka'at yang permulaan sehabis membaca Surah Al-Fatihah (sunat hai'at)

Membaca takbir (Allahu Akbar) ketika gerakan naik turun (Sunat hai'at)

Membaca tasbih ketika ruku' dan sujud (sunat hai'at)
Membaca "Sami'allahu liman hamidah" ketika bangkit dari ruku'. (sunat hai'at)

Membaca "Rabbanaa lawakal hamdu....." ketika i'tidal. (sunat hai'at)

Membaca takbir (Allahu Akbar) ketika gerakan naik turun (sunat hai'at)

Membaca takbir (Allahu Akbar) ketika gerakan naik turun (sunat hai'at)
Membaca tasbih ketika sujud (sunat hai'at)

Membaca takbir (Allahu Akbar) ketika gerakan naik turun (sunat hai'at) Lalu membaca bacaan semasa duduk di antara dua sujud.
Membaca takbir (Allahu Akbar) ketika gerakan naik turun (sunat hai'at)

Membaca tasbih ketika sujud (sunat hai'at)
Ulangi semula semua perkara di atas kecuali niat & doa iftitah kerana kedua-duanya hanya dilakukan sekali iaitu semasa permulaan sembahyang.

Meletakkan telapak tangan diatas paha waktu duduk bertasyahud awal dan akhir, dengan membentangkan yang kiri dan mengenggamkan yang kanan kecuali jari telunjuk
Membaca tasyahhud awal [sunat ab'adl]
Membaca selawat pada tasyahhud awal [sunat ab'adl]

Meletakkan telapak tangan diatas paha waktu duduk bertasyahud awal dan akhir, dengan membentangkan yang kiri dan menggengamkan yang kanan kecuali jari telunjuk.
Duduk tawarruk (bersimpuh) pada waktu duduk tasyahud akhir (tahiyat akhir) [sunat hai'at]
Membaca selawat atas keluarga Nabi saw pada tasyahhud akhir [sunat ab'adl]
Membaca salam yang kedua [sunat hai'at]
Memalingkan muka ke kanan dan ke kiri masing2 waktu membaca kedua-dua salam. [sunat hai'at]

Peringatan: Duduk iftirasy dalam semua duduk solat seperti gambar2 di atas. (sunat hai'at)

Sunat ab‘adl ialah setiap perkara yang dimestikan sujud sahwi pada akhir sembahyang jika meninggalkannya.
Sunat hai’at pula, setiap perkara yang jika ditinggalkan tidak dikenakan sujud sahwi.

Untuk mengetahui rukun2 sembahyang, sila tekan disini

Perkara yang mesti diketahui:
  1. Merapatkan satu anggota kepada anggota lainnya.
  2. Meletakkan perutnya pada dada, dua pahanya ketika ruku' dan sujud.
  3. Merendahkan suaranya/bacaannya di hadapan lelaki lain, yakni bukan muhrimnya.
  4. Bila menderita sesuatu bertepuk tangan, yakni tangan yang kanan dipukulkan pada punggung telapak tangan kiri.
  5. Auratnya dalam solat seluruh tubuhnya, kecuali muka dan dua belah telapak tangan.

Read On......

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Aku seekor semut

Aku hanyalah satu di antara ciptaanMU yang berjuta,
Setiap hariku saksikan kebaikan dan kejahatan yang manusia lakukan,
Samaada di dalam kegelapan malam ataupun di khalayak ramai,
Aku hanyalah seekor semut yang menunggu saat itu tiba,

Aku berjalan seakan-akan semua manusia sudah kaya,
kaya kerana membuang makanan yang tidak habis dimakan,
tidakkah mereka sedar tentang kehidupan orang yang fakir & miskin,
Tidak tahu samaada mereka makan hari ini, esok ataupun tahun depan,

Aku juga kadang-kadang dihina dan dibunuh tanpa belas kasihan,
Kawan-kawanku dibakar, sama seperti serpihan kayu arang,
Aku hanya mampu melihat dan berzikir kepadaMu ya Tuhan,
Tidakkah mereka tahu tentang balasan sikap orang yang tidak tahu?

Aku tidak kurang melihat manusia yang sombong lagi angkuh
Mereka berjalan seperti merekalah yg paling kuat di muka bumi ini,
Bangga dengan kekayaan harta benda yang melimpah ruah,
tapi sangat miskin dengan bekalan mereka di akhirat,

Aku kecil tapi aku sedar Tuhan melihat apa yang ku laku,
Kau lihat aku semasa aku bangun dari tidurku yang panjang,
Kau lihat aku dikala aku mengangkat makananku,
Kau juga melihat dikala manusia hampir menghentamku,

Aku lalui hari-hari seperti orang yang akan berlayar jauh,
Mencari dan mengumpul bekal yang mencukupi agar aku tidak jatuh,
Ke dalam curam yang menghinakan yang akan membunuhku
dan membuatku menyesal atas kejadian yang menimpaku

Tuhanku hanyalah Allah yang satu,
Aku tidak akan berputus asa dengan rezekiMu,
Kaulah dzat yang kaya & sebaik-baik penghibur diwaktu hatiku pilu,
Aku hanyalah seekor semut yang ingin mengharapkan perhatianMu..

Read On......

Monday, June 25, 2007

Swallow the Pill

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. I seek refuge with Allah from satan in the forms of jinn and man. Allah is The Greatest, He is The Most Loving, The Most Kind, The Most Brilliant, The Most Compassionate and The Most Caring. The Prophet Muhammad is His slave (as we all are) and His final messenger. He was sent to the human race to give good news, blessings and warnings on earth. Allah will only help those who are willing to help themselves. It is not dishonorable those who are honored by Allah and it is not honorable those who are dishonored by Allah. Nothing can lead one to astray through Allah's guidance and no power can help a lost soul to go into the right path without Allah's will. There is no better help than Allah's.

In the beginning, humans were used to stand as one and somehow, it started to disperse slowly due to the greediness in earthly possessions, overly concerned with materialism, unappreciative of Allah's gifts and presents and the rise of powermongers. Life was rather timid, calm, & civilized. But now, the majority of us acted as if they have forgotten Allah, our Creator, the Supreme Being to whom we will be facing one day, most looked as if the richness of this world can give them true happiness and joy. We would generally do what we can to fulfill our lusts and desires because we are only 'normal' human beings. We are often misled and fooled by non-believers wealth.

Alas, we are now divided into groups based mostly on status and wealth. It was mentioned by our beloved Prophet Muhammad that the worse reception/function/ceremony that a person would be in is where there is separation/differentiation between the rich and the poor. This basically means that those who are rich are set to be accommodated in a more 'deserving' venue and those who are not so rich a placed in a "normal" camping ground. Where will the poor sit I wonder. Perhaps, this is one of the many things humans tend to NOT know. Tradition is something a lot of people praise about and it acceptable if it is according to Islam law . You see there are a mouthful of Allah's laws are being butchered nowadays as humans are more accustomed to man-made laws. Don't they fear the wrath of Allah? What excuse will they come up when they face The All Mighty?

The 7 deadly sins are somehow common now. People see this as a norm and they like to feed on it. Don't they know that these habits are habits of satan? Greed is the desire to want or have something other people have such as wealth, ladies or men, status, names, land and so on. Greed hailed from an ill-heart. Not just greed, proud, jealousy, stingy, insincerity, self-amazement also come from the heart. In Islam, the heart is considered as the most important hub because from the heart, action will be followed whether it is good or bad. There is that need to synchronized our body, mind and soul. To achieve this is quite difficult. More difficult than climbing Mount Everest and more difficult than trying to flee from Guantanamo Bay Prison.

When satan was asked by Allah to prostate (show respect) to Adam, everyone obeyed except satan (Iblees). Satan said why should he respect someone who was created from clay when he (satan) was made out of fire? This is an indication of proud. (1 of the 7 deadly sins). You just never question what Allah had ordained for us. Those who do can prepare themselves for an eternity of pain & agony in hell. The flaming fire is raging as we breathe and can be felt slightly during the hottest point in summer. The coldness in hell can be felt during the coldest of winters.

There is a clear distinction between the good heart and a bad heart. True, most of would love it if our heart is pure but as mentioned, this can only achieved by few. These illnesses cannot be done just by popping a pill and a sip of water. This is no ordinary disease that you can treat easily. A broken leg can be mend or glued?, a running nose can be stopped and chicken pox would eventually subsides. It is probably secure to say that the heart is a breeding ground for satan IF you let it. And it can also be a haven for generation of good intentions. Doctors cannot do much in the case of an ill-fated-heart because this illness cannot be seen using the normal gadgets used under a normal diagnose. It cannot even go under a knife and even if you could, perhaps surgeons will only see a black heart pumping nervously. That's just plain senseless!

What is causing these resistances? From my observation, it is the lack of knowledge that people tend to sway, its the lack of knowledge that led people to such eerie dismay and its the lack of knowledge especially most humans lack the fear of Allah, The All Seer. Its by learning and through understanding that makes us appreciate the forever existing of Allah and not just by saying that, "I fear Allah". Once people start to realize how extremely low we are in front God, the sooner we would get our act together and vice versa. This is return will, God's willing, help us cleanse our mind, body and soul (heart).

So, cleansing oneself is not just about swallowing the pills and praying that everything would be ok but its about working taking the time to effectively learn and understand yourself with the help of Allah and by appreciating and approved of what has been bestowed upon us; bad or good. In addition, by following what has been prescribed by Allah, by avoiding what has been forbidded, by reading the Qur'an, by remembering Allah and through repentance and asking for Allah's forgiveness are perhaps the right "pills" if one wants to swallow. Insya Allah. May Allah save those who are trying to save themselves from hellfire.

Read On......

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunat Rawatib

Segala puji hanya bagi Allah yang nyawa kita ada ditanganNya. Tidak ada kuasa yang boleh merosakkan kita melainkan dengan izinNya dan dia adalah sebaik-baik penolong. Semoga Allah melimpahi rahmat dan kesejahteraan kepada Nabi yang kita cintai, Nabi Muhammad saw.

Rasulullah adalah seorang hamba Allah yang membawa berita gembira, peringatan dan sebagai pembawa rahmat kepada seluruh alam. Kita akan mendapat banyak ilmu yang disampaikan oleh Baginda yang berguna untuk kita amalkan sebagai persiapan kita di hari "hujan" kelak. Salah satu di antara sembahyang yang biasa diamalkan oleh Rasulullah ialah solat sunat rawatib.

Solat sunat rawatib bermaksud sembahyang sunat sebelum dan sesudah sembahyang fardhu (suboh, zuhor, asar, maghrib & 'isya). Ianya terbahagi kepada dua: sunat mu'akkadah & ghairi mu'akkadah. Sunat mu'akkadah ialah sunat yang dituntut dan digalakkan manakala ghairi mu'akkadah bermaksud

Rawatib sunnah mu’akkadah ada sepuluh, iaitu:*

1) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Subuh (sembahyang sunat Fajar)

2) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Qabliyyah Zuhur ataupun Jumaat.

3) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Ba‘diyyah Zuhur ataupun Jumaat.

4) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Ba‘diyyah Maghrib.

5) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Ba‘diyyah ‘Isya’.

Manakala Rawatib sunnah ghairi mu’akkadah pula ada dua belas, iaitu:*

1) Dua rakaat (tambahan) sembahyang sunat Qabliyyah Zuhur ataupun Jumaat.

2) Dua rakaat (tambahan) sembahyang sunat Ba‘diyyah Zuhur ataupun Jumaat.

3) Empat rakaat sembahyang sunat Asar.

4) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Qabliyyah Maghrib.

5) Dua rakaat sembahyang sunat Qabliyyah ‘Isya’.

Dipetik dari

Terdapat banyak hadis-hadis yang menyatakan tentang kelebihan solat sunat rawatib. Di antaranya ialah:

Daripada `Aishah daripada Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Sesiapa sentiasa melazimi sembahyang 12 rakaat dalam sehari dan semalam, Allah s.w.t. akan binakan untuknya sebuah rumah di dalam syurga. 4 rakaat sebelum zuhur, 2 rakaat selepas zuhur, 2 rakaat selepas maghrib, 2 rakaat selepas isya’ dan 2 rakaat sebelum subuh. [HR (Hadis Riwayat) al-Nasai’i, al-Tirmizi, Ibn Majah]

Daripada Ummu Habibah katanya saya mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Sesiapa bersembahyang 12 rakaat dalam sehari dan semalam, dibina untuknya sebuah rumah di dalam syurga. [HR Muslim]

Barangsiapa yang memelihara (mengamalkan) sembahyang sunat empat rakaat sebelum sembahyang fardhu Zuhur dan empat rakaat selepasnya nescaya Allah akan mengharamkan untuknya api neraka. [HR at-Tirmidzi]

Sesungguhnya Nabi saw tidak pernah meninggalkan sembahyang sunat empat rakaat sebelum sembahyang fardhu Zuhur dan dua rakaat sebelum sembahyang fardhu Subuh. [Riwayat Bukhari]

Mudah-mudahan Allah akan merahmati orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang sunat sebelum sembahyang fardhu Asar sebanyak empat rakaat. [HR Imam Abu Daud, at-Tirmidzi, Ahmad dan Ibnu Khuzaimah]

Sebenarnya banyak lagi fadilat atau kelebihan sembahyang sunat rawatib yang akan membuat kita lebih bersemangat untuk mengerjakannya.

Contoh niat sembahyang sunat rawatib adalah seperti di bawah:

Eritnya: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat Qabliyyah Zuhur dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala."

Ertinya: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat Ba'diyyah dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala."

Ertinya: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat Asar dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala."

Bagi solat fardhu yang lain, seperti maghrib & 'isya, niatnya sama seperti niat qabliyyah & ba'diyyah di atas tetapi perkataan zuhur hendaklah diganti diwaktu solat fardhu yang hendak dikerjakan. Bagi sembahyang fardhu suboh pula, hendakalah diniatkan sama seperti niat sunat asar di atas.

Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama bersabar dan berusaha dalam menambah lagi amal ibadat kita demi mencari keRedhaanNya jua. 'insya Allah. Semoga Allah merahmati kita semua...

Read On......

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Beg Kosong

Allah, Dialah Tuhan yang Esa, Tiada yang patut disembah melainkan Dia dan kepadaNya kita semua akan dikembalikan. Keagungan, Kebesaran, Kekuasaan & Kesempuranaan adalah kepunyaanNya. Semua urusan dunia mahupun akhirat ada ditanganNya. Segala ciptaanNya tidak akan dapat membawa mudharat kepada kita melainkan dengan kehendaknya. Kita berkehendak kepadaNya dan kefasikan atau kekafiran hambaNya tidak akan mengugatNya. Dialah Tuhan yang berdiri dengan sendiri, tiada sekutu bagiNya dan hanyalah tertumpu segala hajat, maksud dan harapan.

Sesuatu yang hidup pasti akan mati. Ajal (kematian) adalah sesuatu yang hanya Allah yang mengetahui dan tidak seorang pun yang mengetahui bila malaikat maut akan menjemput. Apabila ajal tiba, seseorang tidak akan dapat menahan, menganjakkan ataupun mengundurkan kematian. Ianya akan datang dengan tiba-tiba. Akhir-akhir ini, kita biasa mendengar tentang mati 'mengejut' yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor seperti jantung, kemalangan dan sebagainya. Mudah-mudahan Allah menempatkan mereka yang sudah kembali ditempat yang bersesuaian dengan amalannya.

Nabi Muhammad saw, penutup segala nabi pernah bersabda yang kira-kira bermaksud, "sebaik-baik kamu ialah mereka yang mempersiapkan diri bagi menghadapi kematian..". Tidak dapat dinafikan, banyak di antara kita yang mabuk dengan kehidupan dunia yang banyak dengan tipu helah dan ni'mat dunia. Memang, dunia memang nampak seperti sesuatu yang indah lagi menyeronokkan bagi orang biasa. Orang yang istimewa akan membuat dunia seperti gudang atau pusat untuk menuntut/mencari ilmu, mempratikkan ilmu yang dipelajarinya dan meyebarkannya kepada yang tidak tahu.

Untuk memperoleh kejayaan, perancangan yang teliti dan rapi hendaklah dibuat. Setiap pekiraan, setiap gerak geri musuh atau lawan hendaklah diperhatikan dengan terperinci. Hatta, sehinnga ke perkara yang kecil pun mesti dilihat. Semasa di zaman salah seorang khalifah Islam, tentera di bawah kawalannya telah dikerahkan untuk menyerang dan menakluki sebuah kawasan musuh. Akan tetapi tenteranya tidak dapat menakluki kawasan tersebut. Khalifah sangat hairan bagaimana ini boleh terjadi. Maka, Kahlifah pun bertanya kepada salah seorang orangnya. Hendaklah diketahui bahawa kawalan dibawah khalifah tersebut sangat teliti; sumber makanan dipastikan halal dan tukang masaknya pula mesti beragama Islam, sembahyang yang dilakukan mesti mengikut waktu dan berjemaah. Selepas ditanya kepada orang itu, khalifah pun masih kehairanan kerana semua yang dirasanya patut dibuat dan sudah disediakan sudah terlaksana. Akhirnya, khalifah tersebut pun bertanya soalan berikut, "Adakah kamu memberus gigi sebelum solat?". Lalu orang itu menjawab, "Tidak...". Sejak itu, khalifah itu menyuruh agar semua orang-orangnya memberus gigi sebelum solat. Pada hari berikutnya, khalifah pun menyuruh tenteranya menakluki kawasan yang gagal itu. Akhirnya, dengan kuasa Allah mereka pun berjaya menakluki kawasan tersebut itu...

Dari kejadian di atas, kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahawa, setiap sesuatu perkara hendaklah dibuat dengan sempurna kerana kersempurnaan itu adalah tangga kejayaan! Kita sebagai hamba Allah yang telah dipinjamkan dengan ni'mat yang banyak hendaklah memastikan yang setiap anggota kita dijaga dengan bersih (gigi, kuku, rambut, telinga, hidung dan sebagainya) kerana setiap sesuatu memainkan peranan yang mustahak bagi mengecapi kejayaan yang mutlak.

Barangkali, ada di antara kita yang gagal disebabkan oleh perkara-perkara yang remeh di mata kasar. Ingatlah, hanya Allah yang mengetahui segala sesuatu. Kita mungkin gagal dalam peperiksaan kerana tidak peduli dengan suruhan Tuhan walaupun kita sudah belajar dengan sepenuh hati. Kedua suami isteri mungkin masih tidak mempunyai anak kerana prihatin dengan kewajipan yang sepatutnya dilaksanakan. Kadang-kadang, banyak pasangan baru kahwin, tidak menunaikan kewajipannya TAPI boleh mendapat anak. Ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya Tuhan itu Maha Kaya. Pasangan tersebut mungkin diuji oleh Allah samaada mereka bersyukur atau masih kufur. Kita hendaklah mengetahui hakikat sebenar kehidupan. Apa sahaja perkara yang baik atau yang buruk yang menimpa kita datang dari Allah dan ianya adalah sebagai ujian bagi kita semua.

Kita tidak patut berasa hairan bagaimana orang-orang kafir diseluruh dunia memperoleh kekayaan yang sangat sehinggakan baru-baru ini, ada di antara mereka yang boleh membeli sebuah pulau disuatu kawasan yang tidak diketahui tempatnya. Allah memberikan ni'mat kepada mereka kerana Tuhan bersifat Pemurah dan setiap hambaNya di muka bumi ini sudah ditentukan rezeki masing-masing. Tapi! perlu diingat bahawa orang-orang kafir diberikan ni'mat yang melimpah ruah kerana semasa hari Kiamat nanti mereka tidak akan dapat menuntut semua kebaikan yang mereka lakuakan di dunia. Kerana itu, Allah akan membalas kebaikan orang kafir di dunia sahaja kerana kelak mereka semua akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka selama-lamanya.

Allah sebenarnya sangat sayang kepada hamba-hambaNya yang mengikut suruhannya dan menjauhi larangnya kerana semua kebaikan yang kita niatkan untukNya akan dibalas di dunia atau semasa di akhirat kelak. Tapi, kadang-kadang, ada di antara kita yang mungkin berputus asa dengan nasib yang ada pada dirinya. Ini sebenarnya hasutan dari syaitan yang terkutuk. Syaitan akan membuat kita merasa berputus asa apabila sesuatu tidak kesampaian atau tidak berhasil. Semoga Allah menjauhkan kita dari bersikap sedemikian kerana sifat yang tercela ini lebih sesuai bagi orang yang kufur. Balasan yang Allah berikan kepada hamba-hambaNya yang beriman akan dibalas dengan ni'mat yang lebih berkekalan iaitu syurga yang penuh dengan ni'mat yang tidak boleh dicerna oleh akal kita yang terkawal.

Rasulullah saw pernah bersabda yang kira-kira bermaksud, "berjalanlah kamu dimuka bumi Allah seperti seorang perantau atau pengembara..". Hadis tersebut mempunyai maksud yang luas dan boleh digunakan di dalam hidup kita sehari-hari. Sebagai contoh, jika kita seorang pekerja, kita hendaklah merasakan kita sentiasa penuh dengan kekurangan & kelemahan kerana dengan kekurangan kita akan dapat belajar dan memperbaiki keadaan kita. Ingatlah, ilmu Tuhan meliputi langit dan bumi dan apa yang diberikan kepada kita adalah sedikit sekali.

Sebagai hamba Allah yang daif dan lemah, kita hendaklah meminta kepada Allah agar Dia memberikan sedikit daripada hikmah dan kelebihannya agar kita dapat menghadapi dunia dengan berfikiran yang terbuka dan waras dan tidak bertindak mengikut urutan hawa nafsu. Setiap amal dan kebajikan adalah seperti pelaburan. Pelaburan yang mengaut hasil yang besar di akhirat kelak. Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama berusaha dengan gigih untuk memenuhi beg-beg kita kerana Allah..

Read On......

Friday, June 15, 2007

Death bed (updated 23.6.07)

Lack of discipline and lack of knowledge caused the society to be so unproductive and naive. To counter these ever worsening bogus issues, each and everyone one of us will have a series of roles to play and everyone will be the main actors / actresses. Somebody or a proper authority ought to teach those kids a thing or two about living manners and living itself as an Islam devotee.

It cannot be done in one day and that’s for sure! Islam did not become known in a day. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad had to face a series of challenges before he "completed" Islam. If we let these things go easy, nothing will be achieved. These negativities will be one of the contributing factors of our sad demise because besides social illnesses of youth in a nation, there are also politics, personal achievement, conflicting objectives, vanity fair and popularity.

We often hear problematic occurrences hailed from home and that fact is more apparent more so than ever. The importance of the world’s paradise (home sweet home) is often overlooked as secondary education centers are heavily relied upon. Seriously! Majority of parents especially in this decade take care of things with money while they look for more venues to quadruple their earnings. What they do not realize is that they are not teaching their offspring in the rightly way. Most parents think that sending their kids to "international school" (I care not to mention names) will give their kids more "education" and it would be more "trendy". Well, do they? really? are they "smarter"? You can imagine how "smart" parents are when it comes to parenting. Allah knows Best!

When two people, male and female are legally wedded, they are bonded with a responsibility which is to take care of the well-being of the family as a whole. Supplying halal food, giving a cozy shelter and some money for the household are just some of the obligatory needs that a man has to do. Not only that, a father would have to play a role in which he has to portray a good example so that the child will look up to him and be proud of him.

Ironically and sadly, most of the adolescents in our society have the tendency to look up to celebrities (actors & actresses); what they wear, what they like; what they eat; how they talk and what they do. The saddest story is that these idols can be seen as corrupted in variety of ways. Partying, drinking, staying up all night blabbering, jousting, gambling, having different sex get the picture. The worse thing is these idols they worship so much are not muslims. Its like the tale about the blind leading the blind. If a person follows an already-lost-person, how can you not expect your child will be more lost?

From there we can actually pin point the second cause of this bulimic inertia. Its very important to stress the importance of having a non unpretentious happy family. Newly married couples would roughly get a divorce in 2 years time due to reasons no one would believe hearing. Why is this so? Picked the wrong person? Rushing? I think everything will be ok when I get married? Peer pressure? Whatever it is, it can be solved really. But patience is the key and will always be is. Abdullah Al-Fawzan, a professor and sociologist at King Saudi University in Riyadh said that the loss of trust, sincerity, compassion and cooperation were also factors in the failure of marriages.

Key to successful happiness is knowledge and with the knowledge that one has can overcome whatever obstacle that is along the way. Unfortunately, many of us have knowledge but when it comes to practicing it, its hard to come by. We just like to talk and fullstop. This culprit is called ignorance. Don't you just like the way that sounds? A sight for sore eyes how things have become ever since kristal merged with astro. Things were a little traditional and conservative. and that is good because everyone would dress nicely, covered and unexposed. Afterwards, the exposure of the videos and profanity aired in the tube left everyone with a breath of life. It was like discovering there is life on Mars after all. It took everyone by storm and that made a huge impact on how things are now.

Mind if not used properly can be deadly. If it was treated good, then insya Allah, a growing up child may just end up growing decently even if the harshness around him/her tempts. Its with Allah's power that everything works out, its with the Kindness of Allah, we are not yet befall with hail storm, its with His mercy we are still able to live without to worry about the level of "PSI" index. If you just listen closely to your heart, you will hear that He is closer than you think.

It is downhill from here then? No, not really. Things can still be saved once we get our act together and try not to let things just be. We have to use our hands if we see something is not right, if can't, vocally, if that doesn't work, then, you can just quietly scream from the inside...

Most of us just never ask for help anymore. You do? To humans? What do they know? To the same person who created the problem in the first place. How about Allah for a change? Its the lack of confidence and discipline that makes our prayers (
doa) not granted. Say what? If we look around us, when a doa is being read, some would just rest their hands on their lap while some looked as if they can't wait for the doa to be over. There are also those who likes to yawn, to crack their knuckles, read books? and so on. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad cries every time he reads a prayer. It all comes down to sincerity. Have you ever?

As mentioned earlier, a father should set a good example for his children and not just some wacky guy with a bad hairdo. A father needs know the rights of each an everyone in the family. For example, a child has many rights but the 3 most important principles a father needs to give to his descent are:

1) To give the child a
mother how has taqwa (before getting married);
2) Teach his children
3) Give the child a
good name which has good meanings.

The husband also needs to know what rights a wife has. This is by far the to most vital factor if one intent to have a
till-death-do-us-apart marriage. Giving permissible (halal) livelihood; food and clothing, fulfilling her physical and mental needs and an adequate place to release the bitter sweet taste of life. In Islam, the responsibility and rights work both ways and everyone is a winner. The guidelines are meant to be obliged is not open for questioning. Who dares to defy the rules given by Allah!!? He is The Guide, Infallible Teacher, and Knower (Ar-Rasyiid) and The Most Wise (Al Hakiim).

Some of the responsibilities of a wife to a husband are as follows:

1) ask permission to leave the house;
2) wife must be faithful, trustworthy and honest;
3) not letting just anyone into the house without the husband's consent especially male;
4) to take care of her pride and self-respect;
5) to keep her husband's secrets and so on

We hear so many people talking, discussing social issues and bad behaviours in a country BUT we see no action. Talking is cheap but action is as far as the eye can see. What makes a man a man or what makes a woman a woman? Well, in order for a child to grow up and become 'strong', the bread winner needs to supply the child with food which is not only nutritious/healthy but also halal.

A father or a mother giving halal food to their children would mean, a secure life on earth and hereafter. God's willing. This is because, a child growing up with halal food would have a more obedient attitude towards Islam.
You are what you eat. Halal food would effectively mean, satan (devil) would not be able to travel into their blood stream as all we consumed are halal food BUT bear in mind that satan will not give up just like that as he will try to find other ways to get into adam's seeds.

There are a number of ways satan will get into our system. There are as follow:

1) Through yawning (that is why it is a good habit to cover your mouth with your right hand when you yawn as this was done by our beloved Prophet Muhammad or try to cover your mouth as hard as you can). If you don't cover your mouth, satan will
slowly make you lazy. If due to some reason that you are unable to cover your mouth when yawning, you could say "aa u'dzubillah himinasy shaiton nirrajiim"

2) Read basmalah (bismillahirrahmanirrahim) evertime you do something. Perhaps, this is especially important for those who are married because if you just 'jump' your wife without saying any prayers, if you "struck a goldmine", then, your child will have a habit of satan such as stubbornness, lazy, bad-tempered and so on. This is because satan will be part of the action as well. Input and output?

When I say every time, I DO mean all the time. Such as:

a)before wearing your daily attire. For example undergarments, trousers, shirts, socks and so on
b)Before eating; if not you will for sure make satan fat;
c)before entering the toilet;
d)before you sleep (the very least you can do)

One day 2 satans met; one was skinny+naked and the other was really healthy fat+properly dressed. So the skinny satan asked the fat one how did he become so big, healthy and sharp (good looking?). So he started to tell the skinny guy what happened. I have found the best buddy EVER!

Everytime he eats or drinks, he doesn't recite any doa' or read basmalah and he does the same when putting on his pants and trousers. Then, the fat satan was looking at this skinny satan and asked why did he become so skinny. He then said that the human I followed always recite basmalah before he eats or drinks and always recite basmalah before he wears his attire. I wonder how many of us have made satan looked sleek?

Satan is weak really and unfortunately most humans tend to give up easily. We would normally give in to our desires and lusts. Most of us let satan do the talking/action/thinking for us and this would primarily mean you are worshiping satan when the only God that everyone must worship is Allah. During the day when hell breaks loose, those who followed the footsteps of satan will point fingers at him and blame him for all the sins we have committed but REMEMBER, on that day, he will act as if he had nothing to do with your actions. This was mentioned in the Qur'an. Satan promises to you is nothing more than just fabricated lies.

We often hear cases where engagements being slumped and weddings being canceled. Some of you might not have heard this but on the day a man and a female get married, satan will cry because there will be less people who will have sexual intercourse
illegally. So, satan and his evil squad will try to tempt either the bride or the groom to call off their engagement or their wedding. Are we going to let satan rule us?

Other ways to pervent satan from ruining our mind is by remembering Allah. That He is always present, that He is Watching, that our life IS in His Commands. This is quite difficult for amateurs, let alone beginners. It was mentioned earlier that patience is always the key. You might think that repetitions are annoying but you might need to consider this. Al Qur'an itself is repetitive. This is because Allah wants to be reminded over and over again of a particular message/warning/news until its glued in our stubborn head. Repetition does not seemed to sound so bad after all.

It is strongly recommended that if one wants to have a more direct impact on the Qur'an, don't just read the Qur'an but understand its meanings. The best way to this is by finding a Qur'an which has translations in your language. Just imagine reading a book in a spanish language, you pronounced it correctly but it just doesn't make to sense to you. The same goes for the Qur'an. If one reads the Qur'an but does not understand a single word he or she is uttering, how can one "feel" the verses of the Qur'an? Satan hates and get away from those who
1) reads the Qur'an, 2) understand its meanings, and 3) exercise what is in the Qur'an.

To be cont'd..

Allah's willing

Allah save us all..

Read On......

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Segala sesuatu yang ada dilangit dan dibumi dan apa yang ada di antara duanya adalah milik Allah SWT. Dialah Raja yang hakiki dan akan menjadi Pengadil bagi hari Pembalasan yang semakin panas. Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan keselamatan kepada Nabi kita, Nabi Muhammad saw, keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda yang setia berjuang melawan musuh-musuh Islam diserata dunia.

Allah SWT telah memberikan kita dengan bebagai ni'mat yang tidak terkira banyaknya. Salah satu daripada ni'mat yang paling dekat yang Allah berikan kepada kita adalah pancaindera (anggota badan) seperti tangan, telinga, mulut, kaki, kepala, hidung, hati dan sebagainya. Setiap satu mempunyai fungsi yang khusus, seperti tangan untuk membuat kerja seharian; makan menggunakan tangan, kaki untuk berjalan dan seterusnya. Akan tetapi, banyak di antara kita yang memikirkan bahawa tangan, kaki dan semua anggota badan kita adalah kepunyaan kita. Sebenarnya, semua yang kita adalah pinjaman.

Jika kita perhatikan dengan teliti, pinjaman boleh diertikan sebagai sesuatu yang tidak kekal, sesuatu yang akan dikembalikan kepada hak miliknya. Sebagai misal, jika kita meminjam sesuatu barang daripada seseorang, kita akan berusaha untuk tidak menjahanamkan barang orang itu. Barang seperti kereta, baju, kasut, cakera padat (CDs) dan sebagainya. Sudah pasti, ada di antara kita akan panas muka (marah) jika barang (laptop, Ipod Video) yang kita pinjamkan rosak atau hancur berkecai seperti buah tembikai (watermelon) yang dihumban dari tingkat 19! Bayangkan jika sekiranya barang yang kita pinjamkan itu bernilai satu juta ringgit!

Sepertimana yang kita tahu, anggota-anggota badan yang ada pada kita tidak ternilai harganya kerana ianya adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dicipta oleh manusia, ia dicipta dengan tangan (Kuasa) Allah. Banyak ahli-ahli sains yang coba untuk membuat kajian tentang ini dan yang mereka peroleh hanyalah tiruan belaka. Di antara ciptaan gantian yang dicipta adalah seperti prostetic legs, prostetic heart dan sebagainya. Sehinggakan, satu bentuk gigi akan memakan belanja sebanyak $500.00!

Di seluruh dunia terjadi berbagai teknik untuk mencipta semula pinjaman Tuhan terutama sekali pelakon-pelakon hollywood dan bollywood yang hari demi hari menghantui pemikiran orang-orang Islam. Pelakon-pelakon ini akan menjadi sambutan dan akan menjadi ikutan bagi mereka yang jahil tentang keadaan sebenar pujaan mereka di akhirat kelak. Di dalam Al Qur'an Allah menyebutkan tentang bagaimana orang-orang kafir (munafik dan sesamanya) akan semakin suka dengan apa yang mereka ada kerana lebih banyak pengikutnya, lebih teruk seksa nanti. Allah membiarkan mereka hanyut dengan populariti yang ada pada mereka kerana mereka buta, tuli dan bisu kepada peringatan dan ancaman Allah.

Semua anggota badan kita akan kembali kepada Allah nanti dan setiap satu anggota yang kita ada adalah amanah yang diberikan kepada-Nya. Kita hendaklah memastikan setiap anggota kita sentiasa dalam berkeadaan bersih zahir dan batin. Barangkali, salah satu anggota yang paling rumit sekali untuk diketahui ialah hati.

Peranan (role) hati ialah sangat penting kerana dari hatilah Allah menilai amal seseorang itu; ikhlas kerana Allah atau kerana selain Allah. Setiap kali anak adam melakukan maksiat, akan tumbuh setitk hitam di hatinya. Seperti sabda Rasulullah saw:

Siapa yang melakukan suata dosa, maka akan tumbuh di hatinya setitik hitam, kiranya ia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu dari muka hatinya. Jika ia tidak bertaubat, maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak sehingga seluruh muka hatinya menjadi hitam. (HR Al-Imam Ibnu Majah).

Dari hadis di atas, benarlah, penjagaan hati setiap orang Islam adalah penting. Ianya lebih penting daripada penjagaan muka, lebih penting daripada penjagaan rambut, lebih penting daripada penjagaan perut dan sebagainya. Bintik-bintik hitam di hati lebih teruk lagi daripada bintik-bintik hitam (black heads?) di atas muka kita. Ini kerana, bintik-bintik hitam di dalam hati tidak akan dapat dilihat oleh mata kasar dan bintik hitam yang ada dimuka kita akan dapat dihilangkan dengan menggunakan kaedah-kaedah yang berpatutan. Bintik hitam ini boleh menjerumuskan kita ke lembah kehinaan di akhirat kelak kerana jika hati seseorang itu sudah dipenuhi dengan waran kegelapan, ini akan menyebabkan orang tersebut akan sangat susah untuk menerima tunjuk ajar atau teguran disebabkan oleh hati yang sudah beku itu tadi.

Seperti badan, ia perlukan makanan untuk memperoleh tenaga, untuk mata yang sudah kabur, ia memerlukan kacamata yang bersesuaian. Sama juga halnya dengan hati, hati memerlukan belaian kasih sayang dan makanan yang berkhasiat agar tidak mudah pudar dengan jangkitan-jangkitan yang diluar dugaan.

Makanan hati ialah zikir (menyebut nama Allah). Zikir ialah salah satu cara untuk membersihkan hati yang beku. Akan tetapi perlu diingat, kita hendaklah berzikir secara berterusan sehinggalah kita dapat merasa hati kita itu berbeza dengan waktu yang lampau. Selain zikir, hati yang hitam juga boleh dibaiki dengan bersembahyang solat sunat taubat dua raka'at yang sebenar-benarnya dan berusaha untuk tidak mengulangi perkara-perkara maksiat
"Dan saya (setan) benar-benar akan menyesatkan mereka, dan akan membangkitkan angan-angan kosong pada mereka dan akan menyuruh mereka (memotong telinga-telinga binatang ternak), lalu mereka benar-benar memotongnya, dan akan saya suruh mereka (mengubah ciptaan Allah), lalu benar-benar mereka mengubahnya.' Barangsiapa yang menjadikan setan menjadi pelindung selain Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia menderita kerugian yang nyata. Setan itu memberikan janji-janji kepada mereka dan membangkitkan angan-angan kosong pada mereka, padahal setan itu tidak menjanjikan kepada mereka selain dari tipuan belaka."
[An-Nisaa: 119-120]

Oleh itu, kesedaran hendaklah ditanamkan di dalam diri kita agar kita semua akan dimasukkan ke dalam golongan yang sedikit kerana di dalam Al Qur'an, Allah berfirman tentang kebanyakan daripada manusia itu sesat:

Dan sesungguhnya Syaitan itu telah menyesatkan golongan yang ramai di antara kamu; (setelah kamu mengetahui akibat mereka) maka tidakkah sepatutnya kamu berfikir dan insaf? [Ya-Sin: 60]

Siapakah di antara kita yang ingin menjadi "orang kebanyakan"?

Sedikit renungan..


Di dalam hati manusia ada kekusutan dan tidak akan terurai kecuali
menerima kehendak Allah swt.

Di dalam hati manusia ada keganasan dan tidak akan hilang kecuali berjinak
dengan dengan Allah swt

Di dalam hati manusia ada kesedihan dan tidak akan hilang kecuali seronok
mengenali Allah swt

Di dalam hati manusia ada kegelisahan dan tidak akan tenang damai kecuali
berlindung, bertemu dan berjumpa denganNya

Di dalam hati manusia ada penyesalan dan tidak akan padam kecuali redha
dengan suruhan dan laranganNya serta qadha dan qadarNya serta
kesenantiasaan sabar sehingga menemuiNya

Di dalam hati manusia ada hajat dan tidak akan terbendung kecuali
kecintaan kepadaNya dan bermohon kepadaNya.

Semoga Allah menyayangi kita semua..

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Perjalanan semakin laju

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang sentiasa menjaga kita dan memberikan kita kesihatan. Selawat dan salam semoga dilimpahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw, keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat Baginda.

Umat Nabi Muhammad, umat yang terakhir sebelum terjadinya kiamat telah diberikan oleh Allah dengan ni'mat yang bermacam-macam. Ni'mat berupa kereta, basikal, tube, kapal terbang dan sebagainya. Salah satu tanda kiamat kecil ialah apabila orang boleh sampai ke sesuatu tempat dengan pantas (I've read this somewhere a long time ago but I can't seemed to find the source).

Jika di zaman purba, orang berjalan kaki untuk menuju destinasi yang ingin dituju atau menggunakan haiwan seperti kuda, keldai dan kerbau? Selepas itu, roda telah dicipta untuk memudahkan lagi kerja-kerja pengangkutan benda berat yang biasanya diangkat di atas bahu manusia atau dibelakang haiwan. Roda akan dipasang dibelakang haiwan tertentu untuk dinaiki dan digunakan untuk memunggah barang di atasnya. Selepas itu, ahli fikir telah mendapat ilham untuk mencipta kereta. Selepas beribu kegagalan, mereka akhirnya berjaya mencipta sebuah kereta yang dan hanya mampu bergerak dengan perlahan iaitu lebih kurang 20 km sejam.

Jika kita perhatikan, kenderaan boleh mecapai kelajuan sehingga 1000km sejam dan kelajuan akan meningkat sehingga hanya purata yang hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Coba kita bayangkan keadaan hidup pada zaman dahulu, orang hidup riuh rendah seperti ala eskimo dan untuk mencapai ke sesuatu destinasi akan memakan masa yang agak lama. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh hutan-hutan dan bukit-bukit yang belum di'redah' oleh manusia. Tapi apa yang kita lihat sekarang ialah pembangunan yang pesat, banyak bangunan-bangunan mencakar langit dicipta. Perkara ini lebih menumpu kepada negara-negara yang besar seperti Amerika Syarikat dan Jepun.

Allah Ta'ala berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an: "Janganlah sekali-kali kamu terperdaya oleh kebebasan orang-orang kafir bergerak* di dalam negeri. Itu hanyalah kesenangan sementara, kemudian tempat tinggal mereka ialah Jahannam; dan Jahannam itu adalah tempat yang seburuk-buruknya. [Ali'Imran: 196-197]

*Kelancaran dan kemajuan dalam perdagangan dan perusahaan mereka.

Kita boleh bayangkan keadaan dulu, bagaimana ibu bapa kita yang berjalan kaki ke sekolah, menggunakan perahu dan basikal. Jika tidak disebabkan oleh kesesakan lalu lintas, seseorang boleh mencapai destinasi yang dituju dengan menggunakan kemudahan yang ada.


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Monday, June 11, 2007

ahhh..that smells wonderful?

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

As an obedient servant of Allah, we must constantly reflect back the activities we did through out the day, the week, or the year: what we said, what we heard, what we saw and what we thought of. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is and will always be The perfect example to follow regardless of who you may be. With all the ongoings and changes around us, perhaps, it may be difficult to make this happen as we are often busy updating blogs, busy updating social website networks, busy with work, busy counting money and busy counting how much debt you have left.

Let us think for a second, "things we do today will have an impact in the future". Just like that fantastic movie! "Back to the future". Nobody really knows what the future holds except the Al-Mighty and if you are the one who always believed in daily horoscopes, then, you must quit while you can because without realizing, you are actually believing in something or someone (fortune teller) besides Allah and hellfire will you be 'resting' for all eternity. You will be drinking pus/blood for the drink and stale meat for meal.

I have read many articles where non-Muslim are slowly pulled in into this trap without knowing it! For instance, alcoholic drinks. Booze manufacturers are now trying to come up with a different packaging for alcoholic "soft drinks". They used to make it in bottles but now they wrapped it nicely in a tin can with an appealing logo on it. They must think we are some kind of idiot who would just walk into a store, quickly go into the drinks section, quickly scan into the shelf, found one with a nice logo, grab it and drink it! Unfortunately some of us are. Pity. What would a kid know in this case. Once you drink then its over for you because alcohol IS the root of all evil.

An insight of what alcohol can do. There once lived a pious man who was no stranger to the mosque. One day, he saw another "man" who "seemed" more pious than him. Curious, he approached that "man" and asked how did all the zest come from. So, this "man" started to get into details. He said he was once a bitter man, he drank alcoholic beverages, had many sex encouters and so on. The "man" then continued by saying you should do it to, perhaps then, you would be more 'obedient' than he was. The man also continued, "you have been obedient to Allah for 70 years, one sin wouldn't hurt..". Little did he know, this man was actually satan was satan disguising his evilself. Then satan gave him 3 options, whether he would drink alcohol, commit adultery or kill. He chose to drink alochol as he presumed that drinking would be the minor sin. Drunk and unconcsious, he had sex with a women. After gotten a little sober, not knowing what had happened he then killed the women because he was afraid that people would find out. Instead of commiting only 1 major sin, he committed all. Such a waste!

To conclude, you can see that we must be careful of what we eat, what we drink and who we hang out with because if our friends are the ones who drinks or have casual sex with anyone, you would probably end up like them. Think of it this way, you have a close friend who sells perfume for a living. So everyday you would say hi and hang around at his joint. If you do this often, the perfumes that he sells may get stuck on you shirt without even touching his perfumes. Its the aroma that kills.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "When an adulterer commits illegal sexual intercourse, then he is not a believer at the time he is doing it; and when somebody drinks an alcoholic drink, then he is not believer at the time of drinking, and when a thief steals, he is not a believer at the time when he is stealing; and when a robber robs and the people look at him, then he is not a believer at the time of doing it." Abu Huraira in another narration, narrated the same from the Prophet with the exclusion of robbery. [Sahih Bukhari]

Allah also warned us about satan and his deceitful tools:

O ye who believe! intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of Satan's handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain? [Al-Maidah: 90-91]

friends can take us into a journey of infinite pain and some friends can actually help/guide us to actually become an obedient servant of Allah which will lead to infinite bliss. Its our choice really..

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Strong Vs Weak

All praises, glory and thanks due to Allah SWT who has given all of us health, wealth, peace of mind and especially making Islam as our one and true religion. May our Lord situate our beloved Prophet Muhammad in His highest position and may Allah also give His utmost blessings to his family, those who struggled to safeguard and spread Islam through out the world. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.

"And I (God) created not the jinn (spirit-like creatures) and humans except they should worship Me (alone).” [Az-Zariyat: 56]

Every single thing that has been created by God serves a purpose. For instance, water, amongst the many natural resources available for us to clean, to drink, to water plants, to use during ablution (wudu’) and many more and not to take for granted. Our hand in the other hand is used to lend a helping hand to our fellow Muslims, brothers or sisters and not to do harm to others or to make ruins on earth or yourself such as cutting trees, dumping garbage in the sea and piercing the places where no one should.

"But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this World: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief" [Al-Qasas: 77]

As Muslims, we are advised and encouraged to protect ourselves from the mischievous tactics of satan who will always try to sway us from going to Allah’s direction. Satan and his troops will always device a way to make sure that Adam’s sons are misled into believing that what is sinful seen as virtuous and what is good is seen as sinful. In the Qur’an, satan had promised to Allah that he will make sure each and everyone of us becomes his shameful pathetic melancholy companions in hell. May Allah save us all from the afflicting never ending severe torture of hell.

“And he (Satan) said: ‘I will take an appointed portion of your slaves; I will surely mislead them, and surely, I will arouse in them false desires; and I will surely order them to slit the ears of cattle, and surely, I will order them to change the nature created by God.’ And whoever takes Satan as a protector instead of God has surely suffered a manifest loss. He (Satan) makes promises to them and arouses in them false desires; and Satan’s promises are nothing but deceptions.” [An-Nisaa:118-120]

Our purpose here is often clouded by dangling vague teachings and the thought of life would just end on a full stop. That very idea had led many to astray and becoming the contributing factors of social illnesses in our society. The idea of “everything will be ok once I’m dead” will be the cause of the demise itself. We need to set our preoccupied mind with the belief that…

Life will begin when death becomes of us

Death itself cannot save anyone from being free! and this is what 'brilliant' disbelievers might have thought of, "Death is the solution to every problem". Well, not really, in fact, once pagans / infidels / disbelievers / hypocrites / apostates / wrongdoers are buried, they will be treated with rage and pure harshness like no one could ever imagine.

“The Fire: they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon, and on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): ‘(Now) cause Pharaoh’s people to enter the severest torment!’” [Gafir: 46]

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad had taught us, through his teachings, to read this prayer (doa') just before we give salam during performing salah (solah).

Allah's Apostle used to invoke (Allah): "Allahumma ini a'udhu bika min 'adhabi-l-Qabr, wa min 'adhabi-nnar, wa min fitnati-l-mahya wa-lmamat, wa min fitnati-l-masih ad-dajjal. (O Allah! I seek refuge with you from the punishment in the grave and from the punishment in the Hell fire and from the afflictions of life and death, and the afflictions of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal." [Bukhari]

There are actually many ways to overcome satan's attempts to make us look like a fool during Resurrection Day. One of it would be fasting. There are two types of fasting; involuntary (wajib) and voluntary (sunat) fasting. By fasting, one will be guarded in a sense that your blood veins would shrink? Why this is good? As you know, satan can transform their evilself into whatever forms except imitating The Prophet. This a aligned with the hadeeth narrated Abu Huraira:

I heard the Prophet saying, "Whoever sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, and Satan cannot imitate me in shape." Abu 'Abdullah said, "Ibn Sirin said, 'Only if he sees the Prophet in his (real) shape.'" [Bukhari]

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Fasting is a shield.

So, satan can alter themselves into the smallest form or to its biggest form. he will actually travel into our blood passage and this can be confirmed by the hadeeth below:

Safiyyah reported that the Prophet saw said: "Verily, satan flows in the blood stream of Adam's descendents." [Bukhari]

When a person is fasting, it will be more difficult for satan to get into his veins because that person is abstaining his body parts from all that is forbidden when fasting. Such as talking non sense, gossiping, negative desires and false intentions. The theory here is, we know that every single part of our body will need blood to funtion properly; eyes, ears, heart and so on. If satan is able to penetrate into our eyes for example, satan will arouse us to watch obscene scenes or to perform sinful acts. Ears, satan would encouraged us to listen to gossips, listen to "wasted" music, arousing beats and so on and so forth. The underlying idea here is satan will do what he can to make Allah wrathful.

Men may prefer buldging muscles but does this really mean that they are strong? Some may agree but the rest might not. Nevertheless, in Islam the strongest person is those who can refrain from getting angry even when he is wrong and especially when he is right. Interestingly enough, many of us tend to snap easily when someone started to make false allegations or spreading rumours about us or whatever that is that makes us angry. Weak are those who cannot control their emotions, desires and lust. In conclusion, in Islam, there are many ways to protect oneself from the angst of satan and his clan. By far the most effective way of training oneself to be strong mentally and not just by lifting dumbbells..

The Prophet said, "When a human being is laid in his grave and his companions return and he even hears their foot steps, two angels come to him and make him sit and ask him: What did you use to say about this man, Muhammad ? He will say: I testify that he is Allah's slave and His Apostle. Then it will be said to him, 'Look at your place in the Hell-Fire. Allah has given you a place in Paradise instead of it.' " The Prophet added, "The dead person will see both his places. But a non-believer or a hypocrite will say to the angels, 'I do not know, but I used to say what the people used to say! It will be said to him, 'Neither did you know nor did you take the guidance (by reciting the Quran).' Then he will be hit with an iron hammer between his two ears, and he will cry and that cry will be heard by whatever approaches him except human beings and jinns." [Bukhari]

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