Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Gadis melampau menerima padah

Menurut majalah Manar Islam, pada suatu hari, seorang gadis yang terpengaruh dengan cara hidup masyarakat Barat menaiki sebuah bas mini untuk menuju ke destinasi di wilayah Iskandariah. Malangnya walau pun tinggal dibumi yang terkenal dengan tradisi keislaman, pakaian gadis tersebut sangat menjolok mata.. Bajunya agak nipis dan seksi hampir terlihat segala yang patut disembunyikan bagi seorang perempuan dari pandangan lelaki ajnabi atau mahramnya.

Gadis itu dalam lingkungan 20 tahun. Di dalam bas itu ada seorang tua yang dipenuhi uban menegurnya. “Wahai pemudi! Alangkah baiknya jika kamu berpakaian yang baik, yang sesuai dengan ketimuran dan adat serta agama Islam kamu, itu lebih baik daripada kamu berpakaian begini yang pastinya menjadi tuntutan agama itu dijawab oleh gadis itu dengan jawapan mengejek. “Siapalah kamu hai orang tua? Apakah di tangan kamu ada anak kunci syurga? Atau adakah kamu memiliki sejenis kuasa yang menentukan aku bakal berada di syurga atau neraka?” Setelah menghamburkan kata-kata yang sangat menghiris perasaan orang tua itu gadis itu tertawa mengejek panjang.

Tidak cukup setakat itu, si gadis lantas cuba memberikan telefon bimbitnya kepada orang tua tadi sambil melafazkan kata kata yang lebih dahsyat. “Ambil hanphone ku ini dan hubungilah Allah serta tolong tempahkan sebuah bilik di neraka jahannam untukku,” katanya lagi lantas ketawa berdekah-dekah tanpa mengetahui bahawasanya dia sedang mempertikaikan hukum Allah dengan begitu biadab. Orang tua tersebut sangat terkejut mendengar jawapan dari si gadis manis. Sayang wajahnya yang ayu tidak sama dengan perilakunya yang buruk. Penumpang-penumpang yang lain turut terdiam ada yang menggelengkan kepala kebingungan. Semua yang di dalam bas tidak menghiraukan gadis yang masih muda i tu yang tidak menghormati hukum hakam itu dan mereka tidak mahu menasihatinya kerana khuatir dia akan akan menghina agama dengan lebih teruk lagi.

Sepuluh minit kemudian bas pun tiba perhentian. Gadis seksi bermulut celupar tersebut di dapati tertidur di muka pintu bas. Puas pemandu bas termasuk para penumpang yang lain mengejutkannya tapi gadis tersebut tidak sedarkan diri. Tiba tiba orang tua tadi memeriksa nadi si gadis. Sedetik kemudian dia menggelengkan kepalanya. Gadis itu telah kembali menemui Tuhannya dalam keadaan yang tidak disangka. Para penumpang menjadi cemas dengan berita yang menggemparkan itu. Dalam suasana kelam kabut itu, tiba tiba tubuh gadis itu terjatuh ke pinggir jalan. Orang ramai segera berkejar untuk menyelamatkan jenazah tersebut. Tapi sekali lagi mereka terkejut. Sesuatu yang aneh menimpa jenazah yang terbujur kaku di jalan raya. Mayatnya menjadi hitam seolah olah dibakar api. Dua tiga orang yang tersebut juga kehairanan kerana tangan mereka terasa panas dan hampir melecur sebaik saja menyentuh tubuh si mayat. Akhirnya mereka memanggil pihak keselamatan menguruskan mayat itu.

Begitulah kisah ngeri lagi menyayat hati yang menimpa gadis malang Nauzubillah, sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Berkuasa di atas segala sesuatu. Sangat baik kita jadikan ikhtibar dan pelajaran dengan kisah benar ini sebagai muslim sejati. Jangan sekali sekali kita mempertikaikan hukum Allah dan mahupun sunnah RasulNya saw dengan mempersendakan atau ejekan. Kata kata seperti ajaran Islam tidak sesuai lagi dengan arus kemodenan dunia hari ini atau sembahyang tidak akan buat kita jadi kaya dan seumpamanya adalah kata kata yang sangat biadab dan menghina Allah, pencipta seluruh alam. Ingatlah teman, kita boleh melupakan kematian, tetapi kematian tetap akan terjadi bagi kita. Hanya masanya saja yang akan menentukan bila kita akan kembali ke alam barzakh. Janganlah menjadi orang yang bodoh, siapakah orang yang bodohitu? Mereka itulah orang yang ingin melawan Tuhan Rabbul alamin. Pabila anda enggan melaksanakan suruhan Tuhan bererti anda ingin melawan arahan Tuhan.

Sewaktu di sekolah anda tertakluk dengan undang-undang sekolah, dalam pekerjaan anda tertakluk dengan undang-undang yang di lakar oleh majikan anda, di dalam negeri anda tertakluk di bawah undang-undang negara anda. Begitu taksub sekali anda terhadap undang-undang itu hingga terlalu prihatin takut kalau melanggar undang-undang itu. Apabila anda berpijak di bumi ini, anda juga tertakluk dengan undang-undang yang telah di gubal oleh yang menjadikan bumi ini. Setiap Sultan ada taman larangannya, begitu juga Allah swt. Taman laranganNya adalah perkara-perkara yang telah diharamkan bagi hamba-hambaNya di muka bumi ini. Sama samalah kita memohon agar Allah sentiasa memberi kita petunjuk di atas jalan yan g benar dan kekuatan agar sentiasa dapat menjaga lidah kita.

[Petikan dari:]

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Sluggish Connection

Allah made many comparisons between humans and animals in the Qur’an. The All-Mighty said humans if they do not behave according to the policies made by Him, our rank can go lower than animals or even worse than animals.

We need to understand we are of His best creation of ALL of his creations. We are equipped with a brain which enables us to think. We think about different sorts of things all the time. We think about where should we eat for lunch; what kind of cap and what the color should you buy for your spouse; what time should you sleep tonight; will it be enough; will it be too early; what time should I leave the house; will the traffic be worse tomorrow; all sorts of questions and all sorts of doubts. And this is something that animals and insects don’t possess.

Ever wonder why they have mouse traps installed? Ever wonder why there are fresh dead cats on the road? And ever wonder why animals are doing it in public and why married couples do it behind locked doors? It’s because, animals cannot think but humans can. If mice have had brains, we can never outsmart them, not unless we try very hard. Unfortunately, most of us are too lazy to even brush their teeth before solah.

It would be a very scary situation if animals did have brains. Not so long ago, people in the west produced a movie entitled “planet of the apes”. I have never actually watched it but I’m sure it turned out great! I think the movie was about the devious plan set up by monkeys to take over the world and that humans will be their slaves. Sounds like that brilliant cartoon called “pinky and the brain”.

Cats, they are so curious to know what’s on the other side of the road that they just jumped into the thick traffic at broad daylight without looking left or right that they don’t even know what hit them. That’s what I called curiosity killed the cat. On the contrary, when we were kids, we were told by our parents and our teachers to always look left or right before crossing the road.

We can understand now that humans can think and won’t act foolish, like jumping off a bridge or doing drugs or openly accepts an invitation for a porn audition. That’s why you won’t be able to see “live shows” in public because every single human instinctively knows that its just not humane to do it in public except in a country that sees strip clubs as entertainment. And that’s why you won’t find any pornography on the Internet. Huh!?

That is exactly the point, humans CAN go lower than animals, they even had cameras, webcam and all sorts of imaging devices set up to record and celebrate their sincere (illegal) love to one another, paid or not paid. Just imagine a couple of years down the road; you would see countless single mothers bearing 2 to 4 children without a proper father. Without a stable job, how can this mother support her children? These unfortunate children will then be left hungry, confused, angry and feeling all sorts of emotions. In Indonesia, most of these children became prostitutes just because of the mother’s uncalled for mistakes. Not because they want to but because they have to get the day by. Whose fault is it?

Are we influenced by animals? ANIMALS!! What do they know, they can have all fun they want because they have no ability to think BUT they do have a motherly instinct. So does humans. If humans didn’t have motherly instinct, we would see child being thrown in disposal areas, buried alive and suffocated. Hang on!? Something is wrong about this post. Are animals better than humans? Because so far, animals sounded more thoughtful when compared to humans. No offence to animals. JUST in case they HAVE the ability to READ since obviously they ARE much more mindful than humans.

Are humans forming into some sort of “manimals”? Are we descending in that order? Are will really lower than animals? There are a couple of ways to find out and they are as below (not in any particular order):

1) You think that watching pornography is normal;
2) You think that gossiping is fun;
3) You think wearing revealing clothes are sexy;
4) You think not performing solah on time is not a sin;
5) You are cool with looking at other people’s aurat;
6) You think that kissing is second base (not married);
7) You think Palestinians are terrorists;
8) You think Qur’an is only for decoration;
9) You think that having intercourse from behind is halal;
10) You think that drinking alcohol beverages are is ok, just as long as, noone watching;
11) You see nothing wrong with killing a child;
12) You see nothing wrong with having a scandal;
13) You see saying nasty words are cool;
14) You think having “accidents” are normal;
15) You see nothing wrong with exchanging handshakes with the opposite sex (besides your family members);

Are humans not thinking enough? Is our brain not functioning as it should? When did we suddenly decide to become retards? Is time moving too fast for us or we’re just moving too slow? Do you feel like you are always running out of time? Do you feel like you are in a different time zone? Do you think you are going crazy? One thing is certain, muslims all over the world are labeled “lazy” by other religions (Islam is the only religion there is).

How can they say such false claim? We read the Qur’an, pray 5 times a day, wake up while everybody’s asleep for tahajjud, we practice what’s in the Qur’an, we show good examples to others, we help the poor, we give a hand to the needy, we invent wanted super cars which are exported all over the globe and replaced intel created by Zionist, we tell our family to do good, we don’t let our daughters go out with strangers, we smile at our neighbors, we don’t support public entertainment or contents, if it’s time to pray, its time to pray, we don’t waste time, we don’t try to magnifies other’s flaws, we never question the policies of Allah..? Didn’t we do all these? Do they have evidence?

If we did, then, why do certain people or body say awful things about muslims? Muslims top clerics even! Maybe, its time to reflect back how we were, how we are now and how we imagine ourselves will be in the future. Its important because, muslims all over the world needs to be brainwashed, needs to be aware of the threats that we are facing now. If we continue to behave like this, I fear that the future of our children, their children, their children’s children will be bleek. Who knows if we even make onto the next phase. But Allah does.

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