Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Step 4. Live As a Muslim (basic knowledge, MUST READ)

You should try your best to live according to Islam. You cannot learn every thing at once. So try to do things in order. First is the prayers. learning how to prayer the five daily prayers. Then knowing the five pillars of Islam. learning how to dress as a Muslim and what to eat and what not to eat. This is explained in their respective sections on the website. If things seem hard at first do not worry. Things will seem so easy in say a years time.

Also a Muslim should eat with his /her RIGHT HAND, not eat pork and other haram (forbidden) food (please look in the social section of the website for further details).

A Muslim should use only the LEFT HAND for cleaning themselves after going to the toilet. Clean with toilet paper and then wash front and backside with water.

A Muslim should also not allow urine, feaces or dog saliva to be on their body or cloths.

A Muslim should not flirt or date or have sexual relationships with the opposite sex other than their husband or wife.

A Muslim should not shake hands or hug a person of the opposite sex other than their mahrems. Mehrems are those people whom it is forbidden for you to marry. For a man it will be his mother, grandmother, sisters, daughters, mother and father's sisters (aunties) and nieces, For a women it will be her father, grandfather, brothers, sons, mother and fathers brothers (uncles) and nephews.

Cousins are not mahrem so you cannot shake hands or hug their cousin of the opposite sex.

Please also note that once one says the Shahadah, he or she starts with a blank slate. No matter how bad the person sinned before embracing Islam he or she is forgiven. So their is no need to worry about past sins. You are sinless and pure. Now you can build start to build your new record of deeds.



[from http://www.converttoislam.org/]

1 comment:

Abdul said...

This one was meant to be read by newly muslim converts..but maybe just maybe, born muslims themselves "forget" the basic rules of being a muslim ESPECIALLY the "Muslim-should-not-flirt-or-date-or-have-sexual -relationships-with-the-opposite-sex-other-than-their-husband-or-wife" part.


Allah lead us to the right path..