Thursday, February 28, 2008

Road To Deen "Shorts" (Part 2)

I just realized they have no names...Let's see what happens next on the final issue of Road To Deen "Shorts"

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hehe...i think you're funny

"Siapa yang berbuat dosa dalam ketawa,akan dicampakkan ke neraka dalam
keadaan menangis."

haha hihi hehe...Banyak manusia yang suka ketawa tanpa menyedari akibatnya. Salah satu akibatnya ialah ianya akan mengelapkan hati. Tanpa disedari hati seseorang yang banyak ketawa akan menjadi (gelap) hitam, yakni, tidak dapat menerima sesuatu yang iktibar ataupun pengajaran yang baik dengan hati yang terbuka. Orang yang begini akan bersikap agresif dan cepat marah apabila menerima teguran. Orang sebegini juga akan bersikap malas dan lebih suka bercakap perkara2 yang tidak mendatangkan manfa'at baik bagi dirinya dan bagi orang sekeliling.

Beberapa kisah pernah menyatakan betapa indahnya senyuman dan ketawa (tidak overdose) nabi kita, Nabi Muhammad. Baginda adalah orang yang paling sempurna budi pekertinya. Tiada siapa yang dapat menandingi baginda baik dari segi amalan dan juga kelakuan. Baginda mempunyai akhlak yang tinggi, mempunyai cinta yang murni kepada Pencipta kita. Baginda hanya tersenyum apabila sahabat2 membuat lawak jenaka, tiada siapa yang pernah melihat Baginda melihat ketawa terbahak-bahak. Pernah juga disebutkan yang orang yang banyak ketawa akan banyak menangis di akhirat dan sebaliknya...logik?

Bagaimana pula dengan kita? Dunia (hancur) atau akhirat (kekal)?

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sketchy But Perfect

By: Brother Rino.
Time taken: 10 minutes
Location: From Yayasan Complex
Weapon of choice: Normal pen

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 8)

i also thought maybe, negative habits kept him extra slow and steady. Since primary one, i would be told what to do and was never asked to do more. All the teachers at school were kind enough to ask i and his classmates to copy what was on the dark greenboard and finish as soon as possible. They all would listen quietly when it was time for story telling session and some would just do crazy gymnastic tricks even before it starts. Red riding hood, robin hood and the rabbit and the turtle were some of the titles i could remember. It was the perfect setup for sleeping session for some.

In school, i was taught the history of how a nation and other nations gained their independence and how outstanding warriors drove out the transgressors out from their land. It was interesting because, if it wasn't for the effort by the great ancestors, i won't probably be sitting in the livingroom, breathing and drinking cold coco. i was beginning to think that the westernization as well as colonization by the different powers shaped him. Each colonization left each the nation with something to remember them by. Religion, education, military, trade, economy, technology were all affected. i never thought that colonization would effect his mind. At first, i thought that colonization was all about getting piece of the action (land) and trying to take charge of everything, EVERYTHING.

Its like they knew that they have done their part in that country and would just stop it with by signing a treaty. But so little i and everyone knew what strategy they had cooked up even before they even begin to make their way to the nation. It was a cunning plan. It seemed as if they had left the area where they terrorized for good but we forgot one thing. During their stay, they managed to pull some of the key players and pursuaded them to wear shorts (for men) and skirts (for women), let females lose their veil, let them eat what has been forbidden so on and so forth. To some who had lacked islamic values could just easily saw this as a sweet gesture since the troops made them looked more "fashionable", "up-to-date" and more "fashion driven". Its like they managed to infiltrate to the local's minds. They were the so-called baby boomers of that time shaped the nation where i live in now.

The rest who were just normal citizens would just take everything in. Meaning, most of them see this as an opportunity to improve their life, status and name. A better standard of living. From that day onwards, i and the rest would just be fed with facts and information we all become fond of and we all speak so much of without knowing the negativites it brings to the nation's development of its blind folded resources. i was one of the many victims of spoon feeding and a mere victim of colonization.

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fear Allah...

Based from the mini survey conducted for almost two weeks, we all had instinctively feared Allah and not satan. Sure...why not? We are ALL God-fearing and we know the consequences of betraying Him. We all (muslims or non-muslims) know that Allah can destroy us in split seconds or snatch away our belongings and pride we hold so close to our chest. He is able to replace us with another group which will be more pious than us, more giving, caring and helpful towards one another. [47:38].

If this data WAS to represent the whole nation, that would mean, every muslim men and women would pray on time, they would cover their body accordingly, they would be cautious when eating out, they wouldn't gossip at all, they wont show how smooth and silky their hair looks or show how tone their skin is to others except to those who is halal, they wouldn't laugh as hard, all would be humble, help those who are poor and most of all, not only they stay away from what has been forbidden and do good deeds but they would also ask others to do good and ask them not to do sinful activites.

All praise only to Allah, if it wasn't for his supreme character, we probably won't even know what the result of this poll. What's that now? Notice how all of us say we fear Allah most (based from the above result) but we still wait until the last minute to perform solah, we still eat at doubtful restaurants, we still show ponytails when wearing hijab (for women) and women still wear outfits which reveals their body shapes and men still wear shorts (above knee), mini shorts anyone? We still watch porn (when you know Allah is watching), we still hold hands in the public (not in MARRIAGE), and we still talk about how bad our bosses are and how annoying our teachers were / are, we still haven't helped those who are in need, those who are poor and those who are hungry. Worse of all, we'd be spooked out if someone said there was a ghost sitting behind you, hiding under your bed or inside the cupboard. Correct me if i'm wrong. Please.

It's NEVER too late too repent and cry for our past mistakes as Allah is The Most Patient (As-Sabur) as well as The Most Forgiving (Al-Ghafur), He let us go on with our lies, not life. In fact, He still let us roam this world freely and let us enjoy and reap a little fraction of this meaningless worldly life. A world which fooled many, a world which will only be realized temporary when we scream our lungs out in agony in our burial ground. Insya Allah.

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 7)

i thought that nobody seemed to be really bothered to find out why they were a muslim. Maybe, everyone just assumed that islam was JUST a religion, just like other beliefs such as chritianity, hinduism and so on. And it was only for spiritual purposes, not for anything else. Islam was not about business (in practice), it was not about the economy, it was not about the people, corporate governance and it was not about self-growth and self-worth. Islam in the past was more about individualism, i thought.

There would be occassional Qur'an classes during fridays and sundays. There would be tahlil every now and then, recital of Surah Yaseen during friday nights and the gatherings of all sorts to remind of the death of the deceased in the family which was annually done. There was a time when i was sitting in one of the ceremony and wondered why i was there. Sure, i could see the closeness amongst the family and the bond fostered but i could not hear any conversation directing towards the Prophet or about how to become a better a muslim or how to develop a technology wanted by all that only a muslim can produce. They would talk about where they children was schooling, how their business were running or how their bosses were treating them.

i was no different, he would talk about the flintstones, smurfs, toys, The A Team, spiderman, incidents which happened at school and so on. Logically speaking, this was the norm and was widely recognized. There could be many factors that added to the growth and development both for its people and the nations itself. Everything was sluggish. i never realized the impact colonization had made to the future of the nation. It left i and every single men and women in the nation dead in a sense that they all inherited, not wealth, but social-economic issues that made how are things today.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Guide To "Road To Deen" (will be up soon, insya Allah)

Road to Deen...

Its not just another comic strip but it is a book which will show sketches of daily activities or situations of an average muslim and maybe non-muslim boy or girl in their quest to pure betterness.

Maybe, there will be readers who will be a little baffled as to which direction the book should be read. That is why I have provided this guide below. Allah is the Best Guide there is and there will ever be.

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Just A Thought (Part 6)

I WONDERED A LOT. i sometimes wondered why he was alive, why the world was round and why was he able to wonder, even!. i often looked at how insects such as ants, bees, grasshoppers move. i thought it was interesting how ants managed to carry food (crumbs) 10 times bigger than their body size, how grasshoppers can hop in such dexterity & how unneeded things are findable and how they suddenly vanished when needed.

Speaking of “acts of disappearance”, i enjoyed playing hide and seek with his siblings, his friends and his cousins, especially. During school holidays, they would do sleepovers at their grandparent’s house or anyone of the relative’s house. It was interestingly fun how the game was conducted. They would go silently crazy when playing this game. The only thing that scared i was the spooky tale about how kids who actually disappeared during playing hide & seek. i didn’t even know if the story was authentic or not. Nonetheless, that really didn’t stop from hiding in closets, in cupboards, behind curtains, under sofas, behind doors and any locations that looked unsearchable. Those who were able to hide without being caught would reveal themselves only when the “searcher” just gave up wholly or when the “searcher” caught them soft giggling until they burst out to laughter.

After a period of hide & seek, i eventually stopped playing. This was after a tragic incident that left me torn. i really didn’t know what really happened but i knew it bothered him and on and off flashbacks just seemed surreal. i remembered being questioned with a lot of questions. That day changed him because it was a turning point of i’s life. From that day onwards, i became more cautious than before. It took him quite a while to pass over that tragedy. i started wondering more and more.

i had so many questions left unanswered, left so may puzzles ruined and left himself unexplained. He began questioning about why certain things happened. Why things or events, even though seemed dreadful / melancholy happen. Most importantly, i often wondered why he IS a muslim…

Read On......

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 5)

..and still no feedback. i really didn't know the real purpose of having that progress book during RS. Maybe it was created for the sake of doing it and having no purpose at all. Just like having a batallion of police but still you don't see them anywhere except a few..very few.The only time you see them during big celebrations and such. Let's just leave it there, shall we?
On the other side of the page, i wasn't really keen in sports but i was quite an active person, he would do run, jump and hide. He would play football with one of his neighbours. Literally speaking. i was quite lucky because he had a professional footballer as a neighbour. So, i would just see him level the ball with his feet. i thought that that was rather spectacular how he was able to run back and forth and still managed to keep the ball alive.

i would also play marbles, kite-flying, riding bicycles, go swimming and experince other exciting activites with his bestfriends. They would play marbles everywhere; inside the classrooms, on sand, on grass, on the concrete, everywhere. It was all about who had the most marbles and who had the skills to aim, hit and take.

During those times spent with his bestfriends, i noticed one thing..i noticed that he had no friends who were interested in islam per se. Not that they were not muslims..they were but none of them had exhibited i how to be a outstanding muslim. Most of them were typical. Typical in a sense that everything was the same. Everyone had the same shorts on, everyone had the same t-shirts on and everyone had their minds set to gear S (stagnant)...

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Terrorists beware!

Do you believe all the news and stories you read / saw on the internet / newspapers or any “official” news channels are true? Would it be an overstatement to say that news aired on television and printed out on morning papers are LIES?

Do you believe that if one movement, body or a nation controls the media i.e. television, newspapers, radios and such have the power to control how stories are depicted / written / broadcasted? Has it ever occur to you that maybe…just maybe; the everyday stories are twisted facts and information which are being transmitted through out the world are wrong?

Ironically, when was the last time you question the practicality of Islam? When was the last time you argued about the laws and principles of Islam? Worse, when was the last time you DOUBT the words of ALLAH (The Qur’an) as well as the teachings brought by Prophet Muhammad?!! Recent maybe…

Do you know who control almost 100% of the media in the West, or even in the EU? Have you ever heard of Zionism? Do you know who are Jewish? Do you know anything about what is REALLY happening to Palestinians in the tiny strip of land called Gaza strip. Palestinians are clinging for their lives just to get the day by, without food or water, without shelter and power (electricity). Young children awaits for the life to be taken as you read this…, elders wait for their turn to be shot dead using rockets by Israel militants. Palestinians have become strangers in their own land.


A) Israelis. Hotels and houses, oversupply of food and drinks, entertainment, prostitutes, bars, alcohol, weapons & so on.
B) Palestinians. Terrorized home. No electiricty, no food or water, dusts, sky as roof and soil ground as floors, pebbles / stones as weapons of choice.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 4)

On the contradictory, attending RS wasn't all that bad. When there's bad, there must be good. We wouldn't know the meaning of hungry, if we were full all the time. Thin or fat so on and so forth. RS taught i the basics of becoming a muslim. They would teach i how to perform solah, how to read the Qur'an with proper tajweed, how to transact with buying and selling and how to divide wealth amongst the living of one's death according to Islam and how important it is to write a will.

i remembered during RS where each and every one of us would be given a book progress which had tiny cells. The top row of the book would be The five daily prayer including Juma'at prayer and the right column would be the days for that particular month. The task was simple. All we need to do is fill in each cells with the prescribed tickmarks as above.

Like everyting else, tickmarks had its meaning and these ticks were no exception. The first tick indicated that you have performed solat on time. Tick X is an indication of performing solah OUTSIDE its allocated time and tick O would mean not performing solat at all. So, at the end of a week, this book was supposedly checked and signed by a teacher. And by the end of the month, all must filled in each boxes by hook or by crook. Like everyone else, somehow, i wasn't able to achieve this and had to find other means to resolve this issue. Therefore, i would just fill in every single space according to his "instincts" whether its correct or false.

It really didn't matter to him or i's friends if the data they submitted to the teacher was correct or not because the teachers weren't that rigorous themselves and they never actually given us any feedback..any feedback at all...

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 3)

Like any other muslims, i also attended religious classes held in the morning. i didn't quite like religious classes due to several factors which i will explain in a bit. i would switch schools every now and then due to different placements given to i's father. i finally sticked to one religious school during his final 2 years. That was a relief because i didn't like moving around cause it affected his friends and moving onto another school equals...

Induction ----> Awkwardness ----> Assimilation ----> Acceptance or Rejection

For i, religious school (RS) had no aim and no purpose (during) because i "thought" that in the end of the day, after you've completed the 6 years, the certificate has no meaning and would not bring him anywhere in this world. Thats two reasons why i didn't like religious school. The other reason would be, the characters of the teachers who taught i and his fellow mates during RS weren't that keen either. Most of them would just read out off the syllabus given.

NOTHING was exciting and nothing that made us wanted to be eager to attend class every school days except for chatting, fooling around during solat and the 50 cents rice packet. Until this day i never had actually taken his offical transcript...

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 2)

Normally, i would spend most of his time in front of the television because back then there weren't much to entertain yourself with except for THAT, playing football, throwing marbles & kite flying. The activities are mostly outdoor. Although, i never actually made it through his art classes but i was quite good with drawing / painting pictures and coloring. i was quite a quiet person in some sense...

i was a happy child with little care about what is going around himself and his surounding. Let alone, what is going on around the world. i would try to climb up a tree once in a while and had difficulties climbing down. i would pick out fruits off a tree and just enjoy the time as much as he can. He really didn't know what he was doing. His objective, purpose & goal weren't so clear.

i was all about fun, fun and more fun. His duties and obligations towards Allah wasn't that consistent because i really didn't know how important it was to perform the daily prayers. Besides, i could not recall any memory of him being "smacked" for not praying when he was 10 years old..

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Just A Thought (Part 1)

i was like being struck by a lighting. i was sure so sure that what i was doing the right thing because i thought that i was showing a good example to others and yet something just did not feel right. Was Allah trying to tell i something...? Something that i should have realized a long time ago...That's when this "thought" came.

As a normal child growing up in a big family and being surrounded with friends who were normal and a family who withheld tradition strong, it was typical to have certain things which we think looked "acceptable" in that surrounding. So, it was normal to see single relatives bring along their "special ones" to social gatherings. Often, i would be asked by normal uncles or aunties whether i had a special one or not. Not only by them but also by i's cousins and friends.

Television also played its role. There would be movies, dramas, cartoons & adverts which contributed to i's development. i was seeing and believing. This was the situation.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Saying Goodbyes...

What is Halal is clear and what is Haram is clear. Midway between them are things which people do not know whether they are Halal or Haram. He who keeps away from them will protect his religion and will be saved. He who aproaches them is very near to Haram, like a shepherd wandering his flock near Hima (protected grazing land), who could soon enter the forbidden area, and Allah's protected area is what He has declared forbidden.”

People often say goodbyes to their loved ones, families, relatives and friends. But how often do people say goodbye to their favorite food or drinks, singers or actors, idols, sport or games, outfit, habits and social gatherings? Not very often. Because our minds have been "poisoned" with the food we ate, the carbonated drinks we sipped, the singers and idols we exalted, the actors we jacked so high up, the sports and games we played even when Allah is calling (azan) and the undoubtedly unlawful friendly environment we all involved in.

Usually, that is how neglectful, ignorant, naive and stubborn humans can be and they will continue to sail over the rough seas in their shameless dingy vessel until death becomes of them or when they are encountered with something remorsefully tragic or when Allah's guidance sinks in. (read between the lines).

Enough!! I DON'T want to listen to this ####!!
If you want to preach, got the mosque, I'm sure there will be someone there will be glad to listen to your poems!!!

That is our nafs (lust) shouting. Since our mind and body has been poisoned, it often fights back and will try to be more defensive towards the truth (the reality of things). Naturally, we like to hear what our nafs is whispering. Little did we know what our nafs works hand in hand with satan and these two will try to deject the little solemn voice that says, "hmm..this isn't right, I shouldn't even be here" or " this halal..should we just leave?" or "[pause]...I think Allah's wrath will come running if I do this".

I just can't help it, the temptation is TOO strong and besides, everyone else is eating/doing it, so why can't I!?

Sad but true, muslims themselves are overwhelmed by this overpowering force that caused us to be caught in many situations where "if you're not in it, then you're just out of date" or "you're such an anti-social person, I don't wanna befriend you anymore". Even with the little knowledge that we have and the environment we are in, can we really blame ourselves for our won actions and behaviors? Despite that we are all trapped...

Is it over...? I REALLY wish there was something I can do to change the way I am..I REALLY DO.. *sad*

Changing isn't easy. It takes a lot of patience & willpower. Our mindset needs to be clear as well, and at the back of our mind, we need to be confident that Allah is with us (as He always is), He is with those who are willing to help themselves and with those who cleanse themselves for the better and believe that there is life after death and those who does good for His sake will be returned to paradise for eternity and those who does evil will also be "rewarded" and have fiery flames as their roof, their walls and their floors.

The first thing is to
tune back our mind to channel Islam. We need to make sure that all we do is in accordance with the principles and laws of Allah. We need to reject SLOWLY the things we are unsure of, the things we have made us lost and the things which have made us once ungrateful servants of God. We need to filter our the negativities and bring in the history of pioneers of Islam. And we need to make Prophet Muhammad as the person we look up to. Not some swanky beat down celebs. It needs to be clear because we want to go straight this time, not left or right. Also, we sure don't want our lust to take over our mind and corrupt THE PLAN.

The second thing is to change our eating habits because food provides the necessary proteins and energy to our body. If we don't eat, our body gets weak (just as people in Palestine, may Allah save them all) and moody. And when our body is weak, our mind can't think straight. Great care needs to be taken here. Based from hadeeth mentioned earlier, what is haram is clear and what is "in between", is better avoided. They are the things which are unsure of. Humans will naturally tricked into believing that whenever there's a label "HALAL", its halal. Well, not necessarily. We need to look at the companies and pepole who makes them and as we all know, most multinational producers are owned by jews. They are owners of MAGGI (nestle), MILO, COKE, MIRINDA, Marks & Spencer, Self-fridge, kitkat, cadbury and many more [the lists can be gotten here. These are the kind of food we need to avoid not because we need to but we HAVE TO.

We also need to avoid restaurants which have non-muslims as their cook / chef, non-muslims as the bosses (managers) and "so-called-muslims" as their waitresses. Why? Because Allah only accepts what is pure. Based from the hadeeth:

“Verily Allah the Exalted is pure. He does not accept but that which is pure. Allah commands the believers with what He commanded the Messengers. Allah the Almighty has said: "O you Messengers! Eat of the good things and act righteously" [23:51-53]. And Allah the Almighty also said: "O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with" [2:167-172]. Then he (the Prophet) mentioned (the case of) the man who, having journeyed far, is disheveled and dusty and who stretches out his hands to the sky (saying): "O Lord! O Lord!" (while) his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful, and he is nourished with unlawful things, so how can he be answered?”

The third component that we need to take care of is our soul. Just like our body, our soul needs to be fed as well. We need to feed our soul with a lot of readings and remembrance of Allah. We can read books written by great muslim scholars as well as non-muslim once, just as long as its beneficial to the development and progression of Islam. But the most important that we all should read is The Qu'ran (Kitabullah) and the Prophet Hadeeths [just be sure its sohih (genuine)]. This way our soul will be enriched and nourished. That way, we would be somewhat better than the rest (but not to be proud) and complete.

"O Ka’b b. Ujrah, no flesh which was nourished on ill-gotten gains will enter Paradise, as the Hellfire is more deserving of it.” (Related by Ahmad)

So, when are you going to say YOUR goodbyes?

Read On......

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bumi sebagai Kenderaan

Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya engkau sentiasa berpenat-lelah (menjalankan keadaan hidupmu) dengan sedaya upayamu hinggalah (semasa engkau) kembali kepada Tuhanmu, kemudian engkau tetap menemui balasan apa yang engkau telah usahakan itu (tercatit semuanya). [Al-Insyiqaaq: 5]

Segala puji dan syukur kepada Allah di atas ni'mat yang diberikan tanpa mengenakan sebarang bayaran ataupun upah. Udara, bumi, langit, gravity, siang & malam adalah di antara ni'mat-ni'mat Tuhan yang sangat berharga sehinggakan manusia sendiri tidak dapat menaruh harga kepada makhluk2 (ciptaan) Allah tersebut.

Tanpa kita sedari, kita sekarang seperti berada di atas kapal terbang yang besar yang memuatkan semua manusia yang hidup ataupun yang sudah pergi dan akan mendarat dalam jangka masa yang tidak di ketahui. Tapi ketahuilah wahai manusia yang mempunyai akal, kita PASTI akan mendarat. Samaada kita suka ataupun tidak...

Kadang2, kebanyakan daripada kita hanyut dengan keseronokan dunia sedangkan keseronokan yang ada di dunia adalah terlalu sedikit berbanding dengan ni'mat atau kesenangan yang akan kita peroleh di akhirat kelak. Terlalu banyak manusia yang sudah / telah & akan mengadaikan jiwa, harta, raga dan agama mereka demi mencari ni'mat dunia. Maruah dan harga diri tidak dipadang indah lagi bagi manusia kebanyakan kerana kebanyakan daripada manusia akan lebih suka kepada perkara2 yang menunjukkan perangai seperti binatang atau lebih rendah daripada itu.

Jika kita perhatikan manusia yang kufur kepada ni'mat Allah baik dari segi perbuatan, percakapan dan tingkah laku akan merasa senang apabila mereka mendapat ni'mat dan akan merasakan dirinya sudah di"mulia"kan dan akan merasa dirinya dihina oleh Tuhan apabila bencana yang menimpa. Ini adalah bertepatan dengan firman Allah. [89: 15-16]

Perlu diketahui bahawa apa jua kebaikan mahupun kesusahan yang menimpa diri anak adam (manusia semua) adalah cobaan yang datang dari Allah. Sebagai contoh, orang kebanyakan mungkin akan merasakan bahawa jika seseorang itu gagal dalam peperiksaan adalah sesuatu yang tidak baik (musibah) dan orang2 sekeliling pula akan mengatakan bahawa kita adalah orang yang bodoh dan tidak pandai belajar. Sebaliknya, jika seseorang itu lulus dalam sesuatu ujian dan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang, orang2 sekeliling pula akan mengucapkan tahniah dan besar kemungkinan akan mendapat pujian seperti, "kau seorang yang pintar, aku suka sama kamu" atau "tahniah diatas kejayaanmu".

Dua scenario di atas menggambarkan betapa ceteknya akal manusia dan betapa jahilnya orang kebanyakan (tidak semestinya orang miskin/susah/kaya). Tidaklah Allah menimpakan manusia itu dengan cobaan tanpa sesuatu sebab dan setiap kejadian yang menimpa ada hikmah yang tersembunyi. Berbalik kepada scenario pertama tadi, orang yang sedikit akan mengucapkan tahniah kepada orang yang gagal tadi bukan di atas kegagalannya, akan tetapi di atas usaha yang sudah diberikannya*. Dia akan menyatakan bahawa orang yang gagal tadi patut bersyukur kerana besar kemungkinan jika dia beroleh kejayaan, akan timbul pula rasa ujub, takbur dan ria. [Orang yang seperti ini tidak akan masuk syurga berdasarkan hadis Nabi yang kira2 bermaksud, "tidak akan masuk syurga orang yang mempunyai sedikit sifat sombong". Wallahu'alam.

Bagi scenario kedua, fikirkanlah....

*tertakluk kepada niat

Read On......

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tiada Awan

Syukur kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan di atas ni'mat dunia yang ada penghujung dan harapan kita tadahkan agar nanti, Dia memberikan kita ni'mat syurga yang tiada berkesudahan. Tiada siapa yang mampu melawan kuasa-Nya dan tiada siapa yang mampu menandingi-Nya. Tiada Tuhan selain Dia dan Dia Kekal untuk selama-lamanya.

Awan adalah suatu ciptaan agung yang Allah ciptakan untuk menghiasi langit yang terbentang luas. Ianya diciptakan agar manusia memerhatikan betapa sempurna, halusnya ciptaan Allah dan terutama sekali agar kita mendapat petunjuk daripada. Terdapat beberapa faedah yang dapat kita ambil daripada awan. Salah satu daripadanya ialah bagaimana Allah menciptakan awan tersebut agar manusia dapat mengetahui samaada hari akan hujan atau tidak. Tapi perlu diingat bahawa awan yang mendung tidak bererti hujan kerana Allah berkuasa melakukan apa yang Dia kehendaki.

Manusia secara tabi'at semula-jadi akan mencari tempat untuk berselindung & berteduh. Semasa bekerja, beriadah, semasa beratur digarisan yang panjang dan sebagainya. Kita selalunya akan pergi ke tempat-tempat yang teduh di mana tiada cahaya matahari yang menyinar dan kita dapat berselindung daripada terik matahari terutama sekali semasa matahari berada di atas kepala (tengah hari). Di saat inilah manusia akan lari mencari tempat yang berhawa dingin, tempat yang boleh membuatkan kita merasa sejuk buat seketika. Restoran-restoran dan tempat kedai-kedai makan / minum yang tidak mempunyai alat hawa dingin akan lingkup kerana persekitaran mereka yang panas. Awan berfungi sedemikian rupa kerana tanpa awan, kita akan tidak dapat tahan hidup di dunia ini kerana panas matahari dunia.

Di dunia, manusia dapat lari dan mencari tempat berlindung daripada cahaya panas matahari dan dari masalah-masalah peribadi. Perlu diingat bahawa semasa di padang mashyar nanti, matahari akan berada sejengkal dari atas kepala kita dan kita tidak akan dapat lari pada masa itu kerana semua manusia akan hirau / resah dengan keadaan mereka masing-masing. Mereka akan tengelam dalam peluh mereka sendiri. Melekat & busuk. Inilah balasan bagi mereka yang tidak peduli / mengendahkan perintah Allah dan melakukan dosa dan maksiat semasa di dunia.

Sebaliknya, bagi mereka yang mengerjakan amal-amal kebajikan dan melakukan semua kewajipan dan sedaya upaya meninggalkan SEMUA kemungkaran kerana ALLAH akan berteduh di bawah pokok yang rendang dan angin yang sayu menyejukkan badan mereka. Wallahu'alam.

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