Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tahlil (dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

Berikut ini penulis bawakan sejumlah pendapat Ulama-ulama Syafi’iyah tentang masalah dimaksud, yang penulis kutip dari kitab-kitab Tafsir, Kitab-kitab Fiqih dan Kitab-kitab Syarah hadits, yang penulis pandang mu’tabar (dijadikan pegangan) di kalangan pengikut-pengikut madzhab Syafi’i.

1. Pendapat Imam As-Syafi’i rahimahullah.

Imam An-Nawawi menyebutkan di dalam Kitabnya, SYARAH MUSLIM, demikian. “Artinya : Adapaun bacaan Qur’an (yang pahalanya dikirimkan kepada mayit), maka yang masyhur dalam madzhab Syafi’i, tidak dapat sampai kepada mayit yang dikirimi.

Sedang dalilnya Imam Syafi’i dan pengikut-pengikutnya, yaitu firman Allah (yang artinya), ‘Dan seseorang tidak akan memperoleh, melainkan pahala usahanya sendiri’, dan sabda Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (yang artinya), ‘Apabila manusia telah meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah amal usahanya, kecuali tiga hal, yaitu sedekah jariyah, ilmu yang dimanfaatkan dan anak yang shaleh (laki/perempuan) yang berdo’a untuknya (mayit)”. (An-Nawawi, SYARAH MUSLIM, juz 1 hal. 90).

Juga Imam Nawawi di dalam kitab Takmilatul Majmu’, Syarah Madzhab mengatakan.

“Artinya : Adapun bacaan Qur’an dan mengirimkan pahalanya untuk mayit dan mengganti shalatnya mayit tsb, menurut Imam Syafi’i dan Jumhurul Ulama adalah tidak dapat sampai kepada mayit yang dikirimi, dan keterangan seperti ini telah diulang-ulang oleh Imam Nawawi di dalam kitabnya, Syarah Muslim”. (As-Subuki, TAKMILATUL MAJMU’ Syarah MUHADZAB, juz X, hal. 426).
(menggantikan shalatnya mayit, maksudnya menggantikan shalat yang ditinggalkan almarhum semasa hidupnya -pen).

2. Al-Haitami didalam Kitabnya, AL-FATAWA AL-KUBRA AL-FIGHIYAH, mengatakan demikian.

“Artinya : Mayit, tidak boleh dibacakan apapun, berdasarkan keterangan yang mutlak dari Ulama’ Mutaqaddimin (terdahulu), bahwa bacaan (yang pahalanya dikirmkan kepada mayit) adalah tidak dapat sampai kepadanya, sebab pahala bacaan itu adalah untuk pembacanya saja. Sedang pahala hasil amalan tidak dapat dipindahkan dari amil (yang mengamalkan) perbuatan itu, berdasarkan firman Allah (yang artinya), ‘Dan manusia tidak memperoleh, kecuali pahala dari hasil usahanya sendiri”. (Al-Haitami, AL-FATAWA AL-KUBRA AL-FIGHIYAH, juz 2, hal. 9).

3. Imam Muzani, di dalam Hamisy AL-UM, mengatakan demikian.

“Artinya : Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memberitahukan sebagaimana yang diberitakan Allah, bahwa dosa seseorang akan menimpa dirinya sendiri seperti halnya amalan adalah untuk dirinya sendiri bukan untuk orang lain”. (Tepi AL-UM, AS-SYAFI’I, juz 7, hal.262).

4. Imam Al-Khuzani di dalam Tafsirnya mengatakan sbb.

“Artinya : Dan yang masyhur dalam madzhab Syafi’i, bahwa bacaan Qur’an (yang pahalanya dikirimkan kepada mayit) adalah tidak dapat sampai kepada mayit yang dikirimi”. (Al-Khazin, AL-JAMAL, juz 4, hal.236).

5. Di dalam Tafsir Jalalaian disebutkan demikian.

“Artinya : Maka seseorang tidak memperoleh pahala sedikitpun dari hasil usaha orang lain”. (Tafsir JALALAIN, 2/197).

6. Ibnu Katsir dalam tafsirnya TAFSIRUL QUR’ANIL AZHIM mengatakan (dalam rangka menafsirkan ayat 39 An-Najm).

“Artinya : Yakni, sebagaimana dosa seseorang tidak dapat menimpa kepada orang lain, demikian juga menusia tidak dapat memperoleh pahala melainkan dari hasil amalnya sendiri, dan dari ayat yang mulia ini (ayat 39 An-Najm),

Imam As-Syafi’i dan Ulama-ulama yang mengikutinya mengambil kesimpulan, bahwa bacaan yang pahalanya dikirimkan kepada mayit adalah tidak sampai, karena bukan dari hasil usahanya sendiri.

Oleh karena itu Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tidak pernah menganjurkan umatnya untuk mengamalkan (pengiriman pahala bacaan), dan tidak pernah memberikan bimbingan, baik dengan nash maupun dengan isyarat, dan tidak ada seorang Sahabatpun yang pernah mengamalkan perbuatan tersebut, kalau toh amalan semacam itu memang baik, tentu mereka lebih dahulu mengerjakannya, padahal amalan qurban (mendekatkan diri kepada Allah) hanya terbatas yang ada nash-nashnya (dalam Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) dan tidak boleh dipalingkan dengan qiyas-qiyas dan pendapat-pendapat”.

Demikian diantaranya pelbagai pendapat Ulama Syafi’iyah tentang TAHLILAN atau acara pengiriman pahala bacaan kepada mayit/roh, yang ternyata mereka mempunyai satu pandangan, yaitu bahwa mengirmkan pahala bacaan Qur’an kepada mayit/roh itu adalah tidak dapat sampai kepada mayit atau roh yang dikirimi, lebih-lebih lagi kalau yang dibaca itu selain Al-Qur’an, tentu saja akan lebih tidak dapat sampai kepada mayit yang dikirimi.

[Disalin dari buku Tahlilan dan Selamatan menurut Madzhab Syafi’i, oleh Drs Ubaidillah, hal. 8-15 terbitan Pustaka Abdul Muis - Bangil, tanpa tahun]

[Petikan daripada http://ainuamri.wordpress.com]

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

That was fun

In the name of Allah, The Most Richest, The Most Forgiving. May Allah bless our beloved Prophet, his family, his companions and all those who sacrifice their time, money & sweat only for Allah's sake. We all will return to Him one day and all hidden agendas will suffice, all disguise will be unveiled and each cent will be accounted for.

Life on earth as we all know is a playground, a place where toddlers learn how to walk, to run or to jump. It is a place where we can temporarily enjoy what Allah had created for us. Unfortunately sometimes, majority of us (including muslims, let alone non-muslims) are having too much fun until we forget the real purpose on earth. We forget our purpose, our objective, the ULTIMATE reason why we are here. But really...can one have too much fun? The great calamity!!

Islam has taught its followers to do everything in moderation. That is how everything should be. In balance as opposed to imbalance. Weird how this world was seen as flat, weird how humans were said to have evolved from monkeys and weirder how people are easily get their ear red when their ego is challenged. If one knew how to find moderation in controlling emotions, everything will surpass. The question now is...do YOU know your purpose on earth

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Saturday, January 19, 2008


Sometimes blaming other people for our mistakes, errors, carelessness & stupidity just isn't morally correct [ethical]. But somehow it is seen as normal in a community where killers, rapists, time wasters, drug addicts, burglars, roam the busy roads, dark alleys and empty rooms. We live in a world where each and everyone of us carry responsibilities. Just as we will be during hereafter. Humans are typically irresponsible for their words and actions.

Pointing fingers, taking a fall, fault shifters or finding whose to blame are some of the reasons why humans can never develop and mature. Its never a good sign to find out that our friend blamed us for his mistakes. This happens everywhere. Like in accident. Who do we blame for a death of an innocent pedestrian or who do we point fingers to when a life is lost? Do we blame the car driver, do we blame the passenger for being to noisy or talkative or do we blame the authority for not putting sufficient road lights? The lists go on and there will be no stopping until someone will actually admit that its his or her fault why it all happened.

Our beloved Prophet was a perfect man who had everything under controlled. His enemies tried to device countless ways to deviate him or make him angry and history had witnessed heedless attempts to kill him. But instead of being killed, he maintained his composure and stay well above head when his loyal companions were up their knees to make some menace.

Prophet Muhammad had a female jew as a neighbour. One day, this woman made roasted lamb for The Apostle. Willingly, the Prophet accepted the dish and decided to eat it with some of his companions which were present at that time. Just when the Prophet was about to eat the lamb, the lamb suddenly spoke to the Prophet and said that the lamb was poisoned. One of his companion died not long after he ate the lamb. The prophet put down the lamb and asked one of his companions to summon the female jew. The Prophet then asked why did she do such a thing. The jew then answered, if you were not the genuine Prophet, you would have been killed just like your companion and that if you are a real Prophet, you will be protected by Allah and be given specialties. After that, the jew proclaimed her shahadah (there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger) and converted to islam.

A perfect strategy. The demonstration showed by Prophet Muhammad is what MADE islam great and that is why so many non-muslims were very keen in converting to Islam. Islam in the PAST HAD everything under its wing. We controlled the economy, finance, politics, science and so on. We had everything...Islam were at its peak. We were followed and copycat (ed). Its all gone now due to our own mistakes, poor judgements, little devotion to Allah, little reliance on the Qur'an and hadeeth. Instead of being followed, majority of muslims are now followers. We are like a piece of drawing canvas, we lay there and just wait for our time to be drawn and left to be hanged dry...

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Arsenal Football Club has just signed (26th February) a sponsorship deal to promote Israel as a tourist destination.

The £350,000 agreement makes Israel Arsenal's "official and exclusive travel destination." Israel will be featured on digital perimeter boards and 450 high-definition LCD screens at the stadium on game days.[1] The tourism ministry will also have access to the club's official website Arsenal.com, database and magazine to promote Israel as a holiday destination [2]

The televised ads will reach audiences of up to 700 million in an estimated 198 countries. The Israeli Tourism Ministry will also receive intellectual property rights, the use of the team logo and the right to use photos of the team and its players in ads. For an additional fee, Arsenal players will also appear in the ads.[3]

The deal doesn't stop with promoting Israel but actually grants Israel a physical presence in the stadium. The Israeli Tourism Ministry can use the stadium's banquet hall twice a year and can organize an exhibition at the end of the playing season.[3] The stadium will also feature permanent sales tables for t-shirts.[4]

The two-year sponsorship deal begins at the start of next football season in six months' time.

With the world boycotting Israel as a tourist destination Israeli tourism minister Abraham Hirchson admitted employing Ernst & Young financial advisers to help develop a new strategy to entice people to Israel. He estimated that the sponsorship deal will bring in an additional 2 million tourist to Israel annually.[3]

Arsenal's managing director, Keith Edelman at a press conference in Israel explained how Arsenal could help sell apartheid Israel: "We are the largest club in London and have 30 million fans around the world. We are in the forefront of the anti-racism campaign in England and have an excellent brand that can promote any product... we will assist Israel become a more popular destination". He also promised "when we find the time, club representatives and players will come to visit Israel,".[3]

The Jerusalem Post has hinted that Arsenal's chief shareholder, Danny Fiszman, vice chairman David Dein and managing director Edelman have used their Jewish backgrounds to steer the club towards Israeli causes including setting up football academies in Israel [3] at a time when when Palestinian children are routinely targeted by israeli snipers whilst they play football.[5]

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz confirmed this, quoting Uzi Gafni, a director of the Israeli Tourism ministry on the Arsenal deal as saying "I knew I needed someone with ties to Judaism, Edelman may not go to synagogue every Friday, but there are warm Jews at Arsenal who wanted to give something to Israel.".[6]
[source: http://inminds.co.uk/boycott-arsenal.html]

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Phatetic Youth

Thank you for the baggy pants that mopped our floors
Make sure don't leave a spot coz that'd be loss
You may think you're different but you're just the same
One in a million, more like nine tenth..

You are trying to hard to impress, what a mess
Wearing all that same shirt until it smells..yeesh
You spray it with a bottle of cheap perfume until
You feel dizzy from smelling your own stench

You're like a child kid, easily fascinated
Easily lured into the damaging culture of the tiny west
if you think they control what is here then
You must wait and see how will they react Then

What kind of world we live
Our kids playing with fire
But they don't know what comes after that

I don't need your lavish lifestyles to destroy our place
I don't need your addiction towards foolishness
You are poorest of poor coz not only
you've no money but you haven't got a price tag on

If someone dares to prove me wrong
Please do so coz I would bet but I don't
coz it's wrong so I won't but do go on
And please try to make it short and dont prolong

Your pace is slow, slower than turtles, slower than slugs
The future growth of this nation will be numb
The poor will start wearing shoes
And the rich will buy every inch of the land

Don't look at me like that coz you don't owe me
I don't see you givin' dontions or even alms-giving (zakat)
You despise those who are nice to you
Not because they're actors but they are trying to help you

What kind of world we live
Our kids playing with fire
But they don't know what's the consequence

AIG (Allah is GREAT!)

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Just Happened?

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Passionate. May Allah showers peace and blessings upon our beloved Prophet. May The Most Powerful grants us strength to defeat those who makes Islam a mockery delight. Only Allah can save one from threats and dangers around us. You can run and hide from all your obligatory duties as a muslim but once you are six feet under, then you will know the taste of true bitterness of your sins, worldly laughter and non-meaningful tears.

Its almost as if time just went unknown. During the whole 12 months, there may be hearts that has been broken, eyes have been drenched and old memories would just fade. A perfect story ending, just like how most movies end, there will always be tears, laughter, joy and sadness. Too typical. If we look closely of how our mind, body and soul is developed, we will learn a valuable lesson that will be useful for the future.

We've seen flash floods, landslides, forest fires, contagious deadly diseases, drought during 1428 hijrah, that caused countless deaths, damaged houses and left that's left scattered in temporary shelters and accommodation with only minimal food supplies. Crying babies, pregnant mothers, senior elders, all in distress, felt the extreme discomfort and uneasiness of the situation. Before, everybody was well-off and had everything they wanted. A new bentley, a complete real-life movie theatre set with a big fat 'lazy' leather chair and a brisk of wine on the side. Each restaurant had 'all-you-can' eat buffet for breakfast, brunch, lunch, high-tea and dinner which caused almost everyone to laze and sleep until the next morning. Mixing of boys and girls in an uncontrolled environment. Can they really control it?? Tits showing, wandering evil eyes and mind. Where will we be having the party tomorrow? Is there a concert tomorrow? It was just a perfect setting...

Meanwhile, the poor, the needy, single mothers, and the homeless never asked more than what they bargained for. They ask so little. A sip of tea or maybe a nickle to get the DAY by. Just so that they can feel how it feels like to be comfortable and not to be a beggar. Old folks home was never a home in the first place which later became a place for gambling. It was each and every man to look after their aging parents. 54" plasma tv BOX used as a shelter and used thrown papers as a blanket.

These situations invited Allah's wrath. Allah never liked those who take things for granted, never liked those who spends lavishly on unnecessary items and never liked those who acted like how satan is. Alcohol was already haram in the first place. Never liked the things above. Everyone acted on their dirty lust and their misaligned minds. They fed their full stomach with detestable foodstuff and made music as their god. Asian countries are feeling the 'heat wave' of the western phenomena where we are now witnessing the tragedies and natural occurrences experienced by people in the west. Even, the smallest country with the smallest population is also having similar affect.

Try reminiscing how situations were in the past. All were decent and kind, all were covered and mindful and everyone HAD respect for one another. It was also a perfect setting except that it was only practised by few and that few had somehow departed and left the last wondering. As true servants of Allah, the situations that are happening now should be seen as a warning from Allah. We need to be more aware and more stringent when seeing things which are not according not Islamic laws and regulations and NOT those laws and regulation MADE UP by humans!!

Our mind should be mindful. How? Know your boundaries and know your responsibilites as a muslim. If you are strong enough to stop immoral acts, then go ahead and make something stopped and don't just walk by and then feeling sorry for only observing. When you are able then, use your body as a tool to stop what is wrong. Once you have, your soul will be enriched and you will feel like this, "alhamdulillah...that felt good" [in your mind].

Look after your family and yourself from fire of hell (you will know HELL is real when you saw it with your own two eyes and only then you will regretfully say to yourself, "I should've done good deeds on earth.." but by then it will be ALL TOO LATE) and try not be walk on this earth proud and felt like you've accomplished something big coz YOU HAVEN'T!!

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Babi & Rambut

Segala puji bagi Tuhan yang telah memberikan kita kesempatan untuk menghirup udara yang segar lagi nyaman dan memberikan kita peluang untuk berjalan di atas bumi ini untuk mencari rezki yang halal demi mencari keredhaanNya.

Tidak dinafikan kadang2 kita lupa apa itu dosa dan apa itu pahala. Dalam Islam ada perkara yang jika kita buat akan mendapat dosa dan ada pula yang boleh kita lakukan, akan mendapat pahala. Berjudi, hubungan sex bebas, minum arak , mengumpat (gossiping) & sebagainya adalah di antara perkara2 yang dilarang (haram) dalam Islam. Balasan di dunia bagi mereka yang membuat dosa adalah seperti sentiasa dalam keadaan gusar dan susah hati (tiada ketenangan hati), kekurangan wang, merasa seperti tiada yang cukup dan sebagainya. Balasan di akhirat pula api neraka yang jika setitik daripada cairannya jatuh ke bumi maka akan hancurlah segala apa yang ada dibumi ini.

Perkara-perkara yang akan mendapatkan seseorang itu untuk meraih pahala adalah seperti memakan makanan yang halal, melakukan kebaikan terutama sekali kepada ibu-bapa, kepada anak yatim dan orang-orang miskin, memberi sedekah secara sembunyi-sembunyi dan mengingat Allah. Balasan bagi mereka yang membuat kebaikan dengan niat yang betul (bagi yang beragama Islam) adalah ketenangan jiwa, sentiasa merasa cukup walaupun sedikit, terasa keceriaan, mendapat syurga dan terutama sekali mendapat cinta Ilahi.

Secara lazimnya, kita secara semulajadi akan merasa jijik apabila melihat seseorang atau tahu salah seorang daripada orang islam memakan daging babi. Bukan saja memakan daging babi tetapi, kita akan merasa jijik dan geli apabila melihat babi yang sebenarnya. Babi sebenarnya tidak begitu comel seperti apa yang dilukiskan / digambarkan oleh pelukis. Dan orang yang menyangkan mereka tampak seperti orang yang comel semasa memakai ataupun menggunakan benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan babi adalah orang yang 'pintar'.

Apakah yang menyebabkan kita merasa begitu jijik dan geli apabila melihat babi dihadapan mata kita ataupun mengetahui ada yang memakan babi? Barangkali disebabkan oleh islam sendiri kerana islam telah mengajar umat Islam untuk tidak menyentuh babi apatah lagi memakan babi. Ini kerana babi mempunyai sejenis kuman yang boleh mendatangkan penyakit / mudarat kepada badan manusia seperti gila babi.

Perkara yang SAnGAT menghairankan ialah orang-orang Islam secara amnya tidak pula merasa jijik dan geli pula apabila melihat orang yang tidak memasang hijab semasa keluar di kawasan awam seperti kedai beli-belah, pantai dan masjid?? Sedangkan, memakai tudong / jilbab adalah wajib bagi orang wanita islam dan menampakkan aurat kepada orang yang bukan muhrim adalah haram. Rasulullah s.a.w semasa di isra' kan, baginda melihat banyak dari kalangan wanita yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih dan apabila baginda bertanya kepada malaikat Jibril, dia mengatakan bahawa mereka itulah wanita-wanita tidak melindungi rambut mereka dari pandangan lelaki semasa di dunia.

Jadi, kenapa orang Islam tidak merasa jijik dan memandang serong kepada mereka yang tidak memakai jilbab (tudong) dan LEBIH merasa jijik apabila orang islam memakan babi? Besar kemungkinan di atas kejahilan individu dan cara pembawaan dan pembesaran individu itu sendiri. JIkalau kita amati, orang yang tidak bertudong akan mendatangkan bahaya kepada orang awam kerana wanita yang tidak bertudong tersebut melakukan MAKSIAT secara terang-terangkan sedangkan orang yang memakan babi menanggung dosanya sendiri-sendiri.

Sebagai kesimpulan, orang islam hendaklah menyedari bahawa orang yang tidak bertudong adalah ahli maksiat akan mendatangkan murka Allah kepada orang yang tidak berdosa. Dan lagi, orang islam hendaklah mempunyai sikap jijik dan benci kepada benda yang haram, bukan hanya kepada orang yang memakan yang haram seperti babi, rasuah, akan tetapi kepada mereka yang tidak memakai tudong dengan sepatutnya.

Lindugilah kami dari fitnah kuburMu ya Allah...

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