Just A Thought (Part 1)
i was like being struck by a lighting. i was sure so sure that what i was doing the right thing because i thought that i was showing a good example to others and yet something just did not feel right. Was Allah trying to tell i something...? Something that i should have realized a long time ago...That's when this "thought" came.
As a normal child growing up in a big family and being surrounded with friends who were normal and a family who withheld tradition strong, it was typical to have certain things which we think looked "acceptable" in that surrounding. So, it was normal to see single relatives bring along their "special ones" to social gatherings. Often, i would be asked by normal uncles or aunties whether i had a special one or not. Not only by them but also by i's cousins and friends.
Television also played its role. There would be movies, dramas, cartoons & adverts which contributed to i's development. i was seeing and believing. This was the situation.
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As a normal child growing up in a big family and being surrounded with friends who were normal and a family who withheld tradition strong, it was typical to have certain things which we think looked "acceptable" in that surrounding. So, it was normal to see single relatives bring along their "special ones" to social gatherings. Often, i would be asked by normal uncles or aunties whether i had a special one or not. Not only by them but also by i's cousins and friends.
Television also played its role. There would be movies, dramas, cartoons & adverts which contributed to i's development. i was seeing and believing. This was the situation.